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Meanwhile, from across the pond:




It's just strange (and scary) to me how our government and the UK's appear to be imploding at roughly the same time and speed.

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It's certainly wild (i.e. rollercoaster) but not unexpected AFAIC.  IMO, it's really what people were referring to when they were speaking of the millenium and  'systems coming apart' only most may not have truly realized it because people were so fixated on  some type of explosively chaotic event (like the Y2K that never happened) to occur but to me, this was what it was all about to begin with.  People like Boris Johnson have been planting these seeds for over a quarter-century now so it should come as no surprise that this is happening.  I don't think the chaos that has ensued should be a surprise either, given the violent rhetoric that was used to get GB to this particular moment in time, it's just that the British have deluded themselves into believing that one can make order out of chaos.  Given what it took to derive this result, an orderly "Brexit" was never going to be in the cards.


What's happening in the U.S. now is, to borrow and paraphrase (mess with) the words of Gabriel Garcia Marquez "a chronicle" of a collapse "foretold".  Since before the Tea Party, the GOP was moving in this direction, whether people wish to acknowledge this, or not.  And the fact that Americans have been getting more of their news from comedy shows, reality shows and combative talking heads on conservative radio and ratings grabbing cable "news shows" than news broadcasters that actually do in-depth, considerate reporting (hey PBS is still out there, people!) really foretold the way in which this country was going and paved the way for a reality-show, ratings grabbing man to ascend into the White House. 

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FFS!  Trump is looking for heads to chop off, and the [!@#$%^&*] New York Times is helping him figure out whose head to chop!


From the Comments section:


"You have shown time and again that you are utterly unprepared for this political moment, between your slavish devotion to both-sides-ism over objective truth and your baffling editorial choices."



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Good!  It SHOULD be hammered!


Who the f**k CARES that the president and/or his followers question this person's credibility?  Just this afternoon, the president made veiled threats against him and his sources!  And the g.d. New York Times is worried about looking less than credible to that thug?  REALLY?


I think it's clear now who and what this newspaper works for these days -- and it sure-as-hell ain't for the people.

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The fundamental issue at NYTimes is that its editorial staff is largely privileged older men who see everything as part of the game - and still lean center-right. Dean Baquet has repeatedly dismissed Trump as "just another Edwin Edwards figure" like he used to cover on his old beat. They see this all as just the normal political world, and they desperately curry favor with conservatives so as to not seem liberal. In doing so, they enable them.

Case in point: the Sabrina Tavernise mess this morning, as well as Ken Vogel, who unwittingly kicked all this off while looking to carry water for Trump and Rudy. From last week, before all this:




And now:




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I never liked Rudy, not even a little. He was a horrid mayor who sold the city to tourists and he lied to emergency workers about the safety and air quality--many have died and are dying as a result of his lies. 

Rudy was, is and will always be pure scum in my book.


Also, I hope Giuliani's cousin/wife takes him for every nickel he's worth. 

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The media will make this go against Democrats no matter what, as we're already seeing with the NYT, but I wish them luck as this past week has shown they have no choice but to start proceedings. 


Here's media darling Chris Christie, hilariously backtracking after Trump literally says exactly what he said should lead to impeachment.



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The media isn't going against it atm, though. And the Times has been humiliated - no one other than Fox is going to want to follow that lead right now. We can be vigilant with media without assuming the narrative is always against us when it isn't presently.





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