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Wow.  I knew the vote totals on Nelson/Scott and DeSantis/Gillum were close, but I didn't know they were THAT close.


I understand why so many want Stacey Abrams to stay in there and fight, but I am worried that what they're doing in GA is just delaying the inevitable.

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Trump skipped visiting a cemetery in France honoring our dead soldiers - because it was RAINING. His BS administration is claiming "security", but past administrative folks are calling it bull schitt, as they should. Love the first paragraph of this WaPo article about it. About time they call this POS out.


Our world standing is deservedly in the sewer. But then, what else should the military expect from a five-time draft dodger?

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Once upon a time there was a thin pretense that the GOP leadership was above the conspiracy-mongering and paranoia of their media outlets. 


Those days are long gone, apparently.




The National Republican Senatorial Committee pointed to a report by Fox News that Fontes once defended a man in the "Operation Fast and Furious" gun-running ring during the Obama administration and said Fontes had been caught mixing tainted ballots with legitimate ones.


The Arizona GOP said Fontes has misled the public about the voting process.


“Adrian Fontes has intentionally circumvented the legislative and judicial process during this election,” said Arizona Republican Party Chairman Jonathan Lines. “He is a liberal activist masquerading as an election official, and we cannot trust him to oversee this process. Arizonans have a right to know what liberal parties Fontes is communicating with about this race, and what he is telling them. What is Adrian Fontes hiding?"


What they're really fuming about is that Sinema is, for now, anyway, winning a county that is historically Republican. They can't admit that they are doing this - driving voters away - so of course it's all a fraud and a scam. 

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Those days are gone, of course, because Trump's ascendancy has emboldened them.  I saw it all the time as a kid when my bullies' sycophantic friends would bully me as well.  To them, seeing the main bully antagonize me meant that it was "okay" and "acceptable" to do the same; and also, they were doing it, because they wanted to impress the main bully and remain in his good graces, too.  They probably didn't want him to do to them what he always did to me.


So, in a way, that's how I look at a lot of those who try to follow in Trump's footsteps.  They're all punks, because they never had the guts to be this bold in their hatred of "the other" when Trump wasn't around; and if anyone were to be the David to his Goliath, they'd distance themselves from him and his rhetoric so fast....

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While it's great that there will finally be a chamber of Congress that will investigate Trump, one unfortunate aspect of Tuesday's elections is that the House GOP caucus is even Trumpier than before, since the relative few GOP House members who weren't a part of Cult 45 either retired or got defeated. I didn't see anybody talk about this, but in his post-election press conference, Trump was practically gleeful that certain House Republicans were defeated and mentioned several by name:




All this was too much for retiring Representative Ryan Costello of Pennsylvania, who called Trump out with this tweet:



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How the heck would you know they were anti Trump Republicans. Did Costello step up once to denounce Trump? Did any of the rest of them support protecting the Mueller investigation? If they did they should be mad at Paul Ryan for refusing to bring that legislation to a vote.


Peter Roskam was one of the people called out. His district is close to me and was a suburban red district. But many of these districts have been turning purple. The biggest problem with Roskam was no town halls in 8 years, no dialogue with constituents, he helped craft a taxbill he knew would hurt people in his district a lot( limitation of prop tax deduction and removal of SALT deductions) and then lying about supporting PEC’s when many in the district knew it was a, lie. Maybe they should question how their party turned into this (it started with the TEA party) and why they didn’t do something sooner. I always felt Boehner cowtowed to the Tea Party too much, and honestly he could have passed legislation easily if he used a coalition of moderate republicans and moderate democrats.

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Jane, I can't vouch for every single representative that Trump called out by name, but Costello has been sincere in his opposition to Trump's corruption and divisive rhetoric. (I realize that he's supported policies that Trump advocated, but that's simply because most of those policies are little different from those that would have been proposed by a generic Republican POTUS. The fact that he supports these policies doesn't make his personal revulsion to Trump any less genuine.) FYI, Costello's anti-Trump stance isn't something that he just made public this past week:






And Costello has had the courage to support the Mueller investigation:



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I saw that SNL gave a big wet kiss to Dan Crenshaw, having him appear on the show after Pete Davidson made a cheap joke about his eyepatch last week.


Lorne Michaels can't help himself. He always has to have a Republican to hang onto for dear life to present his "both sides" bullshit. 


Never mind that Crenshaw wants to take away the rights of anyone who doesn't look just like him, that he enables extreme hard right conservatism, and that the majority of viewers who continue to watch SNL are people he does not think should have any say over their own bodies or bedrooms. 


If it makes Lorne feel good and gives an aw shucks media moment, that's what matters. 


They can kiss my ass. 


In other news, there is nothing to laugh about with Trump, but I do tend to laugh when I see photos of him with Macron. (I was going to post the picture but nobody deserves to see his face if they don't want to).


images .newrepublic.com/899f256ef9ff16ce709d3452b16351e3e12ad8ee.jpeg?w=800&q=65&dpi=1&fm=pjpg&h=533


I really think he has a man-thing for Macron and struggles to hide it, making him look even more irrational and pathetic than he does with all other world leaders. 

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I guess my point was how big a price would any of these people paid at the polls if they strongly held to their convictions and reran. Costello announced he was not running and Charlie Dent left. But I think my point is that maybe some of these folks would have gotten beaten anyway. Their own tax bill was a flop, Americans apparently in swing districts, districts filled with more educated republicans like in the Illinois 6th knew the bill hurt them. What reason did people like Roskam,, Randy Hultgren in Illinois,  Faso in New York, MacArthur in New Jersey, the many GOP congresspeople in California support a bill they knew would hurt their constitutents and drive up the deficit to astronomical amounts.  Trump is a disgusting pig and no, aligning themselves with him would have hurt them more(Hultgren was actually at. Trump rally in Illinois before the election, a candidate Trump supported and he lost). But there is a deeper issue I don’t see a lot of republicans or former republicans acknowledge. That this started years ago,


For all the faults democrats have, and there are many as the endless chastising by the media tells us, I still don’t believe the insurgency is anywhere near as bad as what the Tea Party did. For all the crowing about how the democrats can’t go far left, very few of them won races. And Before I hear about Beto and Gillum,and Abrams, these folks are not far left, they support common sense policies. And yes Medicare for All is a common sense policy even supported by 55% of republicans. Or maybe the compromise becomes giving people a public option to purchase. And I haven’t heard one of them, including Beto who’s from El Paso, talk about open borders. And reforming ICE is not radical, it’s a necessity, especially since now ICE is claiming they are not responsible for their employees for sexual abusing detainees, because their situations are not like they are in prison(prisoners are protected), so it must be mutual consent. 


Why should they they be mad at Trump. He’s doing what he always does, makes it about him. Even one of those articles you posted indicates Ryan refused to bring their bill to a vote. And that piece Carl posted from The NY Times was excellent and showed the disarray with the GOP and how disciplined the democrats have been this time, and Pelosi deserves a lot of that credit. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell deserve much of the blame. And before people start crowing about the senate, it’s likely the senate might gain 2 seats. Is that supposed to be a huge success for the best map they’ve had in over 100 years. They lost Montana, Ohio, and Michigan we’ll see how republicans next election do in places,like Colorado and Maine and Arizona and Iowa.

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