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Search For Tomorrow Discussion Thread

Paul Raven

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I was reading a Digest from April 1984 and they were talking about whether Search was getting good again, praising Sunny's rape story. They also praised Ellen Barrett, and said, essentially, the last producer had only cared about personal publicity, not the show.

Wasn't Mary Ellis Bunim the producer before Barrett? I was shocked at such an upfront slam, especially since Bunim was still in daytime at that time (ATWT, or on her way to ATWT).

Or was that Joanna Lee?

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Joanna Lee. I think Mary-Ellis left SFT in 1981 and moved over to ATWT so she was long gone from Search by 1984. Fred Bartholomew replaced Mary-Ellis and Joanna Lee replaced him. Remember the infamous August 1983 where Search went live because the tape mysteriously disappeared? Many still think that was a publicity stunt engineered by Joanna Lee.

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I didn't realize :( I didn't know her from Search, I just knew her as Meta, but I loved her as Meta. I remember reading that before she died, P&G had a little ceremony for her, with an honorary Emmy, and a gift of thanks. In many ways I think that was probably the last goodbye for the P&G era.

I'm glad to see you here again. I haven't posted as much stuff lately but if there's anything you're interested in seeing, let me know.

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I just watched the three flood episodes of SFT. Such great stuff to watch. I didn't know who everyone was, of course, but the spirit of the town was amazing. The Weather Channel and CNN reporter was a nice touch, too!

Jane Krakowski's voice sounds quite a bit different here. Even though she's younger, it sounds less...daffy here than it does on 30 Rock.

Did John Loprieno's character die? It makes sense--he was on OLTL later that same year.

David Forsythe wub.png .

Mary Stuart spending an entire episode nearly underwater when she was afraid of it--amazing!

Something about Suzi made me want to smack her upside the head. I know she was looking for her husband and it sounds heartless, but CAGNEYCAGNEYCAGNEY...ugh!

Sunny Adamson is love. Just from these episodes alone, she seems like such a great character wub.png .

And did Stu sleep through the whole flood or something? laugh.png

I'd seen the first two on WoST years ago, although I don't think I ever saw all of the second one (oh, dial up--how I DON'T miss you)--how great to see all three episodes! smile.png

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I think someone said his character just sort of vanishes.

saynotoursoap also put up an episode with just the three McCleary brothers. Not sure if you got to see that.

These episodes are certainly a tour de force. While I think the annoying Suzi and not all that interesting Patty weigh it down a little, there are still some superb moments (I think there's one of Jo looking out a window at the makeshift hospital).

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