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Maya Wiley's very patient and kind if amused reactions to Nunberg's endless meltdown are a thing to behold as she slowly and gently explains to him why he needs to comply with his subpoena and may in fact be going to jail, but this shot in particular (with Nunberg to far right, next to a lost Ari Melber who's next to Wiley) says it all:



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Translation: the drugs (which were NOT anti-depressants, let's get that straight) have worn off, the bartender has CUT him off, and now he realizes he has effed himself royally just by going on TV.

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At first I thought this whole thing was funny and exactly what these terrible people deserve, but now I'm concerned this guy has truly cracked and might try to harm himself.  I hope he has family watching out for him.


Of course, then Mueller has to send the sheriff and force him to give up his info, if he won't go by choice. No mercy on that front. 

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Me too.  If there is a god, may he forgive me for not being a bigger person, but I love watching them go broke. Plus not one of them seems hard enough to stand up to what's coming to them.  Don't do the crime, if you don't have a spine. 


These idiots really thought they could do whatever they wanted even at this level and not have to face the music. Unbelievable! Kushner is the one that stuns me. He saw his father go to jail, he knows it can happen.

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It's only fitting since the GOP made (and continue to make) such a big deal about BENGHAZI!!.


Roy Moore can't pay his legal bills either.  So, of course, leave it to some redneck out there who'll decide that what these guys need is a telethon.  (Jerry's Kids?  Meet Trump's Minions.)


And you can take THAT to da bank.



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