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AMC: Annie and Erica Spoilers


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I forgot about these two events. Then of course there was the time she, along with Natalie and Jeremy, were outside on a ledge that was about to collapse.

There was also that time with the grizzly bear, but I think really, it was other way around....the bear was on the brink of death, not Erica. :lol:

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LOL and Erica PAID for what she did with actual jail time, and Maria didn't become her BFF.

KWAK went to jail, David lost his license and had to clean floors and whatnot.

Babe-bad example, cause she was hated till the day she died for not ever paying for what she did to Bianca.

Tad killed Madden, sure and people to this day HATE how Tad is written. You mean you haven't heard? It's wanked that Tad didn't kill Madden, the earthquake did :rolleyes:

She didn't mean to hurt her? LOL I wondered how long before someone would wank this ish. YES she means to hurt her, she freaking stabs her. Oye

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E-x-a-c-t-l-y. You just pointed out cases when people did horrible things and got to stay on the show!

Who's to say Annie won't PAY for her crimes? You're just justifying everybody else's actions because they they "paid" for what they did, WITHOUT ANNIE'S STORY EVEN PLAYING OUT!! Annie is done for because "she faked her own daughter's kidnapping" but Erica keeping a kid for months and making her parents BELIEVE SHE WAS DEAD is fine because Erica paid for her crime! And Annie won't!?!? Annie's being sent to Oakhaven, for starters.

Stop with the Zendall edits & wanking, ma'am, and take a course in logic.

And please. Erica was in jail for five minutes. She got off easy.

Ms. Kane also got off for stabbing Dimitri. Oh, wait, that wasn't her fault! She was led into a state of psychosis after Kendall lied and claimed Dimitri had raped her. This was after Kendall locked Bianca in the crypt, but before she knowingly left her alone with a rapist. But of course, Ms. Hart is now Pine Valley's most self-righteous hypocrite with dozens of crazy fans wanking at the foot of her shrine daily, praising her pureness, truthfulness, and absolute saintliness, while wondering why Ryan and Greenlee -- those crazy kids -- just didn't listen to Kendall all along about Annie when Kendall wrote the book on how to be a deceitful bitch in the first place.

Wank, wank, wank, wank, wank, wank, wank.

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Someone as crazy as Annie NEEDS to be in Oak Haven, not prison. That's not your average, "hahahaha" crazy. Annie is a grade-A wacko and needs to be somewhere she can get help, not in prison. Someone who stages their own child's kidnapping is obviously not sane.

And while we're on the topic of people paying, ZACH needs to pay for knowing Annie killed Ritchie but instead of turning her in, he decided it was a good idea to blackmail her into giving up her child. IMO that's what set Annie's full range of craziness off.

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