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Y&R: Week of June 1, 2009

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Money and egos, darling. If there's a bias toward the female players vs. the male players (as MTS has allegedly alleged), I'd like to see that addressed. However, I don't know one person in this town who hasn't taken some sort of pay-cut, downgrade, reduction in hours and so forth.

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I love how MAB can keep TWO Co-HW's and her million man writing team, a host of actors that play non-essential characters, yet when it comes to actors that matter, they get crappy offers.

MAB is incompetent. Everyone knows she doesn't need TWO Co-HW's or that many writers on staff or that many actors on her show. It's lousy.

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This is not Bill Bell's show. I don't care if Maria is family. Y&R is Victor & Nikki! They are the brand.

I am seriously disillusioned with the show and I don't know if I would stick around if MTS left. I get more enjoyment from 5 minutes of Nikki than 5 hours of most of the cast put together. I need a great diva. Sigh. If only AMC had a semi-decent writer and than I could get my fix through Erica Kane. But Pratt is such a Pratt-hole!

Not to sound cold-blooded, but Jeanne Cooper is 82. What happens to the show when she retires (or heaven forbid, passes)? Eric Braeden is 67 and takes long vacations. I had thought the next ten years would see a greater reliance on Nikki and Jack as centers of the show. I had wrongly assumed the folks running this show had a long-term plan. They obviously do not.

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I just hate to see MTS put out to pasture like this, but if MAB has made any mistakes, it was telling the press that Y&R was immune from paycuts. She should have forcasted this storm, even if the franchise fees weren't cut at that time. But as for it being her fault to choose newbies over vets, it's a tough call. Glad I'm not the one who had to make it. But think if back in the day when Bell got rid of pretty much the entire cast and integrated new families and such due to pay disputes and what not. Would we want to get rid of MTS to save the Fosters and the Brooks? It's tough. I just hope they can work it out.

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Umm I'm sorry if they are asking her to take something drastic then I support her taking a stand; if not then am not with her on this at all. So the Fab Four get all these nonsensical adventures, journeys and missions out of nowhere now? don't they have a living to think about making already

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