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Trump criticized Obama for writing Executive Orders but already Trump has written more EOs that Obama did in his first term. In fact, Trump has written more EOs than any other President in recorded history!


Pay attention to the man behind the curtain: Trump is no wizard of government

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I'm not really that into the hype over her speaking up on Twitter but the backlash against her is disgusting - and not just from trolls, there have been hit pieces in major publications as well. I'm not sure why.


Speaking of Obama (earlier in the thread), I see that Bernie and Elizabeth Warren are criticizing him for a 400K speech. I don't really understand why this is a big priority. Yes, you shouldn't be cozy with Wall Street, but who cares? Let him have his money. If they really think that Joe in Topeka is going to not vote for a Democrat because Obama gives a big speech to Wall Street, good luck to them.


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What gets me is that the original "argument" against paid Wall Street speeches is supposed to be that it could signal a conflict of interest. Supposedly the issue with Hillary was that if she gave speeches for them then once she was in the White House she'd be beholden to them. That's not the case with Obama. He's never going to hold elected office again so there's no way it makes a difference. 


I had some Berniac on another page tell me how Bernie doesn't take paid speaking gigs. It gave me great pleasure to let that baby revolutionary know that as a sitting member of Congress Bernie is forbidden from doing paid speeches but he never corrects that misunderstanding because that doesn't play to his purity narrative.



Too much of this country is stuck in permanent campaign mode and campaign mode needs a Clinton to hate on. Also, IMO, given how the resistance is overwhelmingly female a lot of people are starting to leak their latent misogyny.

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So Jane Sanders is and has been under FBI investigation for over a year due to her actions in potentially leading Burlington College to Bankruptcy. You know this would not bother me as much if SHE and BERNIE did not hammer on the FBI investigation into Clinton and calling her corrupt as a result. Jane in particular was hammering away on how the investigation needed to speed up. While this is not Bernie but his wife, it didn't stop many from attacking Bill for events that happened 20 years ago. And I am trying not to relive the primary and move on, but this "faux outrage" over Obama's taking money for a speech by Warren and Sanders will accomplish nothing other than alienating those of us who still respect and appreciate Obama just floored me.


This and the 200k the college settled on her when she was fired, might be why those tax returns never got released.



See this is the kind of stuff that would have been dug up about Sanders had he been the one to run vs Clinton. HRC had plenty of op research that was never used and you can bet the GOP had an even larger bundle.


And allegedly Sanders strong armed the bank to give her the loan which had falsified information on it from her.


I realize the story by the way is old news but I don't know if the FBI part is. I was not aware of it last year.


And the letter was written by a right wing constituent who was likely put up to requesting these documents. I believe she dropped her request.

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That definitely would have been used against Sanders had he been the Democratic nominee and he would have lost by even more than Hillary did. Another reason the tax returns were never released was because Sanders tried to portray himself as destitute to bolster his image as outside the establishment. After the election, they purchased a $600,000 lakefront house. Per FEC rules, it's illegal to use campaign money for personal reasons, but he was paying his wife and family for "consulting" reasons and probably found a way to funnel those $27 donations into his pocket.

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Anyone read about this




"Asked by reporters whether Republicans would have to pass the short-term bill without Democratic votes, McCarthy said, “Yeah.”

Democrats have threatened to oppose the temporary spending bill if there wasn’t a bipartisan deal on a $1 trillion measure financing the government through September. Final agreement on some loose ends in that massive measure has remained elusive."


So guess what. The 1 week extension got passed and Paul Ryan got 207 GOP votes, not enough to pass the 1 week extension. It got passed gulp "due to democrats"


Seriously this is a huge failure for these guys. Healthcare reform could legitimately happen if the moderate GOP and democrats worked together for it. But Ryan and many of the GOP leadership may not be tea baggers, but they are owned by the Koch Brothers. 




On a completely different topic, I may not always agree with Noam Chomsky, but I respect his intellect and thought process. And I always learn something from listening to him. For those who are interested, he appears on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman fairly often.


An except of his recent appearance(you can find the entire interview online on the youtube Democracy Now channel), but here he talks about how and why the Republican Part is the most dangerous entity on earth today.



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If someone posted this before, pardon me, however, seems as if I'm just seeing this news.


US GDP growth weakens to 0.7 percent


...but the good news is that there may be another housing market bubble on the horizon.

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