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Carolyn Hinsey Fired!

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That may be true, but I haven't posted at Jossip and I never worked for the woman. I'd heard enough stories though. And really, maybe there's a time and a place for that particular spirit. Some people just attract the karmic payback.

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All this crapola was going on behind-the-scenes at these soap mags and nobody thought to transcribe that gold and work it into the soaps themselves? Man, imagine what Fusion or Restless Style could have been! Wonder who would have played the Carolyn Hinsey character. Greenlee? Phyllis?

Seriously, ratings would be soaring. Add in the allegations about a certain person's supposed (and smokin') love life, and the soaps would be hitting 5.0-8.0 in HHs right about now.

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Carolyn Hinsey is the reason I stopped buying the soap magazines. I might give them a second look now that she's gone. She doesn't have respect for the fans in general, with her it's like you're here because of us NOT we're here because of you. It doesn't work that way and hopefully that will sink in for Ms. Hinsey.

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Sickening, how? People are venting about a mean boss they had and engaging in some dumb gossip which will be forgotten by next week. That is not the worst thing in the world, believe me. Take a look around you or walk outside. There is death, destruction and economic and social depression. THAT is sickening garbage. This is just a small corner of the print-based soap world having a fit, but no doubt it (and the people involved) will continue to renew and recycle themselves.

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That's the saddest part about all of this to me. In the end, nothing will really change. She'll resurrect somewhere else and start all over. That's the reason people like Hinsey are allowed to thrive in spite of offering less and less. We see it in soap management and creative too. It's just musical chairs. Second verse, same as the first.

That's another reason I'm enjoying that thread. That's one bell that can't be un-rung.

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Actually, Sylph, I take back my previous post and get off my high horse. I was WAY too self-righteous.

Am in the office today and almost EVERYBODY else is away on vacation, so I've been feeling a little stir-crazy. The Jossip thread kinda took hold of me, like some crazy fever! But, on reflection, it is like watching a car crash in slo-mo. It is also outing actors who probably don't want that stuff, whether it be truth or lies, out in public and besmirching their reputation. So it's prob time to let it go. I think I'm going to have a cool drink and get some REAL work done before I call it a day. :lol:

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LOL!! Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what's been scooped. ... just a different view. Although not everything being thrown into the feeding frenzy over there is true. Tons definitely is, especially about Carolyn. But, yes, two outings, if people didn't know, and an affair, if people didn't know ... There hasn't really been one good gossip site for soaps in a long time!!

But, Mark, some of the 'vitirol' early on, come on, surely you can kinda 'get' that, right? After there was blood in the water, though, some of those people are just enjoying being outrageous. Some not.

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I think the industry is so corrupt and insular and diseased that outing all the slime is probably the best thing for it. I get so tired of hearing magazines tell people in Peoria that Christian LeBlanc is a "swinging bachelor."

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Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say!!

I've been sick of Hinsey and her slanted coverage of GUIDING LIGHT (which basically amounted to "If it ain't Reva, it's crap!") for many years. Maybe now, they can get an opinion column that covers all of GL and not just Hinsey's buddy.

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