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I hear that, regardless it's disgusting if you ask me. White collar swampland justice and justice for everyone else. It's a prime example of the imbalance in our criminal justice system.


I'm reminded of Elliott Abrams and his involvement in Iran-Contra and how he ended up being allowed to plea for lying to congress, after his involvement in the El Mozote massacre - he should have gone to prison for the rest of his life. He's now the lead official on the Venezuelan "humanitarian effort" translation regime change - program. And all the pardons William Barr our current AG, encouraged GHWB to sign for the Contra crooks as Bush was leaving office including Casper Weinberger.

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I'm not surprised, but I'm still pissed off at how the media is working overtime to talk about how Ilhan's Omar's controversies are a distraction and a gift for Trump. They are not comparable to him in any way. The only reason they are a distraction is because the media, desperate to get Trump reelected and to help Republicans win back the House, make them one.


It just makes me see red. 

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A good part of me feels that I will never forgive my fellow citizens for voting for this viper in the White House. 

Part of me hopes that someday, I may be able to forgive but I see what little progress made being stripped away, I read about the fact that deaths by drug overdoses and suicides are at an all-time high (am I the only one deeply disturbed by this?) and that the global economy is already slowing down and showing the hallmarks of a future recession after all the pain and suffering and I get very pissed off.

And we're focused on the wrong things...already!  Looking onto the next election cycle in our perpetual election process...already!

Everything is just going sideways, it seems.

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It's a sign of how bizarre this whole time period has become.  I think the things she has said played into his hands, but only because the world doesn't make a lick of sense.  Why is anyone taking him even remotely seriously after all the antisemitic things he's done?


Remember a few months ago when Trump said Israel was "your country" to a bunch of American Jews?



Or how about the ads that had Hillary Clinton surrounded by the Star of David and dollar signs? That was before he won and I couldn't believe my eyes. It's not entirely the fault of the press though. They report this stuff, but Republicans just don't GAF.


Not that any of that let's Omar off the hook and it looks like her own community is taking notice.


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BREAKING: Bill Shine Resigns As WH Communications Director




Reports say he will take on a "senior adviser" role in Trump's 2020 campaign (which Trump himself has been running practically since he took the oath of office back in 2017).

Edited by Khan
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Good times.




I remember all the hype over him when he started, but he was just yet another of the bozos Trump turned against, and his moron wife got never-ending bad publicity. 


Trump has used and discarded so many fools. 

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Someone should sent this to Michael Smerconish who was using the so called "unfair persecution of Kraft for hiring a hooker(ignoring the trafficking aspect of it)" to get on his soapbox about legalizing prostitution. He was lambasted on twitter, but he never apologized or backed down on this dumb false narrative he tried to drive.



Why on earth anyone has Starr on boggles my mind. He gets fired from Baylor for covering up the sexual assault scandal, yet can still get gigs. But this was almost worth it. I was laughing thanks for sharing.

Edited by JaneAusten
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No, I find it pretty disturbing too. Narcotics have been a terrible plague for a long time, but it's sad to think that people are dying from a single dose so often now.  There isn't any time to hit a bottom and fight your way back.  Maybe there is a little less stigma to drug addiction these days because medical science has determined addiction a disease.  I guess that's more respect than people addicted to coke or crack in the 80's got, but what good does it really do? Isn't it that very medical establishment along with corporate greed that has lead to many of these recent addictions? Not only does rehab have a huge failure rate, but have you seen the articles about the insurance scams in Florida? It's terrifying and heartbreaking.


And yes, things are going sideways.  They can't go any other way while 45 is in charge. We will be very lucky if we can turn things around even when he's gone because we've shown that we are vulnerable to this type of strong man governing.  One of the most frightening aspects of the whole thing for me is watching the Republican party cave to the unending lies and corruption. Maybe I should have known they would, but I had to see it to believe it.

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