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He's back, but then, he never really went away.




This says it all, about  how easy and meaningless it is to get big money from CNN while working on a campaign. He's a journalist now! Ooh. Then again, with the likes of Geraldo and Stephanopolous out there, I guess he's not far off. 


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Trump's attempt at a scripted sitdown with Dr. Oz about his health - complete with a physical - evidently did not go well, presumably because he is obese and clearly on who knows what. This morning the Trump campaign abruptly announced no physical results will be released and instead they will have a talk about 'wellness and positive thinking.' The press is going after it.

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Can we keep this man for another 4 years?


He's such a great campaigner. And like Bill Clinton actually better than Clinton, he has such an ability to crystalize anything. And this campaign stop got a ton of coverage EVERYWHERE yesterday. He talks about the new economic report that showed wages increasing by the highest percentage since the 1960's in 2015 and poverty decreased. Now is it a wonder why his approval ratings are now close to 60%. I wouldn't be sad if HRC laid up for another few days and let him campaign on her behalf.





And Vee I have no idea what Trump's campaign was thinking. It's obvious the man is not in good physical health. He's overweight, his face is often beet red, with his diet of soda and fast food, he has to have high cholesterol, blood pressure, and I can't imagine any of his bloodwork being good. People have talked about his stamina but there have been rumors circulating that he takes amphetamines.


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Obama on the campaign trail is everything. One of the reasons I was so eager for Bernie to go the hell away was because as long as he stayed in the race Obama had to sit on the sidelines. When it comes to campaigning Obama is everything Hillary isn't. That's not a slam against her. Unlike a lot of people I genuinely like Hillary Clinton and I'm enthusiastic about voting FOR her and not just against Trump and it has nothing to do with her gender but Obama like Bill C just has the kind of charisma that you can't fake and you can't learn. The shame for me is I'm actually old enough to remember what Hillary was like before she became so guarded and cautious. The "deplorables" comment was like seeing original recipe Hillary again for just a brief moment.

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So Nate Silvers polling numbers now give Trump a 1 in 3 chance of winning. Scary times folks. Silver is comparing this to Brexit where the numbers started shifting weeks before the vote but still were leaning towards staying the day before the vote. And we see how that went.


Bloomberg poll in Ohio taken the past 4 days in the midst of deplorables and health scare has Clinton down to Trump by 5 points.

Edited by JaneAusten
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I think there's a pretty decent chance Trump will win (I'd say about 45% or more), but I wish pollsters wouldn't compare us to Brexit. It's a different country (whatever you want to call the UK), different people, different circumstances. I think when the media does that it's an example of how insulated and precious they are. 

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I've been nervous about this election for awhile, but more nervous now, as Trump's chances continue to increase. I also hate hearing how they are both terrible candidates because I don't think that at all. Of course there are things with Hillary that make me go "Hmmm," but isn't that par for the course with politicians? I think the media has really a done a number on her, and I myself, who supported her in 2008, stopped up until recently, because the media convinced me she should never be President. Then, I spent hours doing my own research when I had time off from work and was like, "Wait a minute..." 


HRC is lucky to have POTUS and FLOTUS (Friday) in her corner. I think they are both great people, Obama has been an effective president, Michelle an awesome First Lady, and they are also really good at campaigning. I was reading something yesterday. Wish I had the link saved, but it was how that HRC isn't a good candidate but she could be a good president. Basically, she isn't great on the campaign trail, but that won't affect her ability to effectively run the country. 


I hope the media is all over Trump's health now and the "right to privacy" he is allowed but not HRC. 

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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The "they're both awful" is poisonous and leads to apathy, and also leads to what many say, which is, "At least Trump's honest" (even though he actually isn't). All those out there on the left who made a production of how terrible Hillary is and how noble they are to consider voting for her will choke on their words when a man who hates them and is backed by people who want to send them into the gutters is sent to the White House. 

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I've been following the election campaign off and on since it affects us outside the U.S too, whether we like it or not. Whoever sits in the White House has an enormous influence all around the world, and it's unbelievable that this is even a contest. Anyone with half a brain should realize that Donald Trump is not qualified to hold the office of president. I simply cannot understand how anyone could seriously consider voting for him. I realize that Hillary Clinton isn't popular among many Americans, but I defy anyone to deny that she is infinitely more competent and qualified than Trump. 

Can you even imagine Donald Trump at a political conference with other world leaders? I'm almost embarrassed just thinking about it, and I'm not even American. 

To all those who might vote for Trump just because they don't like Hillary, and I realize that there are very few, if any, of those here, I have just one thing to say. Think long and hard about what you do, and if you really cannot vote for Hillary then at least don't vote for Trump. Stay home instead. and don't vote at all. Normally I would never encourage anyone not to exorcise their right to vote in an election, but this is a very special situation. Donald Trump in the White House would be an unmitigated disaster.

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Yes to all of this!


I don't think so either.  I read something the other day from New York Magazine that put it very well: 


"The average undecided voter is getting snippets of news from television personalities like Lauer, who are failing to convey the fact that the election pits a normal politician with normal political failings against an ignorant, bigoted, pathologically dishonest authoritarian."


It's sickening.  The term "the lesser of two evils" may have been appropriate at some point in modern history, but this election it is most definitely not.  I still can't get my head around how any sane, fairly open-minded person could look at these two candidates and be undecided.



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I actually heard Chris Cuomo just today in a clip I was watching during lunch in an interview with David Axlerod that they do and should handled Clinton differently because she has years of political experience. I think even Axelrod was floored. I wasn't surprised to hear this but it gets back to grading on a curve and honestly being completely tone deaf. We are not talking about auditioning for a reality show, we are talking about the most critical job in the world. I don't think any of these people really have any clue what Americans have to deal with on a daily basis.  And I honestly can't believe that this Newsweek story hasn't gotten a lot more traction yet. Hell the GOP claiming to be the super patriots that they are, this should raise red flags everywhere. All of the conflicts of interest when it comes to foreign policy, an area the president actually has some autonomy over, is the scariest thing of anything to me. Who knows maybe they figure Trump will end up dead or impeached within a year so they don't care. I have no clue. But none of these people even McCain who has become a doddering old blowhard are who I thought they were. Russia I am honestly not as worried about as I am China. They are probably salivating and they sit back and keep quiet while Trump runs all over himself praising Putin.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Frankly that's less damaging than the other stuff about how he thinks Trump is deranged, talks about Flynn(Trump's military guy) being off kilter and how he was fired from his prior post due to his behavior, and his dishing the Cheney's and Rumsfeld. Not that anyone cares about the later two at this point.

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