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AMC: The Moving/Not Moving Thread

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I agree. It's like,

ATWT: "That's not fair! All My Children gets to go Heather's party on Saturday! Why can't we?"

CBS: "That's because All My Children isn't on our network. You are, and we say YOU'RE CANCELED! Now, go clean your dressing rooms!"

ATWT: "But --"

CBS: "Don't make me say it again!" :angry:

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:P You say that simply cuz ATWT is and has always been your show. if you rack up 1970 till now AMC and 1970 till now ATWT AMC arguably has had far stronger years than ATWT-if we're being silly. Anyway it's a moot issue to blame one show with zero connection to another lol.-they're not even int he same time slot most places. it's like "Oh I'm so mad Sarah Connor Chronicles is over and Law And Order gets ANOTHER spin off and it's a worse show" grumble grumble.

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OTOH, Rux, AMC (and ATWT) are practically synonymous w/ NYC. I've never thought of one without thinking of the other. That's why I, personally, cannot wrap my head around this move. Remember when not just AMC but all the NYC-based soaps had a great tradition of hiring theatre actors? Now, with WT - not to mention, GUIDING LIGHT - gone and AMC moving west, that "responsibility" falls on OLTL's shoulders - and who knows how long they're gonna last?!

For many in the NYC theatre community, daytime represented a chance to make a living @ their craft while still having the (relative) freedom to pursue their first love: the stage. With all these shows dying or leaving, though, many actors, esp. the younger ones, will have no choice but to move to L.A., since that's where the work is now; which could prove detrimental to Broadway as we know it.

Daytime must return to NYC someday. These fools just don't realize what they're doing here.

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To be fair, and I'll admit that I know next to nothing about the theatre industry, but personally, I think it's much more of a pressing issue for daytime to worry about daytime as opposed to worrying about Broadway. If these shows can get more life and more of a shot at improving quality by moving out west, I'm all for it. If Broadway suffers because of that, then maybe Broadway needs to start making its own changes.

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I don't want to get into the Broadway vs. daytime debate mainly because I don't think there is one. However I do think it's important for NYC to get back to nurturing its TV/film industry regardless of whether its daytime or primetime. Broadway will always be tied to the tourism industry so its fortunes will rise and fall with that but NY seems to be losing a lot of TV production. It can't all come down to Law & Order.

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Oh, I hope it didn't seem like I was starting a debate. Not my intention. I have nothing against Broadway at all. Those people work extremely hard, too, and I don't want to take anything away from that at all, but hey, at least they still get a decent amount of respect from the general media. If Broadway was dying out the way soaps are, it'd be a very big deal. I just want soaps to do what's best for soaps, because they're definitely on the endangered species list.

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