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Yeah, and the Crystal Gayle/Gary Morris credits had a faint poster paint circle swirling around each character shot, in some cases pretty much absent. Circles are such an easy motif, you could do a million creative things and I agree that they should have never ditched their brand logo.

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I agree. I think what would have been smart was in 1989 after the theme of " 25 years of lovers and others" Anniversary special. First thing should have hooked Rachel back up with Russ Matthews. David Baily was back playing the role. Second, bring Jacquline Courtney back as Alice Frame with a ghost following her around. Finally to have it revealed Sally Frame. It would have been great if they bought Mary Page Keller back as she is the adult Sally that I know. Cathy Greene was so cute as Sally and then she changed into so many different type of people once she was recast. Taylor Miller was the worst recast they ever did as Sally Frame.

Maybe introduce a son or daughter of Gwen and Willis instead of introducing Dean Frame (from an unknown Frame, known as Henry offspring) stupid

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Vince had a bad boy image but he had a great heart with his evil brother Willis. Most of the Frames were bad. Funny, Lemay based off his family. Jason, WIllis, Janice, and Sharlene was not bad but nuts. Emma obvisously had problems

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I saw Vince as an uncomplicated blue collar guy rather than a bad boy. An Angie (Maeve Kinkead) prop more than anything. A bit of a Mr. Spock. There was a place for him if they`d had more imagination.

BTW, I loved her then. In my ten year-old mind she could do no wrong.

She was incredibly beautiful and talented. It was as if they could not decide on making her a bitch or ingenue. Either one could have worked. The Perrini family had such a naturally strong foothold in the show with her, Rose (Kathy Widdoes), and Joey (Ray Liotta).

They all went on to varying levels of career fulfillment. AWs loss.

Damn you Paul Rauch.

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I was reading a late 91 Digest that talked about why actors left shows. They had some discussion with Cali Timmins, which helped shed some light on exactly why they recast her. For a long time I'd just assumed they were waiting until Judi Evans was available but that seems less and less likely.

She says in the article that she felt Paulina was becoming more and more of a victim. She was upset about this. She spoke with TPTB several times and never got a response. Finally, a day after an Emmy party, she was told she'd been replaced.

Michael Laibson just said something to the effect that she couldn't find the strength in the character and that it was a bad mix of actor and character, and he wished her well.

I do see her point - Paulina became very weak in the last 6 months of Cali's run (although Paulina had never been a tough heroine anyway).

I wish she hadn't left that way. But I guess she was prophetic, especially considering the mess Paulina was in the last 3-4 years on AW.

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Thanks for the recap of the article. I always wondered why she was replaced too.

I loved Cali as Paulina. I don't know what it is about her, but she's an appealing actress. Not a powerhouse maybe, but there's something special about her. I also could totally buy her and Sandra Fergusen as half sisters and I loved how she played off Carmen Duncan. It's a shame they replaced her. Judi Evans didn't have the same icy sexuality as Cali. I grew to like her in the role (and I loathed her as Beth Raines) even though, you're right, the character became a big mess. I couldn't stand her with Joe.

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Great thread!

A couple of thoughts. First, I never understood the need for the Jason Frame character when you already had two established Frame brothers (Willis and Vince) that you could have introduced. Jason was very much like Willis, except that he never got the taste of the high life that Willis did during his first time in Bay City. Also, Chris Robinson would have been a very solid Willis recast, possibly even better than he was as Jason Frame.

The disappearance of Irene Dailey (Liz) in late 1992/early 1993 was one of the greatest mistakes the show made in its final years. While its true that Liz had limited story possibilities and no family on the canvas, she was one of those great tentpole characters who really served as the voice of the audience. Much like they did with Eileen Herlie's Myrtle on AMC, AW could have used Liz as a support/surrogate mother-grandmother for a number of characters. This was especially true after the death of Connie Ford. This would not have been a stretch either. Dailey was one of daytime's finest actresses and had great rapport with a number of actors (Matt Crane, Sandra Ferguson, and Stephen Schnetzer) who were not part of the Matthews orbit. Liz and Cass, for example, were hysterical together in 1988 when they worked to fight the Cory takeover and later partnered in Nicole's salon.

If I recall correctly, Irene Dailey was let go during the 1986 bloodbath that saw the exits of Gail Brown, Rick Porter, and Taylor Miller, among others.

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A screenname like that is quite a pedigree!

The only way I can see them creating a new character for Robinson is that they may have wanted a blank slate in order to explain his backstory with Mary. Either way, it did seem pointless.

I agree that they should have kept Liz around. I think the problem for her was that she and Rachel were never very close, and she wasn't overly close to the Corys, outside of Mac. They could have expanded on these relationships. I also wish they'd brought in another young Matthews (I'm sure Susan could have had some kids) to spend time with Liz. Or she could have been close to Cass, which would have caused conflict with Frankie, given Liz's hatred of the Frames.

Irene was fired in 1986, yes. She returned in late 1987. I remember her returning from San Francisco wearing sunglasses and vamping it up to Mac, for a laugh.

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I also wish they had kept Aunt Liz around. She was a favorite of mine. After Ada died, it might have been interesting to see her grow into a confidant or mother figure to Rachel. Can you imagine her reaction to Rachel dating and marrying Carl Hutchins?

I think if they really had cared about the actress and the character, something could have been done to keep her on the show. Josie, who was on the show up to the end was her great-niece. I would have loved to have seen Liz and Sharlene duel over what was best for Josie or Liz trying to turn her into a proper Matthews family member. I barely remember the two interacting at all after Russ was revealed as her father.

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Agree,Liz was wasted.They could have also brought back mike,Marianne or her 'grandson' Ricky.

Does anyone remember these special episodes? I don't recall them Making much of an impression.


Does anyone remember these special episodes? I don't recall them Making much of an impression.

Edited by Paul Raven
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