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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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McQueen is...:wub:. I love him. His granddaddy was teh sex, and it's good to see him carrying on the family legacy. He's not as rugged/masculine as granddaddy, but he's got his own charm. Love him. Jeremy became a much more interesting character once Vicki left, even with Damon erasing his memory of the last couple of months. He was a little goody-goody immediately following, but he's starting to get his edge back. I'm interested to see what he finds when he searches for vampires on Bing.

I may be alone on this, but I'm weirdly intrigued by the idea of Jenna/Damon...even though it's pretty obvious where this is going...(three sided-polygon).

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Done it!

Katherine not being among the entombed vamps was a shocker. Damon was devastated! There's gonna be hell to pay. I know everybody is going to start stoning me for this but... I like Elena and Damon. The two actors have a really good chemistry. Not that ND and PW don't as Elena & Stefan but... this show has been promoted as a triangle, after all. Although another part of me would just like to keep Elena & Damon as flirty "friends" who "have an understanding."

I also couldn't believe Grandma Whitley Gilbert up and died! I wanted her to stick around! I'm still not 100% sold on the actress who plays Bonnie as a stand-alone witch.

Who was the actress who played Anna's vamp mom? Wasn't she on Sunset Beach? Anyhoo, I liked her. I liked how she retained this maternal side, even thouh she's a vampire. In fact, I liked both her and Anna.

D'oh, I didn't realize that the actress playing Katherine's witchy maid in the flashback scenes also played Kendra on Buffy Season 2. Go Bianca Lawson!

BTW, IMBD not only has Melinda Clarke :wub: JulieCooper :wub: set to appear in the March 25th episode, but it also has Stephen Martines aka Coltin Scott aka Jacob Young's chewtoy AND Mia Kirshner (she was the terorist in the first episode ever of 24, amongst numerous other things).

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He looks so much like his grandpa, it's scary...

Yeah, while maybe the show isn't quite the huge improvement on the books as True Blood is on its source, the Sookie Stackhouse books--it IS a huge improvement. Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec (sp?) should be proud. Honestly, I haven't liked something he's had his name on this much since Scream 2.

I posted in this thread in the Fall and thought I was the only one here watching, glad I was wrong. The show has become a great, moody, teen soap. My one complaint... (Besides these hiatuses) is they seem to kill off so many potentially interesting characters--and QUICKLY. At first this was refreshing--anyone could die, almost. But now whenever you see a new character, like Sean Faris (who granted I'm no huge fan of) or Gina Tores, or nearly anyone it seems, they're going to be killed if not that episode, than the next... Even the ridiculously young grandma witch Jasmine Guy played I thought could have stuck around one or twomore eps--we barely got any real scenes with her.

And that was one of my small complaints with the last episode... Elena goes up and HUGS Damon? Really??? Wha?? I mean... I get she seesthe softer side of him, bla bla, but he has over and over again killed people basically in front of her, put her brother and best friend in danger, etc. I don't buy that--not this quickly.

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My issues with a Damon/Elena/Stefan triangle are quite similar to what my issues with OLTL's alleged Ford/Langston/Markko triangle are. Yeah, Damon is exciting and hot, and it's only natural that anybody would be drawn to him to a certain extent, but what in the world could make Elena want to turn her back on Stefan? He's been a great boyfriend since the beginning. His only transgressions have been in the name of protecting her from hurt/danger/harm. It just doesn't make any sense to me yet, but I hope they can change my mind.

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It's just too much--I agree. He's been, week after week, a cold blooded killer. Would she really feel so connected and hug him just because he's sad about Katherine maybe abandoning him? I mean... Some have compared it to Sookie and Eric on True Blood but that's been going at a much more understandable speed (with much more understandable resistance from Sookie than Elsa shows...)

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i really dont see damon/elena/stefan as a triangle, at least not yet.

yes shes attracted to damon, i mean look at him! and she def feels for him, but he has been pretty good to her for the most part - esp helping her with her brother and that mess. but she isnt falling for him. she isnt lusting him.

not yet anyways

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