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I  mentioned this before but anyone who believes the Trump administration's lazy North Korea policy of basically trying to get China to fix 'em will be sorely disappointed.

This article gives an example of why. 


China and North Korea are engaging in even more trade than ever now/

China's iron ore imports from N.Korea double



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I've never seen anything like Trump publicly and repeatedly berating his attorney general months after choosing him for the job. If Sessions wasn't such a piece of scum I might pity him, as this must be bewildering and humiliating beyond belief. All I can think is that I can't imagine what the reaction would be if a Democrat were doing this.The GOP would likely try to have him committed or try to have their own AG take the role over. Yet with Trump it's mostly just crickets. 

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He wasn't thinking. Did you hear how slurred his speech was? Between that and hislack of impulse control and his trips down memory lane to his friends sex yacht I'd guess he's about at Stage 5 of dementia.


I have no pity for him at all. What I find so funny is that Sessions gave up his job as a senator in order to become A.G. If Donnie fires him, then Jeff is out of a job completely.

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