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AMC: The Moving/Not Moving Thread

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And I don't?

Look, maybe it's b/c, I heard a similar song-and-dance when PGP unveiled GUIDING LIGHT's last production model, but I really don't see how moving ANY soap to another coast will help things in the long run, especially when 1) the NYC-based soaps are themselves a dying breed; and 2) we still have to contend with the same crappy EP (Julie Hanan Carruthers) and the same head of daytime (Brian Frons) who micro-manages everything into the ground (or somewhere else). You don't save daytime by loadin' up the truck and movin' to Beverly (sorry, Flatt and Scruggs). You do it by hiring a more competent EP and HW, and then getting the hell out of their way.

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And for the sake of accuracy, it's not really big Broadway Broadway that we're talking about when we say that the New York soaps have historically reaped the benefits of outstanding theatre talent. What we're really referencing is the considerably less funded and less paying Off- and Off-Off-Broadway scene. Sure, these days you see familiar Broadway personalities (usually from the popular musicals) show up in recurring roles on daytime, but that's another world from the smaller downtown theatre scene where Rauch and Lemay recruited well-trained actors of the Stanislavski tradition who usually appeared in forward-thinking, daring new works, actors who got little to no pay. When Robin Strasser talks about how soaps have made it possible for actors to do theatre, this is what she means, not the folks starring in Broadway shows who could live off of their paychecks without the need for "safety" jobs. Broadway struggles, but its worries are nothing compared to those of the soaps right now, and as marceline said, the tourist industry helps to take care of that. Theatre geeks from the Midwest want to come to New York to see shows like Spring Awakening, most of them don't care about what's on stage down in the Village. Just as many adults want to see the shows they're *supposed* to see like like The Producers and Phantom.

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Interesting. Is that entirely new or a revamp of the current set? I can't really tell.

It looks smaller than the current set but a nicer set overall and has more of a classic Pine Valley look to it

I wonder who has been overseeing all this work out west, which must have started before Dec 11th?

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I was just going to ask if Erica would be getting a new place, and I must say, Krystal getting an "old fashioned drugstore / general store" sounds very cute to me, how Green Acres/old-school Pine Valley.

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