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Y&R: Episodes discussion., Week of July 6

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They want us to see Sharon as doing this for everyone's best interest.

Sharon was more unpleasant earlier this year, but they stopped that by having Mary Jane be the heavy. Now Sharon and Phyllis are victims, at least for now.

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I agree with each of these. I'm not sure if Haiduk is better than Brown...but she's definitely in the same league. What both excel at (when well written...Sheila's later stints don't really count) is showing us the pain. I hope that Patty isn't Sheila, though. Sheila became unredeemable.

Jana needs to die. There must be a Love Story (I mean, she already has the tumor!). Kevin-Jana should be backburnered till February, at which time Love Story can begin, and Jana can go out in a hail of tears for May sweeps. There. Fixed it!

I felt the same. 'Cept I'm from P3's generation and you're from Rafe's!

I'm very worried about the ability to keep Adam and Patty. I am holding out hope, though, that it can be done. I keep remembering Michael Baldwin in Cricket's closet, and Victor's dungeon. Yes, those were different times....

I don't actually want the baby switch, because it will p!ss all of you off...and Y&R can't afford to alienate more viewers. But yes...when I play out in my mind all the YEARS of beats from a well done baby switch...I would love that. I think it relates to what Cashton says above. Part of what made Sheila so memorable was the vile, vile act of stealing Lauren's baby...but then making sure it was so loved.

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-Both Sharon and Phyllis have gone nuts over Nick this year, and that's likely to continue.

-Patty Jane is mentally unstable over a man that treated her like crap almost 30 years ago.

-Here's a spoiler which further drives the misogynistic tone of this show home, sorry Toups.


-Y&R used to do well with showcasing both women and men as working professionals, we don't see that anymore.

-Ashley is being victimized by Adam and she's written as being absolutely stupid to drive this plot home.

What else can I add? The writing for women on this show sucks.

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Michael went to prison for four or five years and had a long process of rehabilitation. Victor is Victor, always a special case.

I can't even get into redemption because I don't think Y&R plans to redeem Adam or MJ. They exist as crazies who move the plot forward. What would happen if they were redeemed? They would lose their purpose for MAB, Hogan, Hamner.

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For how long, especially when TWO different character have to be "redeemed" at the same time? Two front-burner crazies is one of the things currently so off-putting about this show for me right now. I don't think there's a proper balance right now to make everything work well.

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Adam is just ruined. There is no way to redeem him. I think what makes him even more heinous is that we all know he was raised by a wonderful woman which makes him much more of an evil seed. Where I see MJ as crazy, I see Adam as evil. He should have been a better person not being raised by Victor, better than Nick and Victoria anyways but he is so much worse. The show seemed to forget the reason Hope moved away was because she didn't want the bad influences of living Victor's life effecting her child.

MJ has the potential to be a new Sheila. What I found interesting today is that Victor almost seems a bit afraid of her. At least she made him feel unsettled and offbalance. He can't intimidate her because she is crazy which makes her so much more out of his control. You don't see many people being able to affect Victor this way. But I don't want to see her redeemed. What good would that do? We already have talented women in her age group being completely wasted or ignored by Y&R. She is better off being crazy.

Sean Kanaan is recurring according to the credits. Half the actors being focused on this week were listed as recurring including the actors playing the characters of Nina, Philip III, Deacon's sidekick, Murphy, Noah, Olivia. I don't want Deacon integrated. We don't need him. He should be short term just like Raul.

I liked Victoria today and she should have been at the hospital. I thought her scenes with Nikki talking about Adam were fun and let's face it pretty true to life. Still sucks that MAB has ignored Lauren during another story she should have been involved in once again. I wonder what Tracey Bregman did to get on her bad side since she uses most of her other recurring actors.

I am so tired of these repetitive Jack and Sharon scenes. We have seen the same scenes played out at least a dozen times. They make Jack look weak and Sharon look insensitive for lying about the paternity.

The Kevin chipmunk stuff is dumb and the writers know the fans don't like this story and yet they keep writing it. That's a big problem with this regime. If something wasn't working, Bill Bell would drop it, but MAB and crew need to keep propping their pets and their pet stories.

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For me, where it gets interesting, is if Victor looks at the situation and personally understands his share of the responsibility for what both Patty and Adam have done. Already his loved ones have been GRIEVOUSLY hurt because of them, and it is only going to get worse. Indeed, Victor looks rather like a doddering fool for not knowing what Adam's house arrest and Patty's new face have cost him.

What will never happen, but what I would pay to see, is Victor looking in the mirror and saying "My God--what have I wrought??"

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It would be great if Victor was actually brought low by MJ & Adam. I wonder if the evil wrought by MJ&A will lead to Victor & Jack teaming up? That would rub salt into the wound if Victor needed Jack's help!

The Deacon/Amber spoiler is icky. What is with the misogyny on this show?

Sharon & Ashley have the same due date? What a coincidence!!!

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