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Y&R: Nelson's New MAB Interview

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So Patty Jane isn't the "wounded bird" many here excused her as? She was meant to be a dangerous villain.

Also, provided, Zapto's death was only played for shock and nothing else, so who the hell can believe this animal loving bull?

Wow, just WOW. She can't even acknowledge they made some HUGE mistakes this summer. I get it, she can't come out and say her show sucks, but she can't even say, "We made some mistakes, but we're working to correct them?"

This summer has been a storytelling disaster Maria, and if it is indicative of your style and that of your henchmen, it is not a good thing...

Is that why your story ideas seem to be from message board posts from months before they end up showing on screen?

Switch gears? When?

True to history? You mean the lighting fast pacing, the neglect of the corporate side of things, the overload of psychos, heavy plot driven writing, neglecting half your cast, and confused character motivations? Yeah Maria, whatever.

Do you "get it" Maria? I don't think so, but that's just me...

What bullshit IS THIS? The Adam character has been increasingly problematic since Muhney took over with his one-note acting skills. The writing for the character has gotten more outlandish, the motivations are all over the place, and there's absolutely nothing sympathetic about him.

This gaslighting story seems to be the one storyline turning most people off, and yet, that isn't acknowledged.

Nelson so has a hard-on for Muhney.

How was Phillip's story a "gay story" when he almost never been on since coming back and saying he's gay? His one episode in August isn't a "story", Maria...

LOL! Phillip HAD NO STORY after coming back dear. You HW this show, you should know that. The Phillip character was completely DROPPED after he came back to his family. No one can question this.

She also mentioned more story for Katherine, but um, WHAT ABOUT JILL? Is she going to continue to play evil demon to St. Katherine, which was never their dynamic anyway? Poor Jess Walton. I love Jeanne Cooper, but she's had enough story this year. It's time for Jill to come back to the forefront.

This interview has made me detest Maria Bell and her regime more than I usually do...

Go to the link for the full interview, plus an interview with Carlivati...

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Ugh, she admits no mistakes and probably will keep propping storylines like the Philip one because they are personal favorites, and I just want one person just one time to ask her why veteran actors like Christian Le Blanc and Tracey Bregman can't get off the backburner. The man won his third damn emmy and probably won't get a story.

And I am sick of Branco's Michael Muhney love. He did the same thing with other mediocre actors, Daniel Goodard and Josh Morrow in the past few years. He gets the hots for an actor and inflates their importance and props them to those in charge, and yet will tear apart his hair models he doesn't like. He can like Muhney, but the guy is not the be all and end all of actors on this show. How about asking her why vets like CLB, TEB, and KSJ can't get any love from her? I guess her love for history and vets only includes her personal favorites.

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Branco's interviewing style is atrocious. ME ME ME ME ME ha ha I'm so cool and with it ME ME ME ME ME. I can barely even read the questions.

What the h!ll is inspirational about Phillip's coming out story? He returns to town, completely unapologetic about his past, he has a few halting scenes with his loved ones that are quickly dropped, and now he barely appears once or twice a month. How is this supposed to inspire people?

The fawning over Muhney is embarrassing.

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Haha!!! I love watching y'alls heads explode. I have to say she and Nelson are BOTH WRONG WRONG WRONG about Muhney. He's not giving layers to any damn thing. She's saying with the rest of it, there's going to be a big convergence. Well.... as long as there is, I'll wait to see how it goes. And I'm glad she straightened out the Phillip thing. She writes this show, he was on today quite a bit, it's OBVIOUS he's going to get story. Just because they lay him aside for a month don't mean he's done. It means they were waiting for him to get done with his art exhibits and Tricia to come back form Tennessee to start shooting again. When you have to work around actors who have unusual shooting requirements, you cna't just do what you want, when you want it. You all are just mad cause you jumped her butt from what you read in SOW, and now your'e left with enough egg on your faces to make a denver omlette. That's what THAT is all about.

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I agree with you guys. What a horrible interview - too much suckage as usual!

And it's a shame MAB doesn't see her mistakes, the mistakes from this summer. I guess it's true what someone told me. So disappointing.

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So I was right. I told you that MAB considered Phillip's coming out a gay story. I knew it. Let me join the I TOLD YOU SO gang. I want alphanguy and others to admit that I was right. LOL!

I must have missed something. Did MAB say that Phillip was getting a story? alphanguy says that this obvious, but I didn't see that in the interview.

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What I want to know how was that a "gay" story? If it had to be categorized, it was more of a typical "back from the dead" story. Phillip only said he was gay and they talked about it for only like two episodes and it was never brought up again.

She didn't mention anything about Phillip III getting a story, just that she thought him coming back from the dead and saying he's gay was a gay story. How lame. :rolleyes:

alphanguy can claim whatever, but Philip III hasn't been mentioned in any of the Fall Previews thus far.

They totally dropped Phillip III anyway after he announced he faked his death.

MAB has been known to tell lies, so we'll see...

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I've heard that from a few people who work at TV City...

At first I brushed it off and thought she was just new to this world and getting settled in.

Now? What a b!itch!

She thinks this show is perfect as is, so we won't be seeing any changes. The Y&R that is happening right now is the Y&R we'll see as long as she and her henchmen are there.

I mean, again, I understand that she can't come out and say her show sucks. But to admit to no mistakes and to claim the show wasn't uneven this summer? Come on now. People gave Frank Valentini hell for saying OLTL made no mistakes a few years back, I wonder if people will do the same to MAB now. I guess not. :rolleyes:

The gushing for Adam/Muhney is just eye roll worthy...

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Why are you guys getting so worked up about whether or not it's a gay story? They BOTH are gay stories, but how does that change the fact that both sucked and were horribly written? The only reason we're debating this is because everything is told in such a plot driven manner. Rafe and Phillip don't matter as human beings so their sexuality is a small part of the story. I still can't believe the six months (or more) of story potential they blew through with Rafe and characters like Miguel, Douglas and Lynne were better developed but had a lot less story. It's sad.

I'm not asking you to give me spoilers, but are you basically saying that what you heard is comin soon isn't going to be great? I still have little hopes inside of me that the show will improve.

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MM seems like a great guy, but his Adam seems like a bad DAYS character. As a matter of fact I remember a hospital scene with Lily and Colleen, where I thought that it would be classic DAYS with a different background music.

Sometimes I think Brad Bell is secretly writing Y&R and that's the reason we get B&B stories about Deacon and Amber etc. Then I think that Maria propably doesn't like Brad very much. Look what she did to Brad Carlton. And I think Brad Bell's wife's name is Colleen... ;)

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