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Hopefully this is the end of Marco Rubio.   No one even brings up his talking point is paranoid and deranged.   Even if you think he is right on every issue, how does no one ask him why he thinks Obama intentionally is out to destroy America.   At least The Donald says Obama just doesn't know what he is doing,  Rubio has turned Obama into Dr Evil.    Christie did a good job and I am sure he was a very good prosecutor, but he can't win.   I thought the Donald had a very good night with the way he was explaining to these people eminent domain.   He is completely right, although Bush was right about the old lady in Atlantic City.    Also, Trump missed an opportunity early on when the discussion was temperament and nukes to remind everyone he is the only one who was against the war, and meanwhile Cruz has discussed about nuking the mideast to see if sand glows.  Trump dismissed Jeb there at the end and Jeb just doesn't know how to stand up for himself.  He tries, but what adult man accepts another shushing him on live TV--and then shutting up?

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You make a good point about the crazy talk Marco Rubio engages in. I wonder who benefits from his downfall, if he really is falling down. When I read debate twitter it was full of people thrilled with Rubio calling abortion a human rights issue instead of a social issue. <_<


Even though I think Marco is a nutty extremist I can't really take joy in this situation because when I look at the Republican field one is as bad as the next.  Meanwhile, someone asked me who I was voting for the other day and I had to admit I don't think it matters much. I'd be happy with either HRC or Sanders.


Also, when it comes to nuking or even carpet bombing the Middle East, I wish someone would call these guys on their whole right to life shtick. Half a million children under the age of 5 have died because of our gulf wars and these guys want to blow up the civilian population over there again. Some people just won't learn.

Edited by Juliajms
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You're of course referring to Glenn Thrush who's an idiot and likes to think he's some sorta political genius. That's his own personal opinion but I don't ascribe it to the whole site. 

His number one agenda along with Annie Karni is to make sure Hillary Clinton does NOT win the White House. To that end he's firmly against Donald Trump because he believes he's an electoral disaster and he'll do anything to minimize the heat for people like Christie or Rubio. 

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Fair point. To be honest I don't think it will hurt Rubio, which speaks volumes of the stupidity of many of today's Republicans. He hates Obama and that's all they hear. 


Speaking of stupidity, here are some incredible examples of why many young women don't like to call themselves feminists: 



Edited by DRW50
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This part is for damn sure. I was reading that the elite democrats kind of weeded the field for HRC by encouraging some of the interested parties to "wait their turn" and I'm starting to wonder if that did more harm than good.
Is Michael Bloomberg thinking of running as an independent? If so, I really hope he thinks better of it.
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Another false politico story which Hillary herself has already said is made up. 


Again this is how the Media operates. They want to create this narrative to make supporters both within and outside the campaign nervous. It's not gonna work this time though. 


I hope the margin of victory tomorrow is within 10% but any victory by Bernie Sanders tomorrow is hollow at best given he's been a next door neighbor for decades. 


Even though rubio is displaying some robot tendacies I'd rather have him than Cruz or Trump. In an ideal world Jeb would far be the best option but that last name and the history behind it is just too toxic to overcome. That being said I could def see myself voting for Jeb before Bernie....

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I don't see where Bill or Hillary are doing anything wrong.   As in 2008, the media is ever out to get them and once again have anointed the latest savior.   I like Bernie but has the media even asked him how much free tuition for all will cost or what the economic implications of his tax hike will be--or even how he intends on getting his programs passed through congress?  No, they just like anyone who is opposed to the Clintons.   SNL made fun of this back in 2008 and their dead on sendups of the Barack-Hillary debates.   They are doing it again.  Bill attacks Bernie?   Why is that so terrible in a year when the very same media loves it when Trump attacks everyone or Rubio claims Obama is an agent of evil intentionally out to destroy America?  They just want to find something to attack Bill or Hillary with. 


I am also not sure the Republican will be tougher than Bernie.   Maybe Chris Christie because he is so coarse and mean, but other than that who is going to give Hillary a hard time in debates, Trump?  And which issue is it that the majority of Americans will side with Ted Cruz on?  Gun control?  Gay Marriage?  What do the republicans have to say that the country agrees with?  That gas prices are at $2 a gallon and it sucks?   That the stock market is double what it was in 2008 and it sucks? 

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I don't think they're doing anything all that bad in the public eye (although I don't think Bill or Chelsea are very good surrogates...), but it sounds like the campaign is having the same feudal wars they had in 2008, and that worries me a lot. They crippled her campaign the last time around. 

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