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Between encouraging murder of civil servants, and banning AP Psychology in high schools due to discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity, he's tripling down on catering solely to online hordes, similar to Bernie (and Trump's 2020 campaign). He also has an aide he made a show of "firing" now working for the state (this aide has ties to the likes of Andrew Tate). The sad thing is if he wasn't so uniquely repulsive, he would probably not be affected by any of this. 

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Another exposé article on Clarence and Virginia Thomas’ prolific grifting.
As the right-wing faction of the Supreme Court deprives others of getting their student loans forgiven, it is obvious that the Thomases did not have to pay back their $267,230 loan on their luxury RV.


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I don't really understand why anyone any longer pays attention or gives credence to the corporate media after their obvious push for the GOP in 2022 and what a pathetic result it turned out to be for THEM. They were wrong about everything.

I was volunteering at NARAL for the election and we were exclusively reaching out to independent and suburban GOP women in swing states and after talking to so many of them, I knew it wasn't as they kept predicting in the media. And if anything, it's even more intense now because millions of our sisters out there have been living under this garbage now. The OLD WHITE MALE run media will never understand this. The thing they really are angry about is that no one really gives them much thought anymore. The are so insulated. They think MAGAt's are average Americans.  Other than the Beltway inner circle, who knows or cares about Stein or Leonhardt.

Edited by JaneAusten
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The same group that went after Affirmative Action is now coming for a venture fund geared toward Black women and marginalized groups. The amount are modest by venture capital standards yet here we are.


PBS has its definite blind spots but it is a sure sight better than the news and information presented on traditional network television.

One last postscript on the conservative group’s lawsuit against the Fearless Fund, I knew they wouldn’t stop at Affirmative Action, they’re already gnawing at workplace hiring protections, so of course they want to restrict all perceived pathways to success to historically well connected groups.

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