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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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No one said she was God. Most, however, have resigned themselves to the fact that Y&R cannot do any better than her, so what can you do (other than discontinue watching)?

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True. But we shouldn't have to "listen" to post-ers go on and on about it 'til we can't stand it anymore, either.

MAB sucks. We get it (and believe it or not, but I agree!). Now, do what I've done for the most part, and just sit back and chill the f**k out.

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You're very negative at the moment, so... but I just can't see it being similar to the rest of daytime....

If I ever left, that would be it for my daytime viewing. I'm not ready to give it away; but I like the show, so...

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Ok, I always like to give an actor a fair chance... so now I'll weigh in on Clemetine ford. I think much of my discomfort comes from (I'm just going to SAY IT) that she's playing a 25 year old straight girl, and she LOOKS like a 45 year old butch lesbian. But even after that, performance wise, she appears to be trying to IMITATE Bashioum, and not getting it right. She's doing the "sullen" part ok.. but Bashioum did alot with her eyes, showing vulnerability, while CF just shows boredom or anger. She's looking better appearance wise, but now she's a 45 year old "Lipstick" lesbian. It would be like if CLB pulled out his "Jazz hands" in every episode... he wouldn't be very beleiveable. Even HE reigns himsef in when it happens, you can see it in his face... "OMG!! I'm flaming out! I need to cool it down, here!".

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I really think that the ability to play a 35 year old story, fresh as a daisy, even now...is a remarkable thing. And while other shows could do this...they don't US daytime soaps are ANCIENT battleships. If they don't play their long-term through lines, I do not see the point. So, Y&R is the champion in that.

In the 1970s, I voraciously read the Kent Family Chronicles. To this day, even though it has become utter crap, I read every bloody thing published in the Dune series (though I wish they'd STOP writing new ones). I like long stories where the present reaches into the past. That is an undeniable part of Y&R's formula, and it is a fairly unique 'signature' for the show now.

To squander it would be to deny its identity.

For me, the injection of mystery...which LML (I suspect, really, Hamner) started has been a real plus. I admit many of the mysteries have gone south...but I like that storylines are started that make me ask questions.

Cashton, for example, gives evidence about how intrigued fans can get with a good mystery. It adds that exciting "tune in tomorrow" factor for many of us.

Personally, I'm not so interested in "romance". (I watched Jenny and Greg on AMC with the best of 'em...and I liked it back then...but it's been done). I feel romance is being done in interesting and novel ways--most notably with Phick.

I'm definitely not interested in EVER AGAIN SEEING A SOCIAL ISSUE STORYLINE ON DAYTIME. Because, especially on Y&R, they have ALWAYS SUCKED.

ALWAYS. No thank you.

I think the thing to remember, for all those who discount MAB and team, is that they ARE giving a substantial segment of the audience WHAT THEY WANT. Enough that the numbers have grown slightly but steadily over this last year.

Remember, Y&R's audience in large measure is one that DIDN'T WANT the P&G soaps; that DIDN'T WANT the ABC soaps. There is a very different style and rhythm to the Bell soaps, and I feel that MAB/team has done a nice job of capturing that, while updating it.

I think we all agree the cast is too large by a substantial margin. The cast needs to be pared down. That probably means some "loved ones" need to go...but so be it.

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Neil and Jill danced today! Did you all think they have chemistry?

What ever happeened to Walter and Lillie Bell, Dru and Olivia's parents? Did we ever learn ANYTHNG about Neil and Malcolm's family?

i thought Della Reese was awesome and natural. I'd love to have Aunt V stay in GC, even if it means Devon has to stay, but not if it means Tyra has to as well. I love ya Della, but not THAT much.

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I was chatting with a good friend who watches Y&R. Her comment about CF as Mac was, "where did they get that hag?" I could not help laughing after all the online comments about Mac. Y&R is going to have to work harder to make her look younger.

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The trouble is that Phyllis knows that Nick loves her as well. She feels his confusion and is trying to wait it out. But with Sharon's baby and mental condition, she may be fighting a losing battle for now. Her husband needs to save Sharon. His guilt from their divorce, the affair and Cassie's death is bubbling over.

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