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Really fun episode. The day of the MacKenzie barbecue arrives and, with it, the reveal that Mack and Paula spent the night in the same hotel room. Lee gets to do some good, subtle work here, as she hides how angry she is that this detail was kept from her, and later suspects that something did happen between her husband and their friend. She’s particularly good in the kitchen scene where she tells Mack she wants "the truth, no jokes." Although Mack admits he’s attracted to Paula, Karen is a glass half-full kind of gal, and focuses on the positive stuff: He didn’t bonk her. How understanding!


Meanwhile, Eric's back, and dressing like a grandfather. Seriously, Greg comes off more youthful. It’s nice to see Eric again but unfortunately, he comes chained to that thing he calls a wife. Cue endless moaning about the fact that others eat meat and how tough life is for her. I did find her more tolerable than their last visit, especially when it became clear that she and Eric had something to tell Karen and Mack… I somehow hoped she’s dying or they’re divorcing and wanted to tell them together… Horror! She’ll be moving in with the MacKenzies for months, while poor Eric is sent abroad. NOOOOO.


After taking the first two episodes of the season off, Harold and Olivia are back (and so is sweet Michael). Olivia is enforcing a strict budget, and it all descends into chaos when she discovers Harold bought the expensive kind of ice cream. They are quickly embroiled in one of those petty arguments couples get into until they find apologize to each other and go watch a movie. Carafotes is really good here.


There are a couple of excellent scenes dealing with Nagata, Hawkins, and Ted. In the first one, Greg goes to his office (after asking Paige to come back to work for him) and finds a very much alive Ted sitting on his couch. Ted blackmails Greg in exchange for the pictures Paige has. By the time Greg goes to Paige, it’s too late: She’s already turned the pictures in. The police decide they don’t have much to go on, and drop the case, and Greg somehow agrees to just send Ted to Japan. Wow, I thought Ted would end up dead by the end of this. Both scenes are filmed wonderfully—at night, with lots of shadows, blacked out surroundings and focus only on the actors, that sort of thing. Paige and Ted run into each other by the elevator and ride down together. Slapping ensues – Paige slaps Ted, and Ted slaps Paige. Paige's face is priceless. Ted leaves Paige with some parting advice: To take advantage of the fact that Greg is in love with her. I don’t know if this is Ted's final appearance, but I’m going to miss him. What a fascinating character he ended up being, and what shocking turn of events.


Danny's not having a good week: First Val turns down his proposal(s), then Bobby and Betsy begin to throw some major shade at him. Danny avoids talking to the twins’ kindergarten teacher, Amanda. Uh oh. While Gary continues his frantic search for Sally's friend, Val continues to turn down Danny's proposals. Danny is all sweet and understanding about it, and then visits his girlfriend, Amanda. That bastard! Lemme guess? Amanda must also be Sally's friend! A mess!


Winner of the episode: Harold, and that fabulous six-pack of his that will not be affected by extravagantly expensive ice cream!



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Following the advice Ted Melcher gave her last week, Paige wonders (to poor, captive Carlos) whether she can trust Greg, and decides to milk him for all he’s worth: Abby's old office, a company car, a computer, $120,000 a year salary. Greg, of course, gives in, and wants to celebrate with champagne, but Paige keeps things strictly professional. The interplay between those two is very interesting and their chemistry white hot. You can see why the show is placing so much on their shoulders.


The developments at Sumner Group are very painful to our lovable duo of idiot, Mort and Bob, who make their first appearance of the season as they theorize Paige is still around because she’s doing Greg sexual favors. Mort, with his characteristic humility, figures he’s good-looking enough to stand out in the competition for Abby's old office. His reaction to finding out Paige has it is priceless.


Meanwhile, from eons ago, the show addresses the theft of Michael's software by Johnny Rourke (I actually kind of miss Johnny). Greg pays Michael $100,000 to end the matter, then offers him a job at Sumner. Amusingly, this sends Mack and Karen through the roof. Both parties attempt to psychologically manipulate each other but it doesn’t work, and Karen ends up screaming at Michael in a way that makes Head Screamer Mack very proud. It’s pretty funny.


Harold tries to stay patient as Olivia bitches to him about the brand of soda he bought. If you switch over, you see, they’ll save 31 dollars a year! I’m surprised Harold hasn’t pulled some of his mafia enforcer moves on Olivia yet.


Karen finally confronts Paula about her feelings for Mack. "You’re my friend!" Paula whines and somehow gains the moral ground.


Frank helps Gary search for Sally's Friend all through L.A. At one point, Gary knocks on the right apartment but Chester, being a dog that’s useless, doesn’t actually bark when Gary rings the bell, so Gary moves on.


It feels good to have so much focus on Gary and Val again. It just feels right. Danny drives Amanda to work with no apparent concern whether Val is actually there (he misses her car altogether). Val, of course, spots him, and a little too naively believes his explanation that he was there for her. The twins tell Gary that Danny is yucky, and my God, are they right or what? There is a subtle change to Danny now. We see moments of his true self shining out; he looks positively psychotic in some of the shots. Val resents Gary's interference (possibly because he says Danny is yucky) and reveals to Danny that Gary is the twins’ father. Then, the show goes on coincidence overload: Not only does Frank sing, but he is performing at the same place, same night as Amanda, who also happens to sing, who happens to be there with Danny, who Gary happens to see, while Amanda happens to have her dog with her, so Gary will accidentally hear her refer to him as Chester, so then he can find out the truth. Phew. I’m exhausted.


Winner of the episode: Michael, who now has $100,000 and a nice job, without a degree, and for managing to win against Greg.


Loser of the episode: Chester. What kind of dog doesn’t bark when the bell rings?



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I remember how it seemed like Danny went to psychoville in the blink of an eye. 


The Sumner Group is one of the most underrated parts of KL in the late '80s and early '90s - it's one of the things that kept me interested as I had less and less time for characters like Mack and Karen. I sometimes wonder if they created that setting to compete with LA Law, as that was it's main timeslot rival. Either way, it was fun and exciting and fresh. It's interesting to compare it to Lotus Point (which I also enjoyed) in how they were written. 


I'm just sorry Laura never got to be a part of it. 

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