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Trump doesn't like Pence. Or Ryan. Or Reince Priebus. Or most of the GOP.


And he has no policy or politics of his own. He was espousing liberal policies five, ten years ago. He is a sociopath and goes with what is popular and gets him attention. If a Democrat in the Congress can begin cozying up to him, talking about how the party deserted him in the election (which he is already steamed about) and how they don't want him to be his own man with his own mind, he can be manipulated. He will not turn into our man, but it can be done. It is distasteful but it is one of their only prayers of beginning to contain the damage - play Iago to Trump, pit him against the GOP. It's already beginning to happen without us.

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Khan has said everything about Mike Pence, really, but he just terrifies me. Trump is also terrifying, as is Rudy and that whole cabal, so I feel like I am lessening them by talking about Pence, but that isn't my intent. I do think that Trump is bored enough to let him get involved in a lot of social policy, and making who knows what kinds of changes we will only hear dribs and drabs about (especially funding of hate groups - the media ignored it because the media is full of homophobes and woman-haters and loves white androids anyway, but Pence supports reparative therapy AKA brainwash and torture and also supports forced birthing). I imagine he will have a lot of influence on SCOTUS too, although I have a feeling Rudy will be the main ear on that. I hope that he was just chosen to drive up the "Jesus told me to hate you" vote and will not have major influence. If only...


I also wonder what influence his son-in-law will have. He's young and naive, could be easily shut out, but he also seems grasping and I doubt Trump would have won without him. 


There will likely be power struggles galore, all with hands over the red button. 

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Pence is very dangerous. But he and others can potentially be neutralized by pitting Trump against them. He already doesn't like Pence and Ryan and the others will begin failing him soon enough.


Jared Kushner is soft and comes from a liberal family. He latched onto Trump as a new daddy figure to avenge his own. He may be clever and cunning but he is not a right wing ideologue and he is not ready to knife-fight the old GOP.

Edited by Vee
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That's almost putting it mildly.  Now, you can believe homosexuality to be an abomination and learned behavior.  That's your right.  But it takes a special kind of evil, IMO, to endorse something like conversion therapy.  Dead-eyed Mike Pence is that kind of evil.

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I know absolutely no one in the state of Louisana except a friend of a friend (who is a doctor in New Orleans) whom I am barely in contact with these days (not deliberately) it's just that she's extremely hard to reach.

I thought I'd pass this on to anyone who might know someone or any board members themselves who are residents of Louisiana and are registered to vote there.

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Trump is on his best behavior? Guess what when Hitler was elected Chancellor Germans convinced themselves he was too. And that tweet last night that we know someone else had to clean up for him said it all.


His cabinet is being filled with a lot of the same old establishment and racist people. Now we find out Ryan said their plan is also to privatize medicare (Didn't Trump promise to protect SS and Medicare).


At the end of the day it's the same GOP bullshit they will get and sadly is going to hurt the same people who believed all his BS.



There is an opportunity here IMO to rebuild the DNC. All the old guard has to go and I have to admit I am out of touch and totally overestimated white women, who are dumber than a box of rocks. But Al Giordano made a good point. Maybe the people leading "revolutions" or rebuilding need to be women, particularly women of color because who better knows how to tackle disenfranchisement and discrimination.


I'm already joining the ACLU myself and I have some legal experience so I plan on volunteering. Also Pantsuit Nation on Facebook is now up to 4 million members and are organizing subgroups nationwide all over the country to start talking and working on how to build and work to get good people back in political office at all levels. The subgroup I have joined in the Chicago Northside already has a meeting setup for next week. But we do need people who are organizers, can lead, and know what's involved in promoting and growing a grass roots movement. Men and Women


I am scared as hell but I'm also motivated. I've never been an activist before but I am ready for it.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Our job is to never stop saying "I told you so."


When the wall doesn't get built, "I told you so."

When they lose their health insurance, "I told you so."

When they send us back into a recession, "I told you so."

When unemployment is back in the double digits, "I told you so."

When Trump starts a trade war, "I told you so."

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YES.  Thank you.


True.  But, like I said before, maybe that's what needs to happen.  For once, the liberal and progressive left will be off the metaphorical hook.  If the GOP cannot make this country grow with control of all three branches of government, then they have only themselves to blame.

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Doesn't surprise me about Jill Stein. I thought she came across very poorly - the epitome of the smart idiot - in the campaign. The Greens never get it together. 


As for Pence, it's likely just his ties to Washington. Looks like Trump's cohorts are huddling in for the real say. 



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