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I laughed when I heard about Trump's meltdown yesterday because it was a validation that Trump was who I always thought he was. 


For all of Trump's bluster yesterday, it didn't deter Baltimore from removing their Confederate statues.



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Baltimore should be used to [!@#$%^&*] being done in the middle of the night.  Am I right, Colts fans?

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Fox & Friends segment goes horribly awry: Fox's black pundits go rogue and break down as Abby Huntsman lamely attempts to pivot to the issue of "the historical statues" in Charlottesville. This is worth a watch, because however pathetic I find it that they're on the Fox News payroll I do feel for and believe these two.


Nicolle Wallace says Trump has disgraced the country.


Don Lemon doubles down.

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Once upon a time, I said that we weren't ready for a Black president; that Barack Obama came too soon; and that we would suffer a backlash for rushing progress. But, that was then, as they say, and this is now.

Since uttering those words, I have realized that it wouldn't have mattered whether someone like Obama came along in 2009 or 2059. What is happening to us now would still happen to us if we had waited another fifty or so years to elect a Black or other non-White man as our leader; and really, that's beside the point. What IS the point is that if we were to wait for what Dr. King so eloquently called "a more convenient season" to effect real progress in America, we would be waiting indefinitely, with no guarantees that that moment would ever arrive.


Progress does not happen unless you and I MAKE it happen, and NOW. The lines of bigotry and ignorance that divide us will not be erased unless we stop RIGHT NOW and ask why they remain and what we can do to eradicate them.


I've always believed that each of us is an instrument for God's use, and that He has his reasons for allowing even the most unconscionable things to occur. I think God used Donald Trump yesterday afternoon, not to ridicule Americans or White people, or to defend the white supremacists' repugnant ideology, but to show White America -- not just the white nationalists, the white supremacists, and the Nazis who persist with their filth, but every Caucasian man and woman in this country -- what racism TRULY resembles and why it is so necessary that we keep striving, no matter how long it takes or how many times we have to stop and regroup, toward change.

Racism is not dead just because we managed to place a Black man in the ultimate position of power...and racism won't BE dead until we drive a stake through its heart, see it collapse into dust and dissipate into the air.

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I will repeat something Chris Kennedy said at a townhall he conducted at a few weeks ago. Imagine a more competent version of Donald Trump in office. Someone like for example an Adolf Hitlet who knew how to work the system and how to at least for a period of time, get things done. Perhaps that higher being sent Trump here to rip the bandaid off and show us all what still exists. I laugh honestly at the GOP outrrage when they have fueled this flame KNOWINGLY for 40 years. Those ignorant to history who keep talking about Robert Byrd or how the democrats founded the KKK much be ignorant to what happened to the democrats and GOP once Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act and want to pretend like the rest of us are as ignorant as they are. Like most of us don't know that Byrd actually repented unlike the man in the White House who still wants 5 innocent black men executed for a rape they didn't commit.


Lyndon Johnson was wrong and right about 2 things. Wrong about the democrats  losing the south for a generation after he signed the Civil Rights Act. It's been 2. Right about that you can go up to a white man and pick his pocket outright as long as you tell him he's better than a black person.

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Good for the Black pundits, because, truthfully, this is about so much more than those damn statues.  Trump opened that Pandora's box himself.


Good, as well, for Wallace and Lemon.  Being complicit to racism is as negligible as racism itself.  No one working in the Trump administration can justify continuing to work for someone who is as prejudiced and intractable as that man.  Not after yesterday.


Stelter is right: if what happened was due to Trump's unhappiness with the media coverage over his initial remarks about Charlottesville, we can only imagine how he'll react to all of this.


You know, I look at the footage from that press conference, and my mind can't help but recall that episode of "Good Times" where Penny's biological mother was busted for trying to make Willona appear to be a bad mother, via the very tape recorder she had bought for Penny as a present.  Specifically, it's the one where Willona says, "That's you...ON TAPE!!".



That's the truly funny/sad part: if Trump had achieved even half of what he vaguely promised to do during the election....



My own brother, an AFRICAN-AMERICAN, actually said, "Trump is my president!"


He's going through a divorce, so I chose to let that slide.

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My dad is 71 and he's very old school in a lot of ways. He's a Navy/Vietnam Veteran so it baffles me how he can support Trump in any way. I'm curious if my brother was still alive if he would have supported Trump or not.

Go President Obama

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I agree. To that point, I said something else elsewhere today when someone called Obama's eight years "a pyrrhic victory," which I don't agree with. I said a version of something this last night here as well, but I still wanted to add this:


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I agree with that. It's weird cause my dad didn't teach me to hate or anything but in some aspect's it's clear he has stereotypes about Blacks/Mexican's, etc....


As I grew up I knew hating someone for the color of their skin was stupid. It's just something I knew without really being taught it.

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Does this girl have her work cut out for her, OR WHAT?



That is what's so deadly about racism: it doesn't always come out, draped in flags, giving hand salutes, telling everyone who is "an Other" to go back where they came from.  


Racism is like a weed that seeks to choke out the healthier plants that are tolerance, acceptance, enlightenment and love; and its seeds are carried in the hearts of all otherwise good men and women and their preconceptions and misconceptions of others who are not as they are.

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