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Y&R: Episodes discussion., Week of June 29,2009

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That's true, but you'd think there could be a middle ground. Katherine and Jill have a complicated relationship, but I think taking away their blood ties was more about an excuse to reduce them to squabbles (and push Billy/Mac together again) than about reviving their complicated relationship.

Jess and Jeanne do what they can, but I think the current beat does not work. Jill lashes out at Katherine. Katherine tries to be patient but lashes out in return. Jill shoots herself in the foot.

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Hey at least he gets his one appearance a month and no doubt will be at the family picnic for July 4th. Lauren can't even be written in when her best friend's kid is in the hospital and in a coma. Oh, I forgot MJ is now Phyllis' best friend.

Wow, so much for Y&R honoring the vets, unlike other shows. Just read that Doug Davidson money has been slashed again and they want him to go recurring. Not a spoiler since Doug wrote this to one of his regular fans. We all know what that means. See you for your once a month with Tracey, Doug before you are unceremoniously dumped.

Katherine getting ill felt almost like she was causing a distraction for Cane and it was pretty convenient that Cane had the exact type of vial and color cap wasn't it? Of course, Katherine being ill serves a couple of purposes. Jill will look even worse for yelling at a sick Katherine and it can bring other characters the writers are propping closer. She is 80 and has a history of ministrokes, but they shouldn't play this card too often with Katherine.

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Are Lauren and Phyllis really best friends? LOL! I've always thought Lauren just tolerates Phyllis because Micheal's BFF's with her, not because Lauren actually needed to be friends with her. Sure they've appeared close and everything, but I'm willing to bet that should Michael and Lauren seperate and have problems, Phyllis would be the first one being rude and hateful towards Lauren on Micheal's behalf.

Pretty much.

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Of course it's the same color cap and everything. Phillip had to have told Cane in indiscriminate detail about every single DNA testing center in the entire nation and guestimated that Jill and Katherine would choose those DNA centers in that order at those exact moments over the past few years. I'm sure Cane has it in some excel spreadsheet in his fancy Blackberry.

I just realized, how interesting it was for MAB and 'em to introduce

at this time. Everyone's been screaming for Nate to come back for years and we get nothing. People want Scotty back too. I don't think anyone voiced having that character back. Not that it's a bad thing but it's a shame how he's really been out of the audience's frame of mind over the past decade or so and now he'll be frontburner.

I really wish there was a way to bring Scotty and Nate and get rid of all those useless characters, including the scoobies.

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Yep, that's how I see it to. And boy are they making Jill look bad in the process. Shakes head when Billy/Mac are being propped by the Jill/Kay rivalry. Don't these writers get what the fan are interested in and it isn't Billy/Mac.

I am starting to wonder if this Philip III story will be more about bringing on and propping Philip IV played by John Driscoll than dealing with the effect it has on Nina, Katherine and Jill. I am sure they will have scenes dealing with the three but unless they change things soon, I can't believe how little they are using Thom Bierdz after all that hype and him being signed to a 6 mos contract makes one go hmmm.

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I'm not sure how I would react to Jill if I didn't have so much history with her, but every time they have her throw a fit to Katherine, I just feel more sorry for her. I keep waiting for her to get the endless chances other characters get.

Billy/Mac are wrapped in their fantasies of the past. What I wonder is if this is supposed to tell us they're not supposed to be together.

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