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Acosta on CNN now.


Acosta: "What we're being told is being driven in part by what the president wants the people to hear. [...] Obviously what we heard yesterday was a full scale debacle."


Conley: "Since we last spoke, the president has continued to improve. As with any illness, there are ups and downs. [...] The president has experienced transient drops in his oxygen saturation. [...] Late Friday morning, the president had a high fever. [...] I recommended the president try some supplemental oxygen. He was fairly adamant he didn't need it, but after about a minute over 2 liters his saturation levels were about 94%." Then yada yada he went to Walter Reed.

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"He has remained without fever since Friday morning." Is not complaining of shortness of breath. Is ambulating and walking around without limitation. They keep tossing it to different doctors.


POTUS is on a five day course of remdesivir.


"Today he feels well. He's up and around. Our plan for him today is for him to eat and drink and be mobile for as much as possible. If things continue to improve we plan for him to return to the WH as early as Monday if possible."



Conley claims Meadows was "misconstrued" when asked which of them was telling the truth yesterday.



Aaaand away he goes. Ignoring a final q re: lung scans.



Gupta on CNN: "They are telegraphing concerns again here and the next few days are going to be critical for him."

Tapper: "But to laymen like me, they're hidden in this cloud of 'upbeat attitude.' I don't need upbeat attitude as an American citizen, I need facts about how the president is doing."

They're dissecting the 'expected findings' in the lungs and the use of dex/steroids. 

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Gupta does not believe Trump will be discharged tomorrow, and neither do I unless Trump demands it against medical advice.






Dana Bash on Conley: "We don't need a medical briefing from a Baghdad Bob!"



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We are nearing the "glorious comeback/COVID is nothing" stage of the game, if at all possible. 


I saw that Chuck Todd was trending, as he spent the morning talking about the uphill battle Biden's campaign is facing. 


Todd and that tedious little man George Stephanapolous also had Trump flacks on and let them push every talking point under the sun.


Use polls for inspiration and confidence, but please never forget who the media is working for. 

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Gloria Borger says Conley has been turned into a spin doctor for Trump, not a medical professional.



Unlikely atm!



If the media had gotten their way Romney and McCain would've won. The media does not control the polls or the public. That's why Todd is being raked over the coals.


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Obama ran a strong campaign and had a great ground game and also made sure to keep the media at arm's length. All I can hope is that Biden's people have done the same. The pandemic has made the ground game part much more difficult, but hopefully it will be enough. 


At least I got a laugh today out of Bernie supporters still whining and pouting. 



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