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Y&R: Episodes discussion., Week of June 29,2009

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Some thoughts on today's US episode:

- I'd rather they keep Jill and Katherine away from one another. I'm tired of these contrived baseless little arguments they have over stupid things and over Jill not really being Kay's daughter. The aftermath from the reveal has been an epic FAIL. It all feels flat and hollow.

- Can they please write Jeffrey and Gloria OUT already? It's so obvious that they have no idea what to do with these two, and they just insert them in randomly for what Maria claims is supposed to be "comedic relief" and it DOES NOT WORK. What purpose are these losers serving? Since they obviously need to pare down the cast, these two need to be among the first cut, they're so aimless.

- LOVED Nina telling Lily that she doesn't have the best track-record to know when she's been conned.

- And how convenient that Cane has a TEST TUBE that LOOKS EXACTLY like the test tube from the person conducting the DNA test. Also, wouldn't that frozen blood Cane obviously got from Phillip III a few YEARS ago be ruined in composition anyway? :rolleyes:

- I HATE how Sharon's LIES are giving this false hope to Jack. This is cruel, manipulative, nasty, and very selfish. Jack deserves better than to be stuck in this INANE quad. I can't stress enough how much this quad is destroying every character invovled.

- Nosy ass Heather and Patty Jane trying to get Phyllis in trouble for what happened to Summer. :rolleyes: ....This show sure makes it easy to redeem certain characters. :rolleyes:

- Loved the Cassie flashback, as always.

- Sorry Nick, I have no sympathy for you or anyone else in your orbit.

- I've already made it pretty clear how much I hate that Katherine might have yet another illness story again.

-WHY OH WHY IS SHARON LYING? I just can't get over how stupid and nonsensical this thing is.

Yeah, a pretty negative assessment, but you all know I have serious problems with this show and its stories right now. It all just SUCKS to me.

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Really? I hadn't noticed.

Glad you liked a couple things, about eighteen seconds were salvaged for you. At least it wasn't a total wash. :)

ETA: That last sentence wasn't sarcasm. (First one was) It was nice to read the pros and the cons from you, A. I meant that.

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Think I'm bad, go the some of the other boards, like the Sony or SOC Y&R boards, almost every thread is negative or bashes this show (which right now, I personally believe is rightfully so). :lol:

LOL! Yeah, I do like some things, but I just cannot connect to this show overall and its storylines right now. I think the show has become polarizing to the point where you either "get" it or you don't.

No problem, notice I didn't mention "fire these hacks" or whatever in that post, that was especially for you. :lol:

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If I want to read eighteen pages of "Sharin''s a Ho-Bag" or "HOLLA! SHACK FOREVAH!" or "Eff Maria - where is LANE?!?!?!" or "These Hack writers don't know what the hack they're doing" or "It's all stoopid", I know where to go. I come here because these are the people who love character moments. Who love the art Nancy Curlee provided. Who look at these stories from a literary standpoint. And those who don't - who just want to be entertained for an hour and don't think a whole lot about "The Journey", still find a way to express themselves, what they like and don't like with very open minds, and take the time to explain their positions rather than just "It sux"

Or maybe I'm just imagining an SON that was only in my head. But for a few years there, it sure felt that way from my perspective. But I'm sure others had different experiences.

Sorry. Didn't mean to go off-topic. Back to the matter at hand.

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I totally agree. I can't even point all my fingers at the writing - the directing is weird. Like those ranch scenes with adam, estella, rafe, nikki, ashley and victor last week. Braeden didn't even play like he gave a crap today. Like he hugged Phyllis because she got a paper cut. I'm hoping this will change once


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For a while, I think my criticisms were simply being ignored just because I do not like the writing on this show or think those currently in charge of storyline at this show needed to be fired, which is still my view of course. I guess what I was trying to say was I think the show deserves better, I don't constantly berate the show because I genuinely want it to be bed, I do it because I care and think the show can be much better than what it currently is.

LOL, yeah, this thread is majorly off-topic.

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Preach ! I've always maintained that half of Y&R's impact lies in it's background score. People don't think it's that big of a deal, but it's a HUGE deal.. and that piece at the end of today's eppy is just about the best piece being currently used today in all of daytime.

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