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Actually Carolyn was not yet writing for AW in 1980. I don’t think she started writing for the show till 1984. She was a production assistant for Texas in 1980. That said, I really wish Michael Fairman would do an interview with the Cullitons about their work on soaps.

Edited by robbwolff
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What I have for her ... 1982 Texas, 1983 Secretary to Paul Rauch, continuing in 1983 GL, 1984 GL, 1984-85 AW, 1986 still AW until 1991, etc.

So, I concur with her starting at AW in 1984. 

I keep thinking about doing a Q&A with her. 

Just yesterday in UglyX she was pointing out a movie where Andy Rooney stereotypically played an Asian offensively. 

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I’m a credits nerd and remembered seeing her name in Texas’ credits. I found some closing credits for Texas from 1980 and she was listed as a production assistant. I believe both Texas and AW taped in the same Brooklyn studio. Eddie Drueding’s site does list her as a secretary for Paul Rauch in 1983. It’s all very curious since by March 1983, Carolyn, her husband Richard, and Gary Tomlin were listed as interim head writers of Guiding Light until. The credits changed that May with Pamela Long Hammer and Richard Culliton being listed as head writers. I remember that the Culliton name stood out to me back then because there was an actor named Patrick Culliton in the movie The Towering Inferno and I had wondered if they were related.

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The Evening Sentinel Saturday, June 23, 1973

'Another World's Iris is also plain Emma By RUTH THOMPSON

 Beverlee McKinsey is a sleek quick-witted, beautiful blonde,the very image of the sophisticated New Yorker. Only it is not her own favorite image any more. Yes it was once when she was a teenager in Oklahoma. But now? Beverlee, who plays "glamorous Iris Carrington on NBC's Monday through Friday soap Another World says,"Oh, how I wish they would transfer our show to California. I'm a sunshine person. I had to give up my lovely little house in Studio City to come East and all the furniture from that house is still in storage out there, waiting. 

Not, mind you, that Beverlee has any wish to give up "Another World." It is giving her a chance to prove what she can do as an actress. For before she landed the continuous glamorous Iris role, Beverlee made three brief appearances as Emma, a character so unlike Iris only one viewer wrote in to say that she recognized that the same actress played both roles. "Same  profile " was her explanation.

You listen to Beverlee's clear, polished voice, and you marvel. How could she ever be Emma? "Well, the makeup men took care of the look, she says. Emma is only about 30. But she has led a hard life. She is weathered. She has been in and out of the sun a lot. She is old before her time. They put on streaks of that Duo cement they use for false eyelashes to wrinkle the lids and also to glue the corners down. Then they put some brown spots on my cheeks. I wore my own hair but I oiled it down which made it look darker. Then after that, I became very still.

"Emma is easier for me to play than Iris," she said. You blink. "Yes, you see while I'm not a farm girl, I did grow up in a small town and I had a hillbilly accent before I came to New York. ... all I had to do was remember," she explained. "Emma is a good person but she can't communicate in a setting alien to her (as the house guest of chic suburbanites).Her values are different. She comes in from a walk and says softly, 'Lot of good said greens out there.' They don't know what she's talking about. So her way, like a little animal in strange surroundings, is to become very quiet," she notes. And as you watch, Beverlee literally withdraws the energy from her arms, her face. She dims her own vibrancy.

She IS Emma. "The head writer understood her very well. And so do I. And I am so grateful to Paul Rauch for realizing what I can do and not just casting me the easy way for 'the blonde look,' " she said. Iris, of course, is blonde. But a challenge. "I show up at the studio in jeans at 8:00 A.M. and they hand all the right trappings on me. I'm very casual. Iris is very uptight. My own skin is darker and tends to be oily, but I know how to get the Iris look and I do the makeup myself. I use heavy eyelashes, the kind you'd never wear on the street, and a magnolia complexion. I put two layers of light base on before I finish with pancake. I figure Iris has gone through life wearing a big hat and staying in the shade.

She is very insecure, no man in her life, and she's sure the right beauty treatments will make all the difference. She can be warm at moments and she can be perfectly terrible. I don't know whether to like her or hate her," say Beverlee. One viewer who has her mind made up is a maid in Beverlee's building. For her it's hate-hate-hate.

"Maybe I should be afraid to go to the laundry alone," Beverlee says and smiles, "Considering what the young elevator man told me. After I got out the other day, it seems, this woman huffed, 'She's no good. She's trying to take Elliott away from Alice.' Huh? When the shift changed the puzzled day man asked his relief, 'Have I been missing something on Miss McKinsey? Who's Elliott?' " The night man, who watches "Another World," set the record straight. But the maid still won't believe it. "McKinsey? Is that what she says her name is? Well don't believe it.

That Iris lies." No, Beverlee can't give up a role that stirs folks up this much. Her interim solution. A new paint job for her Manhattan apartment. "White-white walls, and lots of sunny yellow, orange and apricot." The look of a country house right in the city.".

Edited by Paul Raven
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