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Y&R: Week of March 16, 2009

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If the acting and writing is good, I don't mind teens. Noah and Eden are the only real teens on the show, I don't mind them much. Kevin Scmidt is a good young actor, and this Eden is more tolerable than the other one (I know it's not saying much), but they don't bother me much.

Fonseca's Colleen was young, but she was greatly established and interacted with all sorts of age groups on the show, I loved her.

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I don't like this talk about Thad being irrelevant.

I have temporarily changed my avatar to reflect his contribution.

Now, I think he contributes MORE than that, but this is a -- ahem -- big part of what he contributes. Like many of you, I actually started to care about him during the Fonseca era. I also liked him when he was the snarky bad boy in the Glow by Jabot set. In both cases, he played the romantic lead and the snarky cad quite well.

But even if he never has a storyline again, my avatar explains why he should never, ever leave. And yes, that's enough of a reason for me. That's the same reason why I'd never let Doug Davidson go. And yes, I can provide material evidence in support of his retention as well.

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I never cared for JT with Colleen or Mac. I always thought he was best and hottest with Brittany. I miss her.

I'm with Mark H. Luckinbill serves a purpose, even if it is just a visual one. But he is a capable actor so I'd like to see MAB invest a little into his character.

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Ditto. You don't need to be part of a core family to be relevant. If everyone was part of core families it would become incestuous like B&B.

I agree that Thad was at his best with Lyndsy Fonseca's Colleen, although I also think he and Tammin would sizzle. He is boring with Victoria and he was boring with Mackenzie and Adrianne's Colleen (don't even get me started on that JT/Colleen shower scene supposedly being better than Nick & Phyllis' shower scene - frankly I'd rather see JT make out with Zapato).

JT needs to have an affair, whether it be with Colleen, Chloe,

or someone else. I firmly believe Thad is leading man material and he deserves better than to have Victoria walking around with his balls in her purse.

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Sharon Case was amazing today. Sharon sure has lost it! Im really digging this storyline

JT should have left YEARS ago. I have no idea why he has lasted so long. He lost purpose after Fonesca left. I liked him with Mac but really there wasnt too much going on there.

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Yes, I keep thinking his turn will come soon...and he'll be up for it.


ex-lovers in town (Colleen

), and a marriage that is SURELY getting old (as Victoria proves she is nothing but Daddy's girl, time and again)...and his own expressed discomfort about the neutered image he felt was expressed by the poster in my avatar...I'm sure it will all explode soon.

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Well, that was my opinion and not surprisingly you are taking shots at Adrianne Leon, yet again! Go figure?!

I do hope that JT and

will reunite (just not this Colleen, please); he needs more shower scenes or hot scenes period or else why keep him. He doesn't do that many shirtless scenes anymore or sex scenes for that matter.

Spoilers indicate that Kevin

Why on earth? Although, I do like Kevin a bit darker. I guess, his kidnapping has brought all of this on.

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Okay, so, today Sharon is at her LOWEST ebb. Totally broken down. A physical and emotional mess. Shaking. Tear-stained face.

Just last night, Jack tried to get with her and she called out NICK'S name.

She has just confessed to Jack that she's been a skanky ho...with other men...RECENTLY.

And what does he say? "I have never been more in love with you than I am this moment!".


Until this episode (which was terrific in just every way....even Devon impressed me!!), I never realized how DEEPLY SICK Jack is. DEEPLY.

He wants a weak, broken woman? He is especially attracted to a damaged rag doll of a woman...a burned out shell?

Oh man, this is DEEP SICKNESS TERRITORY...and I couldn't be happier. THIS is what soaps should be about...dysfunctional people making more and more mistakes.

And Victor and Adam...from historical to recent flashbacks, and a reminder of how Adam was, and what the Newmans have made him...just total perfection.

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For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why Jack would want to try and bed Sharon after she called him Nick but I think you said it perfectly there. I was falling into his caring and over protectiveness until that.

Bryton finally brought it today with his scene with Neil. I knew he had it in him but it's been a few years since he was featured with any material to bring it out of him.

If they are so intent on keeping Tyra, they should try a chemistry test with either Cane or JT cause this Neil/Tyra crap is BS!

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OH-MY-GOD! Sharon :(:(

Sharon Case= Emmy. She was absolutely amazing in Tuesday's American episode..... and then Phyllis realizing Sharon is a total kleptomaniac at the end....

Where will this end???? I know I can't wait to see!

The rest of daytime should be taking notes here!

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