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GL: Lights Out?-TV Guide Article

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Six, to be exact: Stephen Demorest, Tom King, Leah Laiman, Patrick Mulcahey, Millee Taggart, Nancy Williams Watt.

But, you know, who's counting?

But, even then - w/ Maureen dead and gone, Nancy Curlee out of the building, and JFP running amok, resulting in Buzz/Jenna/Tangie/Lucy/A-M overload - GL still had "life" in her. There was nothing on the canvas that a good HW and a more supportive EP and sponsor couldn't have fixed. Seriously. It's only when Megan McTavish came aboard as HW, and what had started out as a sober acquaintance rape storyline became some half-baked Hitchcockian homage, that fans and critics alike began to think, "You know, maybe "the LIGHT" can't be fixed?"

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The Sonni/Solita saga appealed to a lot of viewers. Granted, the '88 WGA strike wreaked havoc with that story, and what resulted was probably far more convoluted than Pam Long had planned; but I think the GL audience, in general, liked it, b/c they saw where it was going (...er, most of the time).

You're not kidding.

Yeah, GL has had amazing EP's. Too bad only three of them - Robert Calhoun, Gail Kobe and Allen Potter - ever "got" the show. (I don't count JFP, since her post-Curlee work proves who was truly responsible there.)

That's an understatement.

In retrospect? Neither. At the time, sure, it was a low point. But it was also a "blip," you know, like on a radar? You could put it behind you when it was over and move onto other, better stories.

Unfortunately, the "other, better stories" never came.

We would be remiss, though, if we didn't lavish the same honor upon ATWT and ANOTHER WORLD. Regardless of who was in charge of which soap, as long as the calibre of actors remained high, the shows themselves remained entertaining.

SoapNet Classics, wherefore art thou?

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{You know what's funny about that? Rauch had Jenna (Fiona's character) killed off, after she publically spoke out about the way the Michael Zaslow situation was handeled, despite knowing her back to his OLTL days. I've always LOVED Fiona Hutchinson, and I still believe Jenna is the best role she's ever played.}

Wow. Paul really can be a huge bastard. There were alot of DIRTY blind items in SOD in the late eighties regarding him and getting down with the blonde female castmembers of OLTL (which was pretty much ALL OF them).

Well I have watched the Reva/Annie stuff as well- and DAMN that was good stuff too. Along with Paul's penchant for large, pink and salmon colored sets!

Those clips I saw on Youtube from the late 90's reminded me alot of JFP's OLTL- plot driven but really well done and watchable.

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Rauch definitely put the "Light" in Guiding Light, if you know what I mean. LOL!

The Annie/Reva stuff was good, in a campy soap opera way. Also, Cynthia Watros KICKED ASS and DESERVED that Emmy she won. She took writing that was perhaps writing her into a corner and acted the hell out of it. It's very rare that actors can bring dept, complexity, and vulnerability to one-note villain roles, but Watros amazingly managed to do that. For a time in 1997- early 1998, she was more popular and more loved than Kim Zimmer, IMO, and this of course pissed Zimmer off to no end. She later admitted to being jealous of Watros. The Annie/Reva dymanic went to hell when they recast with Signy Coleman. Annie should've stayed gone when Watros left.

GL has always been a well produced show, until Wheeler and the budget cuts that is.

You'll notice JFP's dark lighting on early 90's GL, which was done well IMO, but it's definitely contrasted by Rauch's bright lights at the end of the decade.

Oh, and let me just add, for a good 30 years or so, GL had the best casting director that has EVER graced daytime. I'm talking about Betty Rea of course. She discovered so many wonderfully talented actors, many of which went on to bigger and better roles. It was a huge loss for the show when she died.

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Oh yeah- You know me. I couldn't even deal with the Youtube clips if the show looked like s=it. :)

I loved the look of the show actually. Lots of dark lighting and some of the sets were huge- like something off of primetime..

JFP (until GH- WHAT THE F HAPPENED??) produces as show really well from music to lighting to sets...

The Paul Rauch scenes I saw in that courtroom were bright, pink, and the courtroom set was AWESOME and huge. He makes a show look bigger than life and brighter than the sun. Until Y&R- where his appreciation of what made Y&R so successful- and actually building on that- has been surprising and impressive. He has finally mellowed in his old age or something.

Oh yes, Betty Rea. I used to read articles in magazines all the time about her. She was the most respected casting person in daytime..

Did the show suck under John Conboy? I heard all of the budget went into sets. lollllll

When was his tenure? Before Rauch?

And Beverly McKinsey is my favorite actress in daytime whom I never watched and wish I did.

AW, Texas, GL... That VOICE.. I wish she would not have retired.

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Set. One set. A baseball diamond, to be exact. Which he built for Marty West's Gayne. And after Conboy used it for that one episode? Never. Seen. Again.

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Conboy, the man who brought us Ellen Weston, Gayne, spent a wad on a baseball diamond we saw twice,gave is a gay rave, turned Alex into Myrna Glegg gone psychotic, and MAC????

Conboy is one of the main reasons' Wheeler had to change the production process....he bankrupt the damn show.

The clone was stupid and should never had been done and signifies that GL was now the KIM ZIMMER show, but despite its premise, it was more true to character then a lot of other storylines. It was okay to watch, depending on your taste for Zimmer..I "like," her, dont have the feeling she is the greatest thing on earth, and actually love Reva, but I dont want a whole show on her. BUT other storylines were going on at the time so the era wasnt all bad.

GL was the BEST...I lived with a bunch of other rugby players in college and GL was the only soap they would watch. One friend in particular love BevMck's Alex...."You don't [!@#$%^&*] with Alex," he said after Bev ripped someone apart on screen!

And they did have the most natural actors, actors that would have made this new production process work, but MADD, and Conboy, Wheeler chased them away.

Funny thing is, I just thought that was typical soap (I dont watch any others) now I know better.

The things going for it is that the show is on a creative upswing. They also have nothing to replace it with now and the show is making money. Not a lot, but enough to prove that it COULD work and soaps CAN be profitable. GL is making more money then some of the higher rated, more expensive soaps.

Also, Bloom is as much responsible, if not more then Wheeler for the mess GL is. Everyone knows she fucked the show up, along with Y & R..so she might be relunctant to cancel before it can get going a bit more. We shall see.

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