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DAYS: Discussion for the month of January

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Sorry. I didn't notice that we are doing monthly discussions for DAYS now.

I don't get Bo's visions, or the reason for them, so I don't like that aspect of the story. However, I love these Stefano, Lexie, Theo scenes at the mansion. I've been waiting years for Stefano to share scenes with his oldest grandson, the one he always seemed to forget before.

I'm gald Tony was there for Lexie because it's only natural for her to push Stefano away, because she feels that Theo has been just fine without him in his life, and the minute she introduces Stefano into Theo's life, this happens. She probably wants nothing to do with her father right now. And the previews for tomorrow, when Lexie continues to push Stefano away, and Stefano has a tear in his eye, they're going to be good.

Bo and Hope weren't the only ones being reminded of the last time they were standing in that very place awaiting word on a young boy's condition. I went straight back to January 2006 and felt like I was watching those scenes all over again. I was just waiting for Hope to let out that blood curdling scream and fall apart in Bo's arms.

Leave it to Daniel to be the one that will save the day. :rolleyes: I'm so over him being the medical miracle.

I was actually interested in the baby storyline today with Nicole and Mia. For once, it wasn't about Nicole lying to EJ about her pregnancy, and someone telling her to tell him the truth, or her upset over the fact that she lost her baby and that's the only way she can keep EJ. That's tired, very tired and it was really turning me away from the story. But today was better with the introduction of Mia. I did like, in the end, when Mia was all about giving Nicole the baby, but she wants to meet EJ first. You know Nicole's going to ask Brady to pose as EJ, but will he agree?

Daniel and Kate's break up scene was beyond stupid and lame. Again, I have to ask, what was the point of the last few months? What was the point of having Daniel sleep with Kate while with Chelsea? What was the point of any of it, just for them to have one of the most boring break up scenes in the show's history.

I think Philip and Stephanie's love story has been extremely rushed, but I'm glad they decided to wait to make love. However, I don't like Stephanie being the agressive one, the one that's pushing for sex and getting upset when Philip rejects her. Had she never been raped by Ford, I would let this slide because Stephanie never grew up with Steve in her life, with that father figure, and it's been proven time and time again that daughters without a father in the home are usually fast. But she did get raped last year and she shouldn't be so into jumping into the sack with random men. And yes, Philip is a random man. They just started getting close a couple months ago and they only got serious last month. It's way too soon for a rape victim like Stephanie.

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The show has become a real disappointment. DOOL was really interesting when it was telling these stories like the campus rapist and the case of Morgan's father even though they were centered around a couple of characters and day players. Now, the hack has resorted to ABC style writing and is just showing triangles and couples who spend long periods of times discussing their coupledom. You got me what it is Chloe, Daniel, Lucas and Kate talk about all day because all they have going on is the state of themselves. About the only thing that's interesting is Bo's psychic powers and Theo--and you got me what the heck that's about. Somewhere in the last six months DOOL started to lose me.

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Social Services needs to investigate Lexie and her parenting skills, surprised Theo isn't dead yet under her care......

Every time he's out alone with his Mommy he gets into some kind of trouble, now he's got swelling around the brain that of course Dr. Dan wanted to be the one to operate on. My Mom commented today that Lexie keeps doing the "poor me me me me" thing, it's like she feels more sorry for herself then she does for Theo...

It's so funny to see Steffy wandering around the halls of the hospital and around Salem like it's perfectly a perfectly normal thing.....

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I agree. I don't understand it either.

I liked them too. I want more Dimera family scenes.

Write him off already. He brings down every scene he's in.

Well, Dan is one of the most boring characters to hit DAYS, so of course the break up was boring. Every relationship he's in sucks. Trust me, there was no point in anything Daniel does. Man, I know he's just a fictional character, but everytime I see him on my tv screen, I just want to punch him. I don't think I've ever wanted to do that to someone who's not real. LOL

Sadly, I'm over Philip/Stephanie. I wanted them together so badly before, and now I just don't care. They haven't given me any great scenes......scenes that I can watch over and over. LOL

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Oh how the mighty have fallen... it's downright criminal that the great Stephano DiMera has been reduced to just a regular character. Salemites use to fearr Stephano and now he's so peripheral it's unbearable :(

Does anyone know where this Lexie/Theo storyline is headed? Will I ever get my wish of Lexie embracing her dark side and becoming a full fledged DiMera again? Sigh...

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Ok, here's the thing, people get mad when the show gets rejected on this board, but I think there is a real point here........

I've Watched This Show For DECADES!!! If I want to Bi*ch because they focus on characters I don't care about, have meaningless couples, and FIRE Deidre Hall....I can. It's my one soap I will keep with me. I'm mad because I love the show, and I think I have the right to voice my anger over they way it has been mismanaged. Do any of you remember Betty's Days? When Ken's mother was in charge? This show had heart during that era. There was family, romance, intrigue, and a new scandal to focus on every month or two. Since Ken has had the show, it has only come up for air during Reilly's "Golden Age", and folks that was all Reilly, not a bit Corday.

Now it will finally die, but I get to watch it die a slow painful death, or leave in a couple of weeks the star of this show is gone. As much as I love Days, I am done.

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I am with you Toups, I won't stop watching no matter what since I have been with Days from 1965! Right now it has some good moments (notice I said "moments") but as a whole, it really needs improvement. While I do like Philip and Stephanie as a couple, it could have been better but I will go with the flow and see what happens. I can say I am tired of seeing some of the same people 4-5 days a week and some others not at all (hint: Steve and Kayla). I am at work every day so don't get to post very often and I also post on the other board Tim mentioned earlier when I get the change. SON is the first board that I ever joined and posted at so I am still here and wish I could post more. I will be sorry to see Dee and Drake go, but not heartbroken. I would rather loose characters such as Daniel (I had high hopes for his character, but after they fired Billie, not so much) & Chloe. Not a fan of Rafe and that whole storyline either. Gering does nothing for me and I see no chemistry between him and Ali. Nicole and EJ are ok, but on too much for my taste. Sorry to ramble, but like I said, I don't get to post much these days.

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Kind of hard to be over them after like 2-3 months, isn't it? :lol: . Aren't you the one who wants long, drawn out build up LOL?

Just because they haven't had scenes to watch over and over? Toups, I think you have way too much time on your hands if you can watch scenes over and over so quickly like that. Your lucky if I watch an episode twice in one week and that is only when someone points something and I go back and look at that particular scene. Otherwise, I usually don't go back and rewatch stuff for awhile.

By the way, I'm kind of just teasing you here so don't take offense :lol: .

I will say though there hasn't been a real memorable soap scene in awhile on any soap, at least for me. I still find some good ones but in terms of great, huge impact scenes, I don't think I've seen one in around a year. They are definitely few and far between. It's like I've been saying, I lowered my expectations years ago and stopped being a critic and find myself enjoying every soap and most of the primetime shows I watch alot more. Not to say I like everything but I find enjoyment in pretty much everything I watch in some form. And I don't it's settling for less either. The entertainment industry is a mess, in general. It's not going to be what it used to be so why hope for something that won't come? I just try to enjoy what's here. I wish it was better but, alas, we all know me. Eternal optimist :lol: .

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I still don't seem him that way. I mean, just a month ago we saw him and EJ on the pier and he arranged the beating of those men who tried to double-cross him. He's just not running around like supervillain extraordinaire. It's refreshing because they can at least keep him around this way. They just need to do more with him but there are hints of that and I hope it happens.

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I like it for two reasons. One, because I believe it's a way of writing out Daniel. SC's contract is up soon and the hasty end to Kate's illness story and his relationship with Kate just to get to this pairing makes me think the writing is on the wall for him. I think Kate/Daniel was an Ed Scott idea to end Chan and give Kate a story and that was only kept around until they could settle on what they wanted to do. The other reason I like it is because of the wrongness, sexiness, and dirty feel that Chloe/Daniel bring. The show isn't pretending and trying to sell this as a love story. Its just too pretty people gravitating toward each other because he has issues and she isn't ready to settle down. It works on those levels and soaps have had stories like this in the past based solely on lust and sex. The buildup could've been better but, as I said, if it turns out to be an exit vehicle for Daniel it will be worth it and it does have some entertainment quality, at least to me it does.

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^I see shades of old Nicole right now. She's not as snarky but that comes out once in awhile. I'm sure the drinking will come back once she loses everything. I'm happy with the approach to her because she's not just a cartoon anymore. She has layers and can be pretty much anything at this point, especially since Ari sells it well.

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Hey, call me crazy, but I want Nicole to pull this baby thing off. At least for a long time. I want EJ and Nicole together if only to piss off EJami fans. I like Nicole when she's stong and conniving. But I like the vulnerable Nicole to a point. I don't like her so needy for EJ. I want him to get played badly by this baby thing. :lol:

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