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I'm so saddened by the death of Nancy. Cecile is my fave daytime character ever! She played the part just perfectly, even if the writing wasn't the best (trying to pass off Maggie as Cass's was just wrong). Her appearances on AW helped me get through many a horrible day while growing up. Whether it were Majorca, Bay City, or even Tanquir, I loved escaping to wherever Cecile was. 

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I didn't see a whole lot of Nancy's original AW run, but more than enough to know she was a bright spot in what I felt was a very bad time for the show. I don't know who identified her flair for comedy in her subsequent runs, but I'm glad they did – she was even more enjoyable when she injected her scheming temptress with large dollops of humor.

RIP Nancy, and thanks for the memories. 

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Variety has posted an obituary.


I really enjoyed Nancy as Cecile, especially her agreeing to "help" Donna by helping Peter get over Sally. The Variety obituary seems to stop after Cecile caught Sandy, perhaps because of Nancy's marriage to Chris Rich, but of course there was a while when Cass was seeing Cecile behind Felicia's back, and then Cecile telling Cass she couldn't really choose between him and Peter. I don't think she was quite as frank with Peter.

Looking for more information I learned that Chris Rich and his current wife appeared on the Polish version of Real Housewives and also that he had a stroke a few years ago but seems to have made a pretty good recovery.



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This is heartbreaking. 

There was always so much turnaround BTS on AW and it seemed like Nancy/Cecile often got lost in the shuffle. Cecile could have driven story for years and she never really got the chance after her first run and Nancy definitely had the talent to do so


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I cannot remember it. At all. So I know I blanked it out. So I am working up to re-watch it. 

Meanwhile, I am so saddened by NF's death. She was so good & she didn't always have writing that was as good as it should have been. But she was fully Cecile even if she was working with sorta "shite". In the beginning of the clip I posted betw her & Rachel, the way she spits out each word is so so sharp, good, etc. I never realized she was one of the Taras! And, her Phil, Nick Benedict just died, what, 3 weeks ago. Dadgum. 

In Kim Wells AW group https://www.facebook.com/groups/340323040018309 she has quickly made more than 25 Cecile clips from her private collection of AW videos. I would suggest that this is the current mother lode.

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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Not to speak ill of the dead, but, Laura Malone (aka Blaine) might quibble about Nancy getting lost in the shuffle.  During that period, Nancy seemed to have a lot of power backstage.  At least enough to have her side of the story about Laura's firing "leaked" to the press.

I don't intend to sound too quippy, but I think that era of backstage drama is interesting.

Edited by j swift
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