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Y&R: Jill To Be Temporarily Recast

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Wow, this board has really blown up since this morning. I never should have went to Africa.

Re: MAB & Rauch sharing EP title, it may be in name only as was suggested, or 50/50 with Rauch handling the lion share of production values. Even if Rauch is doing considerably less than MAB, a person of his years and accomplishments in the soap biz can't be "demoted" to anything less than EP (of course he can, but there's no way his ego would allow such). But big heads aside, this is exactly why Lucci for example was upset about her pay cut becoming public, and why people refuse to play grandmothers, and so on. These things can potentially weaken/hurt one in the business. i.e., if AMC can cut Lucci's pay, Joe Schmo at HSN or Guthy-Renker or a producer for a new acting gig might start smelling himself and think he can pull one over on the Looch.

And this is why people play hardball. Real actors like Jess work the hardest, they have to know their sh!t and look good doing it, drive front burner story where they're used until they're practically used up then end up getting jerked around by the pocket book. People say you can keep three newbies for the price of a vet, well, I hate to see any worthy newbie lose his/her job, but drop the dead weight and keep the vets that we actually enjoy. And I'm not talking about wheeling out Grandma on Christmas, what Jeanne and Jess have done for that show and soaps period is nothing short of amazing, they have single (double?) handedly proven that youth is sh!t and 50, 60, 70, 80+ actors in a great s/l can hold Moila's almost ANYone's attention.

Re: Jess's guarantee... my theory is that Jess and Jeanne have both become very expensive in the last few years because with such a huge front burner s/l they have consistently been working beyond their weekly guarantees. Remember, you get paid for every additional work day after your guarantee is met. We all know JC is full of piss and vinegar, but I wouldn't be surprised if she has something in her contract that keeps her from being overworked on any given day. I could be totally wrong here, but something tells me that they wouldn't make her work a 20 hour day like a newbie might, and this Kay/Jill thing has been so successful that perhaps she's had to work more days a week than ever anticipated. Just a thought. JC is Y&R's senior cast member (not than that means anything these days), and perhaps that's why they've gone for Jess instead of her? Who knows?

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Honestly, I'm not worried. Y&R has had more tense negotiations in the last decade than most other soaps. Melody Thomas Scott, Josh Morrow, (if I remember correctly) Sharon Case, and others have all gone down to the wire and yet all of them came out successful. Sure, it's a different ballgame right now, but so far the old playbook is still being used, it seems.

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Nah, I disagree with you.

1. I have to believe that maybe SOME of this chatter filtered up to the deal makers. I don't know, but this turned around VERY quickly...quicker than the Josh Morrow/Melody Thomas/Lauren Woodland/Sharon Case deals. So, maybe this helped a little?

2. Think like a social psychologist for a minute. WHY is there mass panic? It occurs when there is a population already at a high level of anxiety, and where messages of threat can be disseminated very quickly.

In other words, if the audience didn't have OODLES of treasured performers squandered by these corporate decisions already, there would not have been a "substrate" upon which the fertile seeds of mass hysteria could fall.

I would view the powerful fan reaction here not as a "problem", but as a symptom of a greater culture of mistrust and emotional negativity that has evolved. Marlena Delacroix touches on another element of this in her most recent blog update.

3. Y&R is DIFFERENT from other shows. AMC has Lucci. And then, honestly, almost no one else at her level (maybe Michael Knight...maybe). OLTL has Slezak (and maybe Woods or Smith...but I'm not sure).

Y&R has a whole TIER of these people. I think the uninitiated think it is "just" Victor and Nikki and Katherine...but honestly, there is a whole tier of folks with high recognition and fan appeal.

4. Jess, had she been dismissed 18 months ago, would not have engendered the same level of group response. But TPTB put her back on the front burner, in the middle of her most interesting story in years. Coupled with the same-day announcement of

, and could there have been a WORSE time to threaten the continuity of the Jill character?

Uh uh.

5. Finally, rather than derogate it as "overboard panic", think of it as "activism". In this case, one MIGHT conclude that activism didn't hurt.

It should be noted that I don't think people were mailing Hershey's kisses or batteries to Barbara Bloom. It wasn't a (sorry if this offends) silly thing. It was just a collective expression of opinion that threatening Jill and Jess at this time was foolish for a show that was running on all cylinders.

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I don't disagree with any of this, Mark. But what happened yesterday is a prime example of how the Internet has changed things, and not always for the better. A 48-hour tense negotiation period is as normal as breathing in this business. It's been happening since the genre began. Unfortunately, what we have now is a lot of people running around to every message board they can find, and bad-mouthing everyone from Bill Bell, Jr to MAB to Jess Walton to Hogan Sheffer to other post-ers. And while many of us on here are intelligent, sane, rational folks... there are a lot of people who read EVERYTHING on the web as gospel. And that's what disturbs me.

There was nothing abnormal or unusual about this negotiation from what I can see. Hardball was played (nothing new there), and one side caved (nothing new there). But the "beating of the drums" mentality does nothing but spread more negativity. It's show business. This is how it works. By spreading the "everyone behind the scenes is out to destroy the shows" mentality that goes along with this, especially to those post-ers who can't separate spoilers from speculation, or gossip from truth, or people with real connections and sources (i.e. DaytimeFan) with those who are just posting their perceptions of things... it creates a chaos that implies the show is heading down a Guiding Light/ABC path. (A few people yesterday started with the "WE WILL NOT ACCEPT BEING ABC'ED" and it was baffling to me.) There was nothing "ABC'ed" about this. It was a hardball negotiation that was done and over in a couple of days.

I'm thrilled Jess is staying, and would have been sorely disappointed with any recast in the role. But this wasn't a situation where "activism" was necessary. There are much bigger issues plaguing the genre right now.

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