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Obama spent years playing BFF with Republicans. The Republicans said at the start that their only goal was to make sure he lost re-election. If anything he's been too cordial about them. This is a party that spends more time investigating "fraud" in school lunches than they do in solving problems.

If Clinton had been elected people would say they should have gone for Obama. Given her support for the free trade policies that destroyed a lot of the economy, I doubt things would be different.

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Having enjoyed your posts for a good while here, and been made to think about many points you have made during that time - I admit I'm baffled by your unflagging support for Obama, Carl. I mean... I get your political leanings (and I respect you for them because you make such rational, thoughtful, passionate posts - even when I don't always agree) - but you seem to gloss over the failings of Obama and how clearly he has steered the US in the wrong direction.

The quotes above are kind of like your best Obama bash - kind of sort of maybe indicating an Obama failing, but kind of sort of maybe indicating that it isn't totally his fault and that anybody else would have struggled given how awful the Republicans are... I just can't buy that, Carl. Obama NEVER pretended to be buds with the Republicans. He campaigned on unicorns and rainbows but became one of the most partisan shills EVER when he assumed office.

See, I go back to a very simple point: Obama HAD the government for two years. He had TOTAL control with Congress in his pocket and he STILL derailed the country. The point can't be made more clear than that: the man and his policies have failed. And to the point that even many liberals are now disgusted and frustrated... if for no other reason than Obama has damaged the true progressive movement because he is far more extreme than moderate liberals!

Looking at it from the other side of the fence... as awful as things are because of his failed policies and failed leadership, it has probably been a good thing in the long run for the United States of America as an extreme leftwing agenda has been hobbled. Had Obama approached things in a more moderate fashion this first term, he would have definitely enjoyed a second term to push forth a more extreme vision for the country. He was too aggressive and I believe it WILL cost him the election.

Carl, if you disagree with all this... tell me where I'm wrong. How has Obama's policies helped America?

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With the filibuster, one of the 60 senators terminally ill, another (Franken) not seated for months due to a court battle, and another (Lieberman) a senator who had divided loyalties, at best, I don't think it was ever total control.

I think Obama should have pushed harder while he had more of a chance. But he wanted to be friends with the GOP, and wanted to be above it all.

The problem is that the GOP said, outright, that they were not interested in bipartisanship. Mitch McConnell said their main goal was to defeat Obama. I don't ever know why Obama or anyone else ever goes along with the fantasy that bipartisanship is possible. I think Obama did, mostly because of delusions or to make himself look good. Only recently has he really changed this.

Probably not very much. I mostly wonder if things would be even worse.

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What puzzles me at times are which of Obama's policies most drive the GOP to say he's the worst ever, and bring up Carter, or in the words of Hank Williams Jr, Hitler. The Bush tax cuts that were supposed to be a huge boon to our economy are still there. Obamacare is a milder version of what Mitt Romney, who has led most GOP primary polls for a long time, passed, and continues to defend. The terror policies are basically the same. Bush passed a larger stimulus than Obama ever did, with Republican support.

So I guess that leaves muttering over raising taxes on the rich (which will never happen), guns, abortion and gay rights, and a lot of hysteria over climate change. And giving money to people who have been hit by natural disasters, which, until a few months ago, was not seen as a horrible thing.

Edited by CarlD2
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Shockingly, after telling people no 500 times, having absolutely nothing in common with the GOP base, and being a middlingly popular governor beloved mostly for yelling at reporters and hating unions, Chris Christie has said he won't run for President.


What will the hyperventilating media do now that another of their fantasies failed? I guess they could try to draft McCain 2012. They loved him. Or they could get Sarah Palin.

I guess this will lead to yet more stories about elites begging the superstar that is Paul Ryan.

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Well, for me, Obama's presidency could have won or lost in the first 6 months. IA with not going after the Bush Admin for war crimes. All that would have done is bogged down the country in a needless back-and-forth, and would have made legislating impossible (even though I still feel Cheney should serve the rest of his life in prison). But, in trying to work with Republicans, he did serious damage to himself. I completely understand trying to work with both sides of Congress, but the people wanted to see him take charge, make the right decisions &, win or lose, come out on the side of the American people. he instead decided to make speeches, say one thing and then behind closed doors do another, and seem like he was going after one group of voters (Independents) than governing for the entire country.

With that said, I still will vote for him. There is entirely too much baggage for any of the current candidates to change my mind, with the things that have been said and done by these people over the past 6-7 years or so, more or less. Rick Perry? No way. The voters in his own state can't stand him. Also, as with him, there is this class warfare that will win one if these candidates (most likely Romney) the nomination, but will be disastrous in the general election. they have turned off so many sections of our country that I say to them "How do you think you will get the votes of the people that you actively rail against in a general election?"

The Republican Party really needs to find the middle ground again. Hell, there are some, if very few, Republicans that i would vote for. But the ultra-right wing has hijacked this party. Until that changes......I personally don't see it getting any better for that party.

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(taking some out due to bad formatting)

In interesting news tonight, the Republican Governor's Association spent $2.5 million in the West Virginia gubernatorial race. They ran a barrage of ads saying that if you vote for the Democratic incumbent, you're voting for Obama. In spite of this, the Democrat won.

But don't worry - the "liberal" media still made their spin clear.

Edited by CarlD2
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I always have time to criticize a Republican for some comment, so I should praise a Republican who won't vote for a state constitutional amendment because it will ban civil unions.


I'm not sure if Renee Elmers will get away with that comment, but best of luck to her.

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Carl, you should be commended for praising a Republican (who is a conservative, unlike Mike Castle).

Historically, WV has been one of the most Democratic states in the country. And while it has voted for the Republican nominee for president three times in a row, the Democrats still dominate the state and local government there (so this most recent victory is no surprise). In most statewide elections, the Democratic nominee tries to distance himself as far away from the national party as possible (and from Obama in particular, given his piss poor approval rating there). (For instance, in last year's Senate race, Joe Manchin won by campaigning against cap and trade and ObamaCare. And once in office, Manchin proved to be a complete coward: he refused to vote one way or the other when it came to repealing DADT, saying that he had a family Christmas party to attend instead.) The fact that Politico said Obama was in trouble in WV despite a Democrat winning is completely accurate, and hardly indicates that Politico is a member of the "conservatively-biased" media.

Edited by Max
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To me, it's just silly to write an article before the votes are counted saying that no matter what, Obama is a loser. Obama is unpopular in WV and probably always has been. He has many problems and failings that didn't really impact this race. Republicans outspent Democrats 2-to-1, against a rookie governor who wasn't the best candidate. They lost anyway. Yet the media ignores this in favor of the easier spin.

She was never going to run. It's too lucrative for her to stay where she is. Too bad for her she handled this so poorly.

So what do you think of the Occupy Wall Street protests? Do you think they are, as Mitt "I'm unemployed too" Romney says, they are "class warfare"?

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This is the last time I'll talk about the debate booing, but this is the absolute mealiest-mouthed, desperately pandering statement I have ever seen, from who else but Mitt Romney. Running for President for five years and this is the best he can come up with. I know from his history that he will side with anti-gay voices but I didn't know he would so embarrassingly tap dance every which way.


At least one of Perry's backers, who, frighteningly, has a large role in veterans' affairs in New Hampshire, is much more honest about his views.


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Cain keeps rising. I think this is down to the lack of debates over the past few weeks, and when Perry is in another debate, he will do OK, or at least not awful, and his support will go up again. But I must say that the number of errors on Perry's part is surprising - the latest being the fiasco with his backer going on stage and attacking LDS. And I believe that - once again - most of the people running haven't said anything.


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