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Where are they now?

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Cool idea for a post!

Maybe we can unearth the whereabouts of some past soapers.

SOD & SOW used to run Where Are They Now issues every once in a while.

It's always interesting to me to see what people choose to do when showbiz loses it's luster or work has dried up.

Jane Badler (ex Melinda OLTL Natalie DRS )now lives in Melbourne Australia.She went there in the late 80's to film the Mission Impossible remake series,fell in love and stayed on.She acts occasionally on stage and TV as well as singing in clubs.She recently recorded a CD.

Scott Thompson Baker(ex Colton GH Craig AMC Connor B&B)is now on You Tube hawking some Christian based motivational stuff called CapturedDestiny based on the 'lost' writings of someone called Wallace D Wattles.The website promises everything short of world peace all at the special price of just $97.00!!!

Brad Maule (ex Tony GH) is hosting Texas county Line on some cable channel called BHTV as well as teaching at Stephen F. Austin University at Nacogdoches.

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She married VERY well. Chuck Lorre is RICH and he had the guts to tell Cybill Shepherd, to her face, that she was an ego maniacal bitch who was jealous that Christine Baranski won and Emmy and she didn't. Cybill fired him of course, but damn that moment must have felt great.

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Joe Breen is married to Carlene Carter, Johnny Cash's stepdaughter. He performs on stage with her. Here's a pic of them from last month: (Nice to see him doing well.)


From what I've read, Michael Sutton owns several trendy restaurants in LA and is a promoter. He seems to have fingers in a lot of pies and is doing well.

If anybody watches Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, you'll see John Littlefield (the last Gary Sinclair on AW) and Rib Hillis (the first resident killed off Port Charles, Dr. Jake Marshak). They've obviously become successful home designers. Nicholas Walker is a successful landscaper.

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I wouldn't say that "they've obviously become successful home designers." It's more a case of "they've obviously joined the cast of a successful home makeover show." (Warning: If you don't want your bubble to feel bursted about such "home reality" shows, just scroll! Scroll away from here!!) ;)

Like a lot of the personalities you see on TV, Littlefield is simply a television personality hired to portray an on-screen carpenter. As with many people out there, he knows the basics of carpentry, but he has no formal training or background as a designer or builder. Rib Hillis also has no formal training as a designer. He auditioned for EMHE and got the gig to be an on-screen "designer" personality. So it's anybody's guess as to how much of what comes out of his mouth came from his head. Frankly, they are hired for their looks and on-screen presence above anything else.

That's the way these shows run. Most of the work on home shows is performed by a construction crew and/or production assistants (even on ones where the homeowners are supposedly "doing it themselves").

But you're right, appearing on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is what they're doing. :)

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