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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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I remember listening to the first podcast in September 2005. Michelle Bauer was involved in a car accident and Edmund snatched her baby. It wasn't very compelling. The weak dialogue didn't heighten the lame storyline. When I younger, I remember recording episodes of "Ryan's Hope" on a hand held recorder and listening to them later on a long car ride. Those episodes were strong because the dialogue worked. Today's soaps seem to have a stronger focus on storytelling than day-to-day writing. In its final years (pre-Wheeler/Kriezman), the show did manage to produce some really well done episodes and arcs in terms of dialogue especially when the story was incredibly weak.

Anyway, I don't think podcasts would have worked. I'm surprised the show didn't hire Alina Adams to do a continuation ala "Another World," not that I would have wanted that to happen. I'm just surprised they didn't go that route.

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Transcript of Yahoo! Chat with Guiding Light's Beth Chamberlin (Beth) December 20, 2000

Beth: Hello all you great, fabulous Guiding Light fans!

alyssa_1200 asks: Beth, first I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your work! You're a wonderful actress. I'd like to ask, what has been your most challenging work so far on GL?

Beth: It's an interesting question. The whole Luekemia story was challenging in the way that as an actress it required my digging down deep emotionally. Then there are also the challenges when what you are doing is not consistent with your character. The whole Matt and Beth story I couldn't understand. A lot of the stuff with Jim, I found our pairing very challenging and difficult at times.

sarah__k asks: I just watched today's show. The scenes at the fire were so heart wrenching and everyone really did a wonderful job. How do you prepare yourself to do such emotional scenes?

Beth: There is a lot of work that goes into emotional scenes. I have to be very clearly emotionally hooked up to each moment. Some of the fire stuff especially, the scenes where I had to go into the house. It was frightening. When we went in during taping, I was a nervous wreck. I was literally shaking uncontrollably.

sarah__k asks: How much preparation do you have for something like that? Is there a lot of stunt coordination?

Beth: Our director was wonderful that day. We did have great special effects people. I didn't feel like I was unprotected. So there was not any prep time. We actually shot four episodes the day of the fire. We started at 7 in the morning and didn't finish until 11 in the evening. Sometimes in soaps, they don't have the time for take after take after take.

cynderella40 asks: What is going to happen to your character now that Jim is dead?

Beth: I think that is that Edmund will play into what goes on next with Beth. He will be a big player. That will make for an interesting story. Edmund is an interesting guy for Beth, especially in contrast with Phillip. When she is with Edmund, Beth is healthier than when she is with Phillip.

taz19977 asks: What is David Andrew Macdonald really like?

Beth: David is the nicest, most fabulous man you could imagine. He's terrific to work with. He's such a gentleman. So polite and intelligent.

some_obscure_reference asks: Do you have a favorite memory or storyline?

Beth: I still think my favorite storyline was having to deal with Carl dying. There was so much intrigue with that. It's definitely my favorite.

taz19977 asks: Is Brittany Snow easy to work with?

Beth: Brittany Snow is a dream. She's such an enormous talent. She's also an incredible professional. To go to school and know her lines and her mark the first time, everytime, she just amazes me day after day.

taz19977 asks: What's it like working with the younger actors in comparison to what was it like for you as a young actor?

Beth: I'm impressed by all of the young actors on the show. Just comparing them to me, because my background had prepared me more for theater I was completely overwhelmed. I was not prepared with my training to work this quickly. I'm amazed that I don't see more of that from this new younger set. I'm quite impressed by them.

roxanne_m21 asks: Beth, do you miss little Hayden? Love you in Canada!

Beth: Oh that's so sweet! I worked with Hayden for so long now (for three years). Of course I miss her. I feel like a mother to her. We worked so long together. I don't know what the plan is, she has quite a career going. She's an amazing actress. She's so talented, such a great kid. You work with people for such a long period of time. When you are playing the parent of someone, it's your responsibility to take care of them.

princess_angel29512 asks: Seasons Greetings, Ms. Beth. Do you and Beth Ehlers [Harley] really get along?

Beth: Beth Ehlers is one of my favorite people. We love it when we get to fight. We love to laugh with each other about it. When she called me a slut, I'd just start laughing. Another day when we were fighting, I just couldn't keep a straight face. I just love her so much. The fight scenes are so hilarious to us.

some_obscure_reference asks: Who is your favorite cast member to work with?

Beth: Oh boy! It's just such a great cast! So many different people are favorites in different ways. Grant Aleksander, Beth Ehlers. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by such great people here.

alyssa_1200 asks: Beth, I read that you and your husband teach ski lessons. Have you had a chance to get out and enjoy the snow yet?

Beth: No, actually we haven't. I am hoping that during our week off we will at least ski one day. We are hoping to fit in a ski date very soon.

bluegill_swamp asks: Beth, do you think the characters choices of where they've sought solace after the disaster have been realistic?

Beth: I think it's pretty realistic frankly. Because of the situation, you really want to be close to those people that have experienced the same loss that you have. It's a very common reaction. She wouldn't feel that Harley likes Jim very much, Beth will definitely miss Jim more. Susan wanted to be with someone who is experiencing similar pain.

playa_2001_and_on asks: Who are you close with on the show?

Beth: Tina Sloan and I are very close. She's like a second mother to me. We have similar mannerisms. We are almost mirroring one another on the set. I am always so flattered, when people tell me I look like Tina.

roxanne_m21 asks: Beth, hello! Just wanted to let you know that you, Brittany, Beth, Grant, and of course Anthony had me crying up here in Canada! What an emotional episode. Was it very difficult to say goodbye to "Jim" as well as your costar? We were sad to see him go! Love you in Canada!

Beth: Yeah, we had a going away party for Anthony. And we all drank lots of margaritas. His last day was a very emotional day. You work with someone for so long and so closely. It's like a part of you is not going to be here anymore. It was very strange now that he isn't here on the set anymore. He was taken from us so dramatically. Anthony's real leaving didn't seem to be real. It hit all of us when it was his last scene, when everyone came out to applaud him.

lanie_777 asks: Hi Beth! It was great seeing you and David in Columbus last month. You are as sweet as everyone told me you are! Do you have any other appearances coming up?

Beth: Oh, I wish I did! I wish I knew of one. At this point, I don't know of any right now. I love doing appearances. It's nice to meet fans and get feedback.

jack_hammer_999 asks: Do you have a website?

Beth: I'm afraid I don't have my own website. In fact I just recently got my computer and I've only just recently gone online. Maybe I will have one in the next few months. The best thing will be to go for the Guilding Light website to look for a link, because I will be getting one in the next few months or so.

school147862 asks: Do you know what Anthony is planning to do now that he's gone? And, do you know what direction they're taking Beth? Will they pair her with Edmund?

Beth: Anthony Addabbo moved out to Southern California. Tony is very happy out there. He has so many irons in the fire. You're going to be seeing him someplace very soon. I believe she will be pairing with Edmund. She's available now. It makes it much easier for Edmund now that Beth's available. She gets a strange comfort from Edmund. He knows how to comfort her. She is drawn to him in this time of need that she is experiencing.

school147862 asks: If you could write Beth's storyline, what would you write?

Beth: I would like to see Beth making a choice of being with Edmund or not and I would like to see her becoming stronger. I see that Edmund could help Beth become stronger. She's a little unstable and fragile at times now. I think Edmund could really help her gain some strength. I would like to see Beth work through some of her demons. She had an awful childhood. Not being with Philip has left her at loose ends.

priness1622us asks: Hi! I am one of your biggest fans! How did you get started with your career in acting?

Beth: I was a dancer first. And I wanted to act, but I was afraid to admit that to anyone. I'm from northern Vermont, so it seemed like a remote possibility. I took acting classes for a number of years. I found myself an agent. I went on many many auditions, before I got Guiding Light. Guiding Light was the first contract role that I actually got.

sma22335 asks: Would you ever want to work behind the camera?

Beth: I do think periodically about directing. I don't think you can help but think about it. As an actor, you cannot help but want more control, over camera shots and directing other actors. It's a great way to create work for yourself. Sylvester Stallone, if he hadn't written Rocky wouldn't be the star he is today.

stigmatas_about_the_groin asks: Do you have a special diet to help maintain your emphatic physique?

Beth: Thank you very much. I'm not on a special diet. My husband and I do eat very healthy. During the week, we eat very healthfully. Very few carbs. Mostly fish and vegetables. On the weekends, we do have pasta. We do try to excercise every day.

melindajo2000 asks: Beth, is it a lot of fun working with Grant Alexander and Michael O'Leary? I bet it would be.

Beth: I met Grant when I was in my early twenties. I was new, while Grant had been around for a while. Grant used to "keep me in line." Michael O'Leary is just one of the funniest people around. He's absolutely funny. I love the comedic moments on the show.

glfan33 asks: Is there anyone you wish you had more time with on the show?

Beth: Well, Michael O'Leary. I adore him, plus I like Beth and Rick's history together.

stigmatas_about_the_groin asks: Do you ever forget your lines?

Beth: I tend to work on my scripts all on the weekend. I usually need a couple of days to sink in. It's not always possible for me to learn it all on the weekends. It's tough for me, when I have to memorize the night before. I like to let them sit inside me and just let them come out naturally.

some_obscure_reference asks: Do you have any hobbies?

Beth: My husband and my main hobby has been renovating our house. We've been restoring and renovating this house and property. We're putting in gardens. It's fun, but it does get a litte much sometimes. It's going to be many years before this house is completely done.

priness1622us asks: What was the most stressful episode you were ever in on Guiding Light?

Beth: I think that during all of the suff with Lizzie's leukemia was very stressful. The show we shot when I was told she had leukemia, was a hard show for me, because it very closely mirrored when I was told my father died. It was a very hard time for me.

sma22335 asks: If you could change the plot what would you change?

Beth: It's hard for me to answer. I'm happy with how Beth is. Her neuroses offer many places to go as an actress. The plot door is wide open right now. We're only just beginning this new storyline.

duchessit asks: How do you relax after a long day of work?

Beth: I have a glass of wine with my husband.

lanie_777 asks: What's the funniest thing you remember happening on the set? I have heard there are quite a few practical jokers behind the scenes.

Beth: Well, hands down it's always Ron Raines. Nine times out of ten it's either Ron Raines or Michael O'Leary. Recently, Ron Raines was supposed to say to Lily "We both know Philip is the only man for Beth." But he said "We both know that Beth is the only man for Philip." Then he said "We both know that Philip is the only woman for Beth." It was so funny.

sarah__k asks: I've heard about Michael O'Leary's infamous impersonations. Does he do one of you?

Beth: He does one of me, but I haven't seen it in so long. His one of Grant is so perfect! He does a William Shatner that is my favorite thing. I make him do it all the time.

priness1622us asks: If you weren't an actor, what do you think you would be doing now in life?

Beth: If I could, in my dreams, I would be a writer. I don't think I'm as able as I would like to be. But I love writing. Playing with words, sentences, and imagery. Performance art is so different, acting is so different. It's always changing. Whether I would be able to do it, is another question.

school147862 asks: Beth, what will you and your husband be doing over Christmas?

Beth: Over the holidays, we will be going to see my mother in Vermont. On New Year's, we have a traditional small dinner party.

priness1622us asks: What actress or actor did you look up to when you were younger?

Beth: I can't say there was a specific actor or actress. I will say is that my parents always instilled in me that if you worked hard enough at a goal, and you were persistent at it, you could achieve your heart's desire. I'm definitely glad I jumped into my dream. Go for your dreams, you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

sma22335 asks: Do you feel awkward during love scenes?

Beth: I think you always feel somewhat uncomfortable doing love scenes, at least as a woman. The more you work with someone the easier it becomes. It all depends on how well you know the actor. How comfortable you are with an actor.

quido420 asks: Will the show air on Christmas?

Beth: I believe we are preempted that day. Check out the CBS website to be sure.

duchessit asks: Beth, are you conscious of the fans you've got in Italy?

Beth: Yes I am and I am very, very grateful for the fans in Italy as well. My husband and I are looking to go to Italy next year. I really want to go, because I haven't been. Maybe I'll get an appearance in Italy.

jdubea2 asks: Do you have any children in real life?

Beth: No I don't. Not yet.

quido420 asks: What kind of music do you listen to?

Beth: I am so diverse. I love listening to one thing one day and one thing the next. I like most everything. I'm not big on rap, but there is some rap I like. I don't have patience for Heavy Metal. Pretty much everything else I love. I've got very diverse tastes.

quido420 asks: Is there someone who's not on the show you'd like to work with?

Beth: Off the show, the actors I would love to work with are: Robert Duvall, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington. I'm so amazed by their talent. I so love watching them for different reasons. I would love to just hang out and watch them work.

sma22335 asks: Do you have any say in what goes on in the writing?

Beth: Not really. But our head writer, Claire, is really terrific. She's so open. I recently asked for a scene to justify something that happens later. Claire was so wonderful she had a writer rewrite a whole scene for me. It will air sometime around New Year's. Everyone stay tuned. It really gave me what I needed to explain to the audience what Beth was going to do. Claire is really interested in what makes characters tick. She's really terrific.

taterbump asks: I have watched GL since I can remember. I know it's the longest running soap. Tell me, are there any original characters still on?

Beth: Meta is probably the longest running character.

Beth: These were great questions. I'm always impressed by our fans. The writers so often get notified of fans not liking things. It's always important to hear of when fans do like episodes. Positive stuff is always really great. Sometimes you really need the positive stuff to get it going. Thanks so much. Bye.

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Adams did do a continuation of Guiding Light but it happened on Twitter. It ran for a few years and was then discontinued. I didn't read it consistently but it was told from Mindy's point of view. Mindy, who married Rick, turned out not to be a Lewis after all. Toward the end, Roger Thorpe resurfaced very much alive.

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Has anyone ever told us what Marland's original plans for Carrie were? Was there ever talk of a little boy from what I remember? Marland probably used some of his Carrie ideas on ATWT.

Was it ever hinted that Phillip was Carrie's son? I have been speculating that some of Marland's thoughts for Carrie were used on Iva Snyder.

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I think Carrie's son had been seen or mentioned after her trial, when she'd been acquitted due to temporary insanity, or something like that. I think Ross took her to meet her son. This was before they knew she had DID and before she started sleeping with Josh, the kid who mowed the lawn, etc.

I'm not sure what they would have done if Jane Elliot hadn't been fired. I think Marland said he wanted to have a therapy story for her and show the psychological rehabilitation process.

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I think I read somewhere that Marland planned for Carrie (or one of her alters) to shoot and kill Jackie Marler, followed with a long trial where the truth of her DID would come out, but that Jane Elliot's firing had changed those plans.

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With Robin Mattson back as Hope I doupt the character would be a typical heroine any longer. Kim Zimmer's Hope could become a little bit like her Nola Aldrich. The no longer innocent alcoholic wife of a rich man.

Too bad that we never got to see the entire Carrie story. Perhaps shooting Jackie might have something to do with Phillip's real identity. tongue.png

I fell in love with Marland's GL and no other writer could ever make me love the show the same way after that. The mid-eighties were a NIGHTMARE.

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That Carrie story sounds a little too dark and rough for that era of GL, although I know Marland would have done a great job writing it.

Mattson's first GL stint was Hope as a heroine, so I think she might have pulled it off, but you have a fair point.

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