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AMC: SOD Spoilers

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Credit goes to Betty at Soapcentral for posting these:

Aidan is in cahoots w/ Annie, & the pair dragged an unsuspecting Di Henry (Annie's friend/Aidan's ex) into the plot when Di is asked to watch Emma. The motive? Revenge on Ryan! Aidan was initially reluctant, but agreed to help Annie after finding Ryan & Greens kissing during the tornado.

Things go wrong, & Di ends up dead. Aidan takes a bullet for Greens, but survives.

Di grabs Annie's gun - she's furious that she was used in the kidnapping scheme. They struggle, & the gun goes off. Di is wounded - Aidan is distraught. Di grabs the gun & aims at Annie. Aidan pushes Greens out of the way & takes a bullet to the chest.

Expect David to use an offscreen Jeff & Jamie to make Tad's life miserable.

Heather Kenzie appears as Di Henry (Kelli Giddish was unavailable) for two episodes, culminating in Di's death.

JR Martinez, a real life vet of the Iraqi war, debuts as Brot Monroe on 11/7.

Frank Runyeon has been cast as Forrest Williams, Reese's father.

Rebecca Budig will be exiting the role of Greenlee in early spring 2009. Sabine Singh was fired when the show lured RB back.

Michael E. Knight has renewed his contract.

Amanda, who wakes up in bed w/ David, agrees to help him take JR down for money that she desperately needs.

Brot witnesses Taylor's closeness to Jake. Colby urges Brot to reveal himself to Taylor.

AMC's tornado scenes get editor's choice.

Editorial note that Eileen Herlie deserves an onscreen memorial in addition to having the show's 10,000th episode dedicated to her memory.

Jack's surprised by Erica's living arrangements...

David makes Amanda an offer she doesn't refuse...

Ryan tells Aidan he's suspicious of Annie...

A viewer finds Bianca & Zach cold & callous, & unrecognizable.

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Glad they first asked Kelli Giddish. Glad they are bringing Di into the mix. Not glad they are killing her off all for this...

Annie/Aiden teaming up against Ryan though makes me smile. Ryan deserves to be [!@#$%^&*] on...

Can't wait for David/Amanda. Love that Jeff and Jamie are being used too!

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Okay this isn't so bad since Di wasn't in on what was going on.

I like that the writers used history and brought Di into this, and I don't care that she's going to be killed off because, as much as some people may have loved Di, she isn't the kind of character they were ever going to bring back full-time.

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Sounds all very good, I love the David/Amanda angle. I think there is real chemistry there. I am glad Kelli was asked first and I kind of agree with LeClerc, at least they delve into character history with Annie and Di...... and yeah as much as I loved Di I know she was never going to be back in a full time capacity.... Annie and Aidan in cahoots... makes sense I knew Annie was involved all along. I love that it is revenge based on Ryan but man Annie, you gotta stop using your kid like that.... girl needs some serious mental help! I really hope they keep Melissa and commit Annie and see her reintegrate herself back into PV. MCE has proven she is a hot commodity (to me anyway) and AMC should not squander this opportunity and simply just write her off.

MEK has renewed his contract :) I was worried for a bit.

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I'm also glad that Annie is behind the kidnapping! Someone needed to put Ryan in his place and crazy Annie has been so much more interesting than sane Annie was, imo. I hope Pratt keeps her around and lets her get away with most of her schemes against her ex. I'm still hoping Annie hooks up with David eventually and together they rule Pine Valley!

I don't mind Di being killed off since as others said, it's not like the character would be brought back full time anyway and Kelli Giddish was asked to return. Also, it's not out of character since she didn't know about the kidnapping plot.

At least Amanda's getting a story but we'll see how good it is. I'm just not picturing her & David together yet.

Yay to Tad staying!!!! I can't wait to see how David uses Josh & Jamie against him.

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Looks like NO character is safe from Pratt's poison pen, and there is NO fanbase he won't crap on.

Way to go Pratt, isolating even more viewers :rolleyes:

Sad but true unfortunately. Characters are slowly becoming unrecognizable thanks to Pratt, even more so than they were with the Bears, and even with McTavish.

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