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Y&R: Week of December 29, 2008

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Enough to make GL green with envy....

I don't mind when soaps go over budget for production. Much of what's amazing about Y&R is that it still feels like a complete town. We even saw Brad's apartment late this year....I firmly believe in spending money to make money....and it keeps story line moving, especially considering everyone doesn't have to meet at Crimson Lights to pick a fight.

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That whole storyline is grande masterpiece theatre: acting-, story- and procution (freaking awesome music!)-wise.

One major bummer though: The lack of flashbacks is ludicrous. We're speaking of Kay Chancellor who's been on the show fopr all those years and had so many memorable showdowns and storylines... Yet we only got this brief Jill-flashback to 1998 and quick echo-shouts of the real YoungPhillip and SexyRexy. Give me a break!

Th V8 thing became really tiresome in the end but is another sign that the Bells are in charge again. Bill Bell always loved his preachy social stories and I think soaps should do them because this is, along with compelling and complex character-driven stories, justifies them for being on 5 days a week instead of just one. B)

The Winters drama has me slightly untouched. Neil/Karen are laughable but I do like Tyra and see spunk in her. I also have no problem with Olivia's return so far. She's bascially just saying what 90% of the audience feel, so why is she a meddlesome shrewd if she acts?

And on a minor note: LOVE SEEING ZAPATO this week! :lol:

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I wonder how much V8 is paying for all this product placement. Yesterday they had a plug after B&B but it wasn't incorporated into their scripts. Maybe they are also being very clever about the set usage and putting up a set and filming multiple episodes in it before tearing it down.

I have yet to see many people clamoring for a Tyra and Neil pairing. Most of the posts are about Neil and Karen being a fairly dull couple because Neil and Karen are dull characters.

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Even though the show is amazing, the fact remains that the Winters family is just too boring. I like Karen and Neil, but they're both boring; I don't exactly know what to think of Tyra (and still don't care); Devon is as useless as always (writers fault), and the only person that they want to work on is the one person that I don't care for-Lily.

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One thing I'm not looking forward to is the Gloria trial....I hate it when Y&R goes to court. It always looks like a petty hearing. I don't know what it is...The entire Phylis courtroom drama I was bored. I have to admit OLTL does courtroom drama better than any other soap.

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Now that Tyra is the "vixen"/"homewrecker", I think that more of the audience is rooting for Neil & Karen to remain a couple. Karen is written as the wonderful wife and person who does not hurt a fly. Tyra is the younger woman, who is trying to "steal" Neil. Before Tyra was introduced, there was like no rooting potential for Neil & Karen, and no buzz for them at all. At least now most viewers hate Tyra and want her gone, and this results in more discussion.

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I think Neil should only be in business related storylines, skip his personal life, he was never that much of an interesting character in the first place. He needs a nasty bitch of a character to make his personal life interesting. Devon could easily be written out, as they haven't done anything with the boy since his first year on the show. But of course, they need a supporting storyline and to them, the Winters fulfill that and their minority quota.

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It was mentioned in B&B's scripts too.....

The other day while Steffy was talking to Rick, she was gathering up some promo materials from the "printing company" and had a few lines about how she had to call them because they left out the most important part from the materials. Of course the most important part was about the V8 campaign and how V8 and what they were doing was so important.....

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