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Y&R: Week of March 16, 2009

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I was dissappointed in todays episode even though it was good. Why go through the all the trouble of hiding this woman's face, if it was a stranger in the first place. I thought it would be someone from the past like Dianne or somebody. (Hopefully it still is someone from the past with a plastic surgery)

And how many times is Katherine going to dissappear, it seems they are going in circles with that storyline. I hope tomorrow shows me otherwise.

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Obviously Victor is using this woman to get to Jack, and since it's only the beginning of that storyline, I never thought we'd get to know the real identity of this woman now...

Katherine's storyline is ending soon, I don't mind that it's lasted this long. Soaps don't usually write 2 month storylines anymore, let alone ones that last for 4 months. If it's true that this storyline is resolved on the show's 36th anniversary episode, well that's later this month...

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Post surgery she looks a fair bit like Heather, it would be funny if she turned out to be Paul's sister Auntie Patty!!

I think the majority of the cast is probably happy because they are privileged to be working on such a quality production. Based on what Nia Peebles said, it sounds like some of these "actors" became really lazy line readers over the LML regime and they need someone with the BALLS to actually tell them to quit slacking off and do their JOBS. I think the next step should be to fire those not pulling their weight around there and hire some capable talent who are looking to actually work, not coast by on their looks.

And I love that the second DNA test confirms that they are finally setting right the contrived Kay and Jill are mother and daughter. Now Maria, don't [!@#$%^&*] it up by having someone else on the cast turn out to be Kay's daughter. I want them to investigate who fixed the original one and why.

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No, Paul needs to keep doing exactly what he's been doing, so long as he doesn't have another heart attack. His toughness is getting the LAZY actors, who shall go nameless, to shape up or ship out! Y&R is a quality product because Paul Rauch is not taking sh*t from the cast. He can yell as much as he likes, the people he's yelling at deserve it.

ITA, MAB, love ya babe, but don't [!@#$%^&*] it up by having someone like Gloria (GOD FORBID!!!) or Gina or Nikki or ANYONE be related to Katherine or Jill. Just let whoever their real mother/daughter is be dead offscreen, just let it be. Messing with Katherine and Jill's relationship was disastrous for Y&R, don't inject anyone else into the narrative (especially [!@#$%^&*] Gloria!)...I don't care if they investigate it, I'd be happy with a throwaway 'labs make mistakes' line...I want Jill and Katherine fighting like two bitches in heat!

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This sounds great but to be frank they always say stuff like this in magazines and it turns out to be nothing :( i know the big thing is Mac returning i think they just want the viewers to keep watching so sometimes they exaggarate and it turns out to be something everyone is complaining about.

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