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AMC: SOD Spoilers

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Credit goes to Betty at Soapcentral:

After a one-week honeymoon, Alicia Minshew returns to tape some Kendall scenes that will air during Alicia's hiatus. Zach will transfer a comatose Kendall to a recovery facility in Canada. AM is aware that Pratt plans a personality shift for Kendall post-coma, & while she won't mind a scheming Kendall, Alicia wants Pratt to keep Kendall's heart & the integrity of her relationship w/ Zach & her boys. AM can't wait for when Kendall freaks out on Zach about the baby.

Agnes Nixon appears as Auggie, a PV founder, in the 10,000th episode, scheduled to air on 11/12.

Walt Willey (Jackson) has signed a new contract.

Krystal feels sympathy for David as they mourn their daughter, possibly causing problems in her marriage. JR is wary of the softer persona David adopts (he hopes to catch JR off-guard). David thinks Amanda would be a good ally, & gives her a shoulder to cry on after her breakup w/ Jake. When David kisses her, Amanda responds.

Thorsten Kaye hopes that the real-life passing of Eileen Herlie has as much of an impact on the show as it had on his real life & wants AMC to honor her memory properly. TK would like to see some of Myrtle's things in the Slater home.

Ryan begins to doubt Aidan, who is helping Ryan recover the kidnapped Emma & Annie. AT shares that Aidan is a broken man. On 11/11, Jesse wants Angie's honesty.

David makes a move on Amanda...Adam gets under Jackson's skin...Tad meets the man who hired him to investigate Taylor.

Carolyn Hinsey says that all of the angry AMC fans e-mailing about Zach fathering Bianca's child need to take a step back, & accept Alicia's real-life hiatus & Bianca's return, no matter how far-fetched the s/l. CH goes on to state that viewers do NOT have to accept the preposterous s/l of Aidan's bugging Greens' earring, when all he had to do was check her cellphone.

A viewer can't believe that AMC would so blatantly igmore history & character growth to allow another Zendall secret. It's inconceivable that Zach, to whom Kendall & their boys mean everything, would keep secret his fathering Bianca's child.

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"Carolyn Hinsey says that all of the angry AMC fans e-mailing about Zach fathering Bianca's child need to take a step back, & accept Alicia's real-life hiatus & Bianca's return, no matter how far-fetched the s/l. CH goes on to state that viewers do NOT have to accept the preposterous s/l of Aidan's bugging Greens' earring, when all he had to do was check her cellphone.

A viewer can't believe that AMC would so blatantly igmore history & character growth to allow another Zendall secret. It's inconceivable that Zach, to whom Kendall & their boys mean everything, would keep secret his fathering Bianca's child.


Carolyn is crazy. Why should people accept it? It doesn't bother me per se--but just cuz Hinsey says so, fans shoudl accept it? The bugging the earing was dumb but he knew the two were talking--checking her cellphone wasn't going to do much...

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Took the words right outta my mouth...

She has to be the most biased, uneven critic ever, and frankly I'm surprised that she'd so publicly support a TK s/l so soon after Hinseygate. We soap fans have long memories, that whole mess won't soon be forgotten.

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I think Carolyn has much a right to state her opinion on the soaps as anyone else does. Her views are controversial, they are skewed by her allegiances to certain actors/shows/producers, she gives in to her own fan obsessions, but at the end of the day, so do many people in the free press that is internet message board.

I cannot wait for the announcement of what they are going to as a tribute to Eileen's passing. She was loved by so many onset. One guest star I know they have to have locked in is Francesca James, as she still works with the show and actually released a statement about her passing. Why James is not given a higher agency with AMC is beyond me. She understands the heart of the program and has a rapport with the actors like no other.

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I have no problem with CH expressing an opinion even when I don't agree with it, but in this article she basically tells viewers to stuff their opinions and just accept a story. That's not being controversial, that's just being rude and deserves a rude response.

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Just because they do something rude, doesn't mean we have to be as low as them. We can always take the higher road and its not as if she doesn't have a right to say what she thinks weather people agree with her or not. She has every right just like you or I do. Its not like what she says is going to change how I feel about certain storylines or characters. She just stating her opinion thats it, end of story.

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