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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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Great assessment, as usual CarlD2. :)

Pity how the layered villains are ruined in order for the cardboard-cuttout "normal" screwups are saved. How about building layers for the screwups instead? Because I'll still never feel sorry for any of them.

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I'm not sure I understand this now. (Here I am, opening a can of worms)

How is what any of you doing "fighting for change"? You're bickering on a soap message board about the levels of bad Y&R is. That's "fighting for change?"

Man, the Civil Rights movement and Gay Rights movement would both have been disasters if they were fought on SON. LOL!

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You have a GREAT point there. You see this attitude all the time with animal rights activists, notice how you see billboards, and protesters saying you should be ASHAMED to wear fur.... you have pictures of the raccoons and such, you NEVER see a billboard saying you should be ashamed to buy rat poison, do you? Even with humans, a cute little debutante in the good part of town is murdered, and see how much coverage it gets compared to an elderly woman in the hood getting killed. It's a sad comment on the human condition, whether animal OR human, if your'e young, cute, cuddly, and/or beautiful, then your life has more value.

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Let's say they were going to send in fan letters and start campaigns...would that really make a damn bit of difference? And please, be honest.

As bad as it was to hear Goutman say fan campaigns don't make a difference, at least he was brutally honest.

Even you would have to admit there's a big difference between fighting for equal rights versus electronically expressing an opinion about a television serial.
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I don't think that works either. The cynic in me says you either go along for the ride or just stop watching. But I know a lot of people don't accept that. It's a defeatist attitude, but I don't understand how any of this is "fighting for change"

Oh, I think one has nothing to do with the other. But the passion, time and energy that many of are taking up in "fighting for change" makes me wonder where their heads are at...

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Well, steering clear of "fight for change" and its validity, for me there is a different issue.

I have said it before--to some mockery. But I view myself as a consumer of a creative product. I'm there for the ride. So, I kind of view my responsibility as letting the writers' plans play out, and then responding positively or negatively. If the show reaches a threshold where I need a break, then I would be one less viewer...and in the long run (if I am represented by someone in the Neilsen sample) that would send the only message that counts. (But, as 44 year old male, my opinion is irrelevant anyway).

If they

, I'm going to have issues :). I might even write a protest letter to CBS. Yes, I'm a hypocrite, because I didn't write a letter about the "Shamwow Fetus". But there you have it.

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To be clear...I'm about 2,900 miles from quitting :).

I'm seeing some problems of too much death and despair, not enough character moments, not enough simple interaction. Basically, a canvas that is currently relying too much on history but is too superficial in the present. Some of the daily BDW/SW are doing a great job of working around this limitation (e.g., Mackenzie and Billy in the bar a few weeks ago).

On a day-to-day basis, I cannot wait. Today I am going to watch live...such fun!

This is still my show, and I view this is a fairly rapid and recent drift--since May. Thus, I imagine things will correct almost as quickly. Unlike others, I do have confiidence that this team can self-correct. If they don't, I imagine then there will be some navel-gazing.

But BY ALL THAT IS HOLY, please "bless the beasts and children" (and veterans). NO MORE DEATH FOR A LONG TIME...please, please, please.

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True that. I've said that on numerous occasions. But on the other hand, if someone publicly puts their work out there, they can't honestly expect a viewer(a critic) to avoid judging every single little thing.

Yeah, soaps were created to sell detergent to housewives who enjoyed voyeurism, but with anything that is presented to an audience, it will be judged.

That's a very high-and-mighty way of looking at the soap fan. Because someone completely dissects the flaws within the written structure of the show or someone's performance(something that movie critics and TV critics like Matt Roush do on a daily basis), there's this assumption that that they have "no life"? Which, feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but that kind of quote(along with your status update) is open for such interpretation.

I guess it's only fair to say fans that love EVERYTHING about a soap or another type of TV show are the ones who are exempt from this kind of lashing.

If that's the case, then [Hillary]Shame on you brimike![/Hillary]

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