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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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Since 1998? Honestly? Really? :huh:

Subjectivity yes, because this show is unraveling episode by episode to me. Too many members of this "symphony" haven't perfected the instrument they claimed to be experts at.

This is NOT the strongest this show has been over the past decade, they're way too many problems with it.

But again, you even defended this show when it was an absolute bore last year and liked a lot of what Latham did. So, who knows...

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They do still have it, but it annoyed me that once again Nikki went running to Victor. Why would she keep going to his house. He has made it so clear that he wants nothing at all to do with her. I want Nikki to have enough self respect to stay away from him for a good long while.

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I take your sage advice and will not perpetuate this. Except I will note:

1. I posed a number of serious questions to you and others. You didn't, and won't, answer them. Vee made that clear, and you remain consistent.

2. I have nothing to apologize for. My smilies are sincere...I smile a lot in life too.

3. I am not "late". You are confusing a "message board" with a "chat room". Wikipedia might be able to explain the difference. (Now THAT was a veiled insult, by the way).

4. I don't fuel fights. Check the mirror.

5. Ah, you ended discussion. Good for you. End it. But you have no authority over me. Just noting...

6. Guffaws :lol: after mocking "passenger" mentality. Yeah, you have moral high ground!

I very much like your ability to provoke discussion. I also find it interesting that you do not read, and do not respond, to questions of substance. That is your enduring legacy to SON, I guess.

Really! I loved early Kay Alden. But I really enjoy this era.

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Far be it from me to play peace negotiator, especially after being responsible for MTSRocks' thread getting shut down, but is there any way at all everyone here (myself included!) can just wipe all the slates clean and get back to talking about the actual show?

Last week, wherefore art thou?

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I have problems with Alden too, for one thing, like MAB, she was so bloody uncreative and dreadfully boring at times, but unlike MAB, she knew how to hide her weaknesses better. For example, even though she centered the Winters clan exclusively around Malcolm, they were still better defined under her leadership.

This show needs a real storyteller. Not a Bell in-law handed who was handed the job just because she's family, or someone who that will just continue with the same tone the previous writer left.

Billy, if you're reading this, fire your wife and find a real storyteller, even if you have to throw an obscene amount of money at them to pluck them out of retirement.

My idea was to pluck Patrick Mulcahey from B&B and give him an actual soap where his talents could be utilized better, but if Billy can dig deeper than that and find a replacement that's very good, I'll live.

MAB has had a year and a half. She's not growing as a writer, she's not showing signs of creativity, there's been a lot of good, but nothing really definite.

The management at this show likes to ignore its problems and that's very sad and is damaging the show in the long-term.

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I agree - I hate how she was groveling after him when he was in his self-imposed purgatory. Remember when she broke down the window and Victor had to call the police?? Better yet, don't remember that. However, they still have that conncection.. That spark that he'll never have with any other woman but her. When they danced, and today, it's still there. I hope as Victor's life becomes hell and Nikki's becomes bliss, we'll see HIM going to her more often.

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