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I always thought it was fan fantasy too. I've known a few people who claimed to be soap writers, yet were uncredited. So I'm incredulous when I see rumors like this one. This person made claims about ATWT and GL that never rang true to me due to the contradictions in her claims and the holes in her stories.

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There was a poster on one "cancelled" soap opera message board who used to post all sorts of absurd, impossible-to-believe nonsense. When cornered, she would simply ignore her disbelievers. Unfortunately, many folks out there in internet land feel the need to elevate themselves by weaving elaborate fantasies about their supposed insider status and knowledge. It's usually pretty easy to spot the fakers.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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I remember that poster on the crazy board where people are not allowed to mention LA soaps by name. She claimed to be an African American post-op transsexual married woman with two kids who had worked on several shows. Some of her stories were very interesting. There was also a lot of talk about food in her posts for some reason.

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Speaking of May/December romances -- or perhaps August/December -- I've seen it claimed that Lemay's story projections for his 1988 return included bringing Pat Randolph back ... and pairing her with John Hudson. How anybody would know that, I have no idea, but I would have loved to see Beverly Penberthy on a regular basis again.

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Actually, I think a relationship between John (Hudson) and Pat -- or even a triangle between them and Sharlene -- might have been interesting, so long as they were allowed to remain adults throughout the whole thing and Sharlene didn't have revert to "Sharly" in order to ruin Pat and John's closeness.

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I'll cut TPTB some slack with those 25th Anniversary episodes for some "missteps" since the scripts had to be heavily rewritten to compensate the untimely death of Douglass Watson (Mac).  Wasn't he on vacation when he passed away, and then was to return to film the party scenes for the 25th Anniversary.   There was a scene in the episodes where Rachel and Alice speak about missing Steve.  This was the perfect time to do some Alice, Steve, and Rachel flashbacks or have Steve appear to both Alice and Rachel.


AW needed some real stability in 1989 after the passing of Douglass Watson.   If George Reihholt had himself together to be a team player, I would have rewritten the Edward Black/Steve Frame story to have David Canary's character be an imposter who assumed Steve's identity and held the real Steve hostage after his plane crash in 1975.   Mac could have discovered the real Steve was alive and sent the clue to Rachel in the red swan.  The real Steve turns up alive, and you could have had the real Rachel/Steve/Alice triangle in 1989 to compensate for the absence of Mac.  This would have made more sense than the entire Ken Jordan/Paulina story that aired on the show.

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The character of Sally should have never been killed.  She should have left town for awhile and then returned to the canvas.  Mary Page Keller had some modest success in prime time and then nothing.  I imagine if Keller was offered a good deal she would have returned to AW.  She was Jamie's stepsister and Rachel's stepdaughter, she had a son Kevin who could have easily been written on the show, and she would have kept Irene Dailey's Aunt Liz on the canvas.  The presence of Sally would have compensated for all those Amanda recasts in the 90s and probably could have kept the show from being so "Vicky-centric" with all the storylines revolving around Jensen Buchanan's Vicky.

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By 1989, I think, George Reinholt probably had been humbled enough by his post-soap life to return to AW and be more of a team player.  So, yeah, AW should have made the effort, especially once Douglass Watson had passed away, to rehire him.


But why go to the trouble of saying David Canary's Steve was an impostor JUST to facilitate Reinholt's return?  I think you could just say that Steve had faked his death in that car accident -- perhaps, stemming from trouble that first arose shortly after his helicopter crash, but had reared its head again once he had returned to Bay City -- in order to protect his loved ones, and then go from there.  (Specifically, resolve the trouble that had been hounding Steve all those years (even when he was back in Bay City -- you could find a way, for example, to say his enemies had rigged that construction collapse that almost killed him and Rachel), maybe have it impact several characters' lives, then have him re-settle permanently in Bay City.)


To me, a SECOND presumed death would be easier for most viewers to take than an impostor storyline.  But, hey, if the trade-off is having Steve back, alive, and with Reinholt back in the role, then it probably wouldn't matter.

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Wasn't Sally also viewed as a surrogate daughter of Mac & Rachel's? If so, she so could've filled the void of Amanda instead of constantly recasting Amanda. I feel like after Christine Tucci left the role, they should've put Amanda on ice until Sandy Ferguson returned to reclaim the role in '98. 


And didn't the show become Vicky-centric once Vicky Wyndham supposedly gave the green light for them to push Vicky more in the forefront? That's something I've always heard. I feel like the show became too focused on Vicky about the last 3 years. While Vicky drove story throughout the early to mid 90s, there was at least balance and other characters got to shine. 

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Yes, with the sudden death of DW, the scripts had to be drastically rewritten quickly, so I tend to give the writers some clack, particularly since there was a lot of satisfying stuff offered to veteran viewers during the anniversary week.


Since we know that Jacquie Courtney had made copies of and kept many of her most memorable scenes as Alice, I just wish the show had shown vintage Alice/Steven/Rachel flashbacks, particularly that famous scene where Rachel went to the country house and tried to kick Alice out. That would have been the icing on the cake for me.

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