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Chris Wallace seems to be taking a harder and harder line against Trump and friends. I wonder if he will get any blowback. 


Weird to see Will Saletan saying that stuff as I mostly remember him writing a lot of contrarian and covert right-wing articles at Slate, usually about social issues.

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Well, it even says so in the Bible: "If you have done unto the least of these, you have done unto me."  Now, you can't proclaim this nation to be a Christian nation, and then not provide for our poor.  Otherwise, you are a hypocrite.  AND GOD ABHORS A HYPOCRITE.

Edited by Khan
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What happened to her brother is incredibly sad.  There is also another article about a recent alumni (a student/athlete) being charged with rape and sodomy. 


Yes, there are other stories about the racist antics of these students toward kids at other schools, yet the deluded parents still insist that their kids are being painted negatively. 

These parents are pulling a Trump, which is why it seems effective with getting media to consider pulling back from reporting yet these are the same parents who publish their own children's names as attendees in these Right To Life marches.  

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