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AMC Tuesday: 5/26

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Nice to see Ryan's ass finally handcuffed and sent to jail - long time coming!

The Kendall/Liza scene was pretty good - kind of funny considering the fireworks that most likely will come between them in the future.

Awww - Marian makes me cry. Love the Marian/Liza scenes.

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Zach is a dope. Zendall tells he implicitly that she didn't murder Stuart yet he continues to proclaim his guilt? Maybe I'm missing a plot point. Regardless, didn't he JUST take the rap for a crime she did commit?

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Now that I've seen Liza with Marian, Jamie Luner finally feels like Liza to me! I loved all the scenes in the chapel.

So David is sending nurse Gayle to care for a patient he's keeping in a private institution: Dixie or Leo?

I'm relieved that Gayle's leaving since it makes it less likely that she killed Stuart.

I liked the use of the split screen at the end when Kendall was recounting to Jesse where she was the night of the murder. If used sparingly and when showing us scenes we haven't seen, this technique can be quite effective, imo.

Yes, Zach is a dope for keeping up his lie even after Kendall told him she didn't do it...unless he's covering for somebody else.

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I love how Angie and Jake -- two doctors who broke into David's house to steal David's pills, one who was under suspension while breaking into the hospital medicine cabinet to frame David and another whose doctor son falsified Amanda's medical files -- are bringing someone in front of an ethics board. Play the story of David in front of an ethics board all you want... but PLEASE use characters that aren't ethically challenged themselves making sarcastic, haughty comments of hypocritical judgment.

I'm not surprised. That's what happens when you get a swelled head so soon. OOPS! Did I type that out loud? -_-

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