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Are you serious? Equating gaffes like the special olympics, 57 states and middle east for centuries with confusing NORTH v SOUTH KOREA?! One set of comments hurt feelings or sound stupid, the other set of comments start wars and are unforgivably uninformed and internationally embarrassing.

Sarah Palin is a laughingstock. Obama's not perfect, but compared to Palin, he's Mother Teresa.

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I think any comparison actually dies before it actually begins. Margaret Thatcher owns Palin and is millions of miles above. She certainly did do certain things the wrong way, but that isn't the point now. Further more, Thatcher was a research chemist, trained as a barrister and I even think she has a PhD in chemistry from Oxford. Not some sh!tty university no one's ever heard of.

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Well, Scotty, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. The fact is that the majority seems to agree with me on the issues and with politics in general. The election bears that out, eh?. I respect the office of the President, however I have little respect for the joke that currently occupies the office. Every time you and your ilk reach back to Bush in an attempt to prop up Obama, it screams of desparation and insecurity. Obama is a failure, as is the liberal agenda he espouses. Democrats lost control of the House because of his failures, and Republicans will capture the Senate and possibly the Presidency in two years because of his arrogance and refusal to listen and accept the will of the majority in America.


Edited by GoldenDogs
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Are you serious? Still defending Obama? Give it up, "DaytimeFan"... Your President is a failure and has accomplished little to nothing. The so-called accomplishments he brags about are the very policy decisions that have crippled the Democratic party and made THEM a laughingstock. Democrats will not be in a majority in America for at least another 10 years (probably more) as a result of his arrogance, poor judgement, and questionable priorities. Throw in a little Pelosi and a pinch of Reid and you have a trainwreck the likes America hasn't seen in a generation or more. The liberal agenda is dead and you are in the minority. Blame Obama for that.

Democrats have had a lock on power in America for two years now and we have WHAT to show for it? The economy continues to crumble, more people out of work, etc. When two of three branches of government are OWNED by one party for two years, laying blame becomes pretty laughable.

Anyway, best wishes to you... ;)

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Hey Carl...

From where I'm standing, I sure do miss Bill. I didn't always agree with him, but he knew how to bring everyone to the table and get things done. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't appreciate him then like I do now. And I'll be the first to admit that I miss him...

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Not at all... I just miss Presidential Presidents, not losers with no plan, no hope, and an uncanny ability to turn everything he touches to crap. :D

I never unfairly bashed Clinton back in the day... every criticism by me and everyone else of him was dead on. He was generally considered a smooth talker, a liar, and a perv in some circles. But he did (and still does) love America, cares for the people, and respected the office he held. Hillary would have, too, had she not been pushed aside by the party and the media. I don't agree with much of the Clinton agenda, frankly, but I have no concerns of an America in their hands. In fact, I believe the Democrats would still hold both houses of Congress if Hillary had been elected.

A poor vote when I declined to Vote for Gore? Hell no. Gore remains one of the biggest idiots ever to run for high office. And in case you haven't seen any recent polls, the number of people who would vote for Bush today vs. Obama is about equal. People DO actually miss Bush... especially after two nightmare years with Obama running the ship aground...

I long for a real President... don't you? Honestly, how can you defend Obama's record? Hell, pass over whatever it is you're smokin', dude! I want to be in your happy place, too... :blink:

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You know, many economists said Obama didn't go far enough with pumping money into the economy. I do know he wants to let the temporary Bush tax cuts expire for everyone making 250,000 and above while continuing the break for the other 95% of the country, and republicans have taken the position that if the top tier do not get the breaks, no one will. This despite of record profits for the corporations and a greater amassing of wealth by the top percentile than at any time since the Depression. And we know how that worked out. His health care bill sucks, but he was not able to get what he wanted because republicans cried socialism and he caved.

You do know that the Bill Clinton you speak fondly of is the same Bill Clinton you undoubtedly wanted impeached, right? People who miss Bush are idiots. They miss perpetual war and Dick Cheney allowing oil companies to dictate policy? They miss the Atty General using his office to indict democratic candidates who dared oppose republicans? They miss cynical and phony Orange Alerts? Well, no one ever went broke underestimating the American People. What do they miss exactly?

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Perpetual war? Last I checked, we're still at war. Obama has not ended our involvement in Afghanistan (which is probably a bigger mess than it ever was prior to his taking the reigns) and for all his high-minded talk, Guatanamo Bay still holds prisoners. Why? Because it just has to be that way and he has finally realized that... and we won't go into the failed policy of bringing war criminals here for a tour of our criminal justice system.

Just dumping money into the economy via stimulus didn't work when Bush foolishly did it, and Obama has magnified the failure several times over. Basic economics - it is funny money that can't be relied upon for long-term growth or capital. Here today, gone tomorrow... businesses don't hire people without some reasonable assurance that they won't have to fire them when the budget year is over. Business owners look long-term (which is why keeping tax cuts in place for everyone makes sense). As much as you and I must plan and budget for our home, so do business owners... and if they can COUNT on keeping more of their money and not shoveling it at the government, they can then consider how to grow their business (which always means a job and work for somebody in some form). The perception that the rich hoard their money and don't invest it back into the economy is ridiculous. Yes, of course these people seek to make more money - but do you think they plant it in their money garden and $100 bills grow up around them? Come on, they build and expand, and that always means more jobs for somebody. I'm far from rich but I don't begrudge those who have it, particularly those who invest it in the economy. They are businesspeople and that is what they do... They are consumers, like us. And when times are tight and they've got to give more up in fees, taxes, etc., they turn tight-fisted just like us. The difference is that when WE tighten OUR belt, we don't go out to lunch or buy the latest Wii game or Blu-ray movie or DVD... When the rich tighten THEIR belts, they don't hire anyone for their company or business. When THEY do that, you and I don't get hired.

Yeah, people miss Bush. He was humble and not arrogant. He wasn't perfect and didn't pretend to be, unlike Obama. You're right... Obama health care sucks, but how do you figure he didn't get what he wanted? The Democrats had ALL THE POWER to push through whatever they wanted... and they did! That's why they got their asses kicked in the election. Obama got EXACTLY what he wanted. It's weak to continue blaming Republicans or Bush for health care, the economy, or anything else going poorly right now. Obama has been in office for TWO YEARS now... TWO LONG YEARS with FULL CONTROL of both houses of Congress. At some point, the man and his party must accept responsiblity for their failures and the state of our nation today.

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