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With these crazy mofos in charge of the U.S. and N.K., and with Trump's loose lips and big mouth, I guess we'd better prepare for more missile tests from North Korea.


Kim vows to consider hardline response to US



Speaking of crazy mofos, these GOP fools would rather see people die than admit that their ACA replacement bills are trash.  All eleventy-billion of them.

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Of course, since many GOP Senators have no idea what is in their own bills, is it any wonder all except the Trumpists reject these flop replacement bills? Cassidy had to be schooled by NPR on what is actually in the bill he's trying to push!  Unbelievably ridiculous!


Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Polling came out today and only 20% of Americans support this bill. It takes away PEC coverage, one of the most popular components of the ACA and something Trump promised he would keep, and guts Medicaid, a program Trump promised when he campaigned he would not cut. 40% of Trump voters support it which means 60% don't. It also kicks 32 million people off of healthcare, and puts the lifetime cap back in place another popular component of the ACA. People over 50 and people like me who are now self employed and have a PEC(I had breast cancer) would be penalized up the wazoo for insurance.


People wanted the swamp drained but the real reason the GOP is pushing this thru is related to something again Trump promised he would get rid of = The swamp and big money interests. The Koch brothers told the GOP leadership in June and again in August that there is 400 million dollars for 2018 races that will not go to the GOP races if this doesn't happen. So damn the promises made by Trump, he's so dumb he doesn't know what's in the bill, worst of all doesn't care, and is only interested in a win regardless of what he promised on his campaign and told people he would do. It's all about erasing a black president.


This has the potential to cause mass chaos in the healthcare industry. In Illinois we have rural hospital in the parts of the state that are red that rely on Medicaid and these hospitals for healthcare(white Trump voters by the way) who will suffer and die as a result. Many of these hospitals will have to close due to the Medicaid gutting.

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I wonder if even this will make the media care - if this passes. They are still so obsessed with inside baseball and who has won or lost. 


I hope that this has taught Jimmy Kimmel a lesson about schmoozing with Republicans just because it gets headlines and positive attention. You can't trust a Republican. You just can't. Bill Cassidy used him and then walked away without even leaving any money on the bedside table. No wonder Kimmel is so heated. 

Edited by DRW50
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Home this morning and honestly I don't know why I am watching Morning Joe and listening to them hammer The NY Times for their Clinton coverage while completely ignoring their own role in propping up Trump is just mind boggling.


Onto another topic 

Anyone who has ever read the book Boss by Mike Royko and the Richard Daley(the first Mayor Daley of Chicago) knows how deep patronage was in his administration. Lots of buddies got jobs. But even with that, most of the people appointed had a modicum of knowledge. 

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They can change their usernames but they're still BLOCKED, glad I don't see the nonsense.


Guess what?  #DotardTrump is trending across social media so I guess what many of us thought could never happen a year ago, has happened...people are actually agreeing with Kim Jong-un on something!


All the proposed ACA replacement bills are garbage and all but the most dimwitted of the lot knows it. So those trolls can continue to post in feeble attempts to re-write history, they are merely showing their imbecility, like their Jim Jones-ish leader.

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I don't know if people are watching the Ken Burns documentary on Vietnam. It's a lot more low key than his prior work, but he's using a lot of personal stories to frame it. It's incredibly powerful and it does make you realize how polarized this country was at the time.. Many of the same issues we see today we're framed in that era. Inequality, polarization, heightened domestic violence. Last night they covered Muhammad Ali and how his stand on registering for the draft cost him titles and his livelihood due to his stance on civil rights the famous quote " why should I serve a country that doesn't respect or treat me equally". Sound familiar. Also the gvmt lies about Vietnam and the war going back to the Truman administration. 


Ken Burns was interviewed last week by Charlie Rose and talked about how this country never really recovered from Vietnam or learned from it. Followed with Watergate, that's helped set our current political climate.  I knew there were lies about the success in Vietnam, the propaganda McNamara spewed, and there are boxes of private memos to President Johnson where he shares his concerns and doubts, complete opposite to the public persona. What I didn't realize is that they had Nixons undermining of the peace process prior to the 1968 election recorded  and Johnson knew and believed it was a treasonous act, but kept quiet thinking it would help fuel more anger and violence if made public.In hindsight it likely would have altered the 1968 election and perhaps history.





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