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From friends of color who have had less than positive experiences during their visits to France, I do know that there are many problems that are similar to problems that exist in the U.K. and the U.S. but I applaud the fact that the French did not fall for the fake news and hacking attempts that many in the U.S. were bamboozled by (readily, if you ask me).


I did read that many in the banlieu felt that nothing would change no matter who was in office but I am relieved that enough people voted to give a firm shove against fascism.



In terms of the awful AHCA, the even the GOP in the Senate realizes that the House version is totally unacceptable, so they are crafting their own version. If the Senate comes up with a bill that leaves millions off being insured, it will also tank.

The House vote did on the AHCA indeed raise millions for dollars for the Democrats!! Hopefully that gets leveraged into some lost GOP seats in 2018.



Onto a different topic:


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TrumPutin is already trying to smear Sally Yates by tweet implying that she leaked info after informing the non-existent WH Council (s/b Counsel).


Both committees are led by Trumpkins who aim to stall and misdirect, so Warner, Schiff, Swalwell, et al., have their work cut out for them but they will be persistent. They've already essentially said that there are impeachable offenses but the info is classified. If that is the case, then the republicans who have been and are being complicit in trying to hinder this should be considered in the same vein as the perpetrators.


Lindsey Graham has shown that he's a bunch of talk because as much as he and John McCain had to say about Russian interference, you'd think he would want to get to the bottom of this collusion. Instead, he targeted Susan Rice in another effort to cause a distraction and have the ignorant mob carry on as if she'd committed high treason.


I still think that the IC may end up getting this done since some of the TrumPutins have probably committed money laundering, racketeering, and other offenses for which they can be more easily charged as a start.

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Racism and/or forms of discrimination based on light/dark skin tones exist all over the world in places where that sort of thing is encouraged/taught by individuals who embrace that sort of thing. The thing is that people can be unaffected by it despite its existence.  My friend and her sister took a trip to France several years ago and had no such encounters. If asked, they'd be totally oblivious on that. In fact, my friend has never experienced anything she would categorize as racism here. OTOH, she says her sister complains a lot about it being an issue because she's dark. I have only seen photos of her and she doesn't appear to be noticeably darker than my friend.


My experiences with racism have been minor, but if I go by how people react to such things nowadays I would be mentally broken over that.  I grew up with a lot of insecurities but race was barely a thing for me. Then again, I've had people tell me that I'm not black for the silliest of reasons that I found upsetting because I was hypersensitive about it when it happened (in some instances). Now the whole thing is laughable.

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Um, one of my former colleagues was physically assaulted in Paris and called an ethnic slur slur in French.

That is quite blatant and it it anything but minor.


I myself as a student in London, had a rando white British guy literally grab me by force and fortunately one of my flatmates pulled the guy away from me and started yelling at the guy.


Another of my flatmates, a Bangladeshi guy was followed and intimidated by two White guys while he was walking home one night. They literally surrounded him two, one on each side, standing shoulder to shoulder with him- speeding up their pace as he sped up his pace.


I had one or two odd incidents in Spain but mostly men getting fresh, nothing like a someone I knew-she was called a "junglebunny" by someone using a very casual tone.


These are real incidents and not examples of being hypersensitive.


I'm glad you can laugh at what happened to you but it's not the same for others.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Perhaps it was the lesson learned from the US election which prompted voters to act as they did. Everything felt so manipulated media-wise and people were exhausted by it. They also realize that closing borders, nationalising more companies and giving the state even more power (Le Pen's solution) is not going to fix France economically or socially. From a security standpoint, terrorism in France has been homegrown, so closing the borders would do nothing. Everybody knows this. French prisons and the rat-maze psychological prisons of the banlieues are terrorism's must fertile recruiting grounds. A French-created problem at least 3 decades in the making. I'm not sure Macron's election will fundamentally change things, but the other option was so much worse.


Re: AHCA, I am going to donate to Planned Parenthood in a few months' time, but more than that I feel despairing about the way giving birth and rape have now been reduced to 'pre-existing conditions.' Way to dull the impact of rape in the minds of Americans! It has now become a disposable expenditure. I am literally burning with rage at these women-hating politicians high-fiving each other over denying women basic healthcare, including c-sections. Apparently this is a vote-winner in heavily Christian GOP communities? [/rant]

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I traveled through a lot of Western Europe when I as in the service and was actually stationed in Scotland for several years for the last part of my enlistment.  I was getting tired of hiding my man love (haha) so I started venturing out to some fairly local gay bars.  The part of the country I was in was fairly rural, so I had to travel about an hour or so to Edinburgh or Glasgow - usually a lesbian friend would accompany me.


One night I ventured out alone, my friend on leave back in the states.   I stayed out fairly late, the guys at the bar were super friendly that night and I felt good when I left the bar.  I hadn't noticed that a couple of guys had been following me around the bar for about 30 minutes and left when I did.  The parking area was about 5 blocks away, when I got to my car they attacked me.  One held my hands behind my back, the other started punching me, jump kicking (!) me and calling me faggot over and over.  It was horrible.  I couldn't call the cops because they took nothing.  I couldn't claim robbery.  I was petrified I would be found out.  My glasses were destroyed.  Ribs bruised.  Eye swollen shut.  And had to drive back home to my flat, barely able to see, crying the entire time (mostly out of anger) and feeling completely helpless.


There are intolerant people everywhere.  I guess I had deluded myself into thinking I was in some enlightened society.


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omg I'm so sorry GMac -- as a resident in the UK, I am completely horrified. I thought these attacks no longer really happen here, but clearly I am deluding myself.


I don't know whether counselling is your bag, but if it is, talking about it with someone face to face can be helpful. The fact that you never reported it and had to keep your assault quiet is too much to bear, so I hope you have found a way to work through the feeling of helplessness you experienced that night. My heart hurts reading your story, I hope it has not stopped you from living your life fully, and with happiness.


I also pray the thugs that did this get punished in kind.

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That sounds horrifying @GMac! I'm glad you made it through!  It was a crime what happened to you, hopefully there is enough enlightenment that someone in your position now could feel that they could report it and be taken seriously.


I have been to London since my days as a student and fortunately that hasn't happened again, although I've experienced catcalls, etc. what many women experience when they walk, particularly alone on streets, still unfortunate but at least I feel a bit more empowered to manage the situation.


I had forgotten what happened to me that evening for many years until that former colleague recounted what happened to her on the Paris Metro.


I don't think acknowledging the seriousness of a problem and expressing hurt or disappointment is being overly sensitive. I think not acknowledging it and glossing over the severity of it has ensured that these problems continue to exist and affect people.

We need to deal honestly with what happens globally (of course, it's not just in Europe, that's a given). If we air it out in the open, acknowledge it, then that's the first step toward solving the issue.


Laughing it off certainly won't help.

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Thank y'all.  @Cat 

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I love the UK.  Even after that happened, it's a beautiful country and I am dying to go back to my old stomping grounds of Montrose, Edzell, Brechin, Aberdeen... and of course Glasgow.  Edinburgh was nice too but somehow I preferred the grittier nature of Glasgow, although I have no idea if it's still like it was when I was there. 




It's been many many years ago but I have never forgotten it.  I often wonder what happened to those Scottish thugs - were they trying to hide or fight their own homosexuality?  or were they truly that angry at a man they didn't know for doing something that they found that repulsive?  It was a lesson learned - and believe it or not, I'm not sure I would change anything about it.  It happened, I got through it and I'd like to think maybe I'm a bit better or it.  Am I crazy or what?  lol 


Anyway, thanks again for your kind thoughts.  :-) 


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Part of my family moved to London from Jamaica and my mother underwent a lot of racial abuse from white and black people, so please don't mistake my telling of my own personal experiences as my being dismissive of anyone else's.  All I meant to convey is that we can sometimes live in the same places and not be subject to the same experiences. I learned to brush off people trying to tell me who or what I was because that worked for me and I would say the people who have been the most aggressive towards me have been other black people. Hence, I don't tend to generally use a racial lens to view some things. I have learned that my opinion and how I choose to handle things works for me and that racism and other things are not and will never be one size fits all.


My mother lives in Italy and says racism has been heightened there since a greater influx of immigrants are constantly arriving.


I don't think that I in any way said other people were being hypersensitive, but I am sorry you took how I refer to myself as a reference to others because that's not the case at all.


Clarification: I went back and re-read what I wrote and when I wrote: My experiences with racism have been minor, but if I go by how people react to such things nowadays I would be mentally broken over that. I realize that although I know what I mean, it could easily be read as being dismissive to someone else. I see my mother's experiences and others who have experienced what I see as "real racism" that can adversely affect a person's life or result in pain, suffering or even death.  I don't deem whatever I've experienced in the way of racism as anywhere on that level as I can easily brush off people assuming that I should fit their stereotypes, or that I'm a complete idiot, or being amazed that I can construct a grammatically correct sentence.


So I am very sorry about that because I did not mean to imply that anyone's experience with racism is something minor.

Edited by Wales2004
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It could be either anything. My feeling is that you were alone and they saw a lone target.  They were waiting outside the bar for an opportunity. Maybe they view anyone 'different' from their narrow mindset as someone to attack. It's a mob mindset, a way to feel powerful. The need for aggression, to inflict pain on somebody like this, is of course pathological.


Even though I am not involved in your story, I also wonder what becomes of somebody who does this. Maybe they come away from the experience profoundly disturbed by what they did and it changes them for the better. Or, it changes them for the worst. This may not be the first time they perpetrate a crime like this. Maybe they have entered the prison system for another incident of GBH. Maybe they beat up on their partner. Anyway, I am speculating and rambling.


I am glad you saw another, better side to life in Scotland, even after this shocking assault. I have a friend who lives in Glasgow and I really like the city, too. In fact, I would say the welcome I have gotten there compared with London (lol) is a lot warmer and kinder. People reach out and communicate there. Even though I love living in London a lot.

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No problem @Wales2004

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  My family hails from Jamaica and Cuba (fortunately, I've been able to spend time on both islands) so I'm well versed in how people are being marginalized. I also know that Jamaicans can and do practice 'colourism' as do Black Americans here in the U.S.  Still, that is ostracizing (intraracial) versus the virulent racism (interracial) , the differences are quite stark.


@GMac Also no, problem  We're here to help each other (at least that's what I believe) even if it is virtually.



Just saw this and boy, if it's true this is truly incredible! Or is it incredulous?


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Is that even possible for the WH to do though (try to get a hearing cancelled)?  I thought Congress, mainly the Senate arranges these types of hearings.


I guess the WH technically could try to abuse their power and exert pressure somehow but I've really never heard of an instance where it was done. Maybe during the Nixon era?


There is a livestream for the hearing for anyone interested in trying to watch.


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