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Carolyn Hinsey Fired!

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The soaps of today are comedies in comparison to the drama's they are supposed to be. S&P doesn't meddle with primetime as it does with Daytime due to the fallout of the FCC and the PCA complaining about bare skin. If Daytime soaps exclusively aired at night after 11pm, we might have a chance of getting the action and adventure we crave, but unfortunatley, as you said...we are stuck in the 1950's where mother's were housewives stuck in the kitchen and watched their daily soaps while preparing for their children to come home from school. The mere thought of sex on TV was unthinkinable.

All the talk of GH being a Sopranos type show is B.S. because you never see anything REALLY happen on this show. The days of Brenda getting shot in the shower, Lily's car blowing up or the Puerto Rico remote with boats and gun-fire? That was a Sopranos type show. Not this crap we're getting today.

Soaps need to bring that drama to the screen and not keep it behind the scenes as we've been learning as of late. The more dramatic the story, the more people will tune in. Until they transfer all that to the screen, people will live their own dramatic lives and forger there was a thing call a soap on the air.

In fact, when I talk soaps to others they look down on me...but if this were the 1980's or the early 1990's? They'd be so there!

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And even more depressed because soaps were pushing the envelope somewhat once upon a time -- before Boobgate.

And, yes, I know what you mean about soaps. It's a habit a tend to keep on the down-low now.

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I will say this...if there is one thing we have learned about Carolyn being "fired," it is that no one person is unstoppable in this genre. There will come a point where one of these people in charge will lose their jobs and we hope that when that happens, whatever change that comes about because of it is for the better, not the worse.

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How many people, like me, had complaints about Angela Shapiro & the direction she seemed to be allowing the ABC soaps to go and now would give anything to have her back instead of Frons?

'Be careful what you wish for' has become twisted up with trying to remember that it can always get worse, even when you think that's unthinkable & every instance of frying pan & fire comparisons! Soaps keep trending downward in so many ways. They also have been doing so for so long. But, now, it moves so fast toward nowhere lower to go.

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QUOTE (Donna B @ Aug 11 2008, 04:28 PM)
How many people, like me, had complaints about Angela Shapiro & the direction she seemed to be allowing the ABC soaps to go and now would give anything to have her back instead of Frons?

'Be careful what you wish for' has become twisted up with trying to remember that it can always get worse, even when you think that's unthinkable & every instance of frying pan & fire comparisons! Soaps keep trending downward in so many ways. They also have been doing so for so long. But, now, it moves so fast toward nowhere lower to go.

Ugh. I rely on you for optimism :). But of course, what you say is absolutely right. Even when some people seem to be "saviors" at the start, the genre is left worse off by the end of their reign.

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But, good things came out of that beginning. I watched Y&R for 2 years, I think it was. The last time I had watched it was about 6 months of Jack Smith's tenure with the entirely misogynistic 'was it or wasn't it' rape storyline, where it clearly was rape. And, before that, I had watched another 6 months when Kay Alden had the real greenlight to do it herself. And, before that, off & on throughout the years. But, when all is said & done, Y&R came closest to grabbing me as a continuing regular viewer at the beginning of the Latham tenure. Of course, then, I became bored with what she was doing, or having done, and took it off TiVo. A boring soap is the worst sin to me.

Sorry to wander off away from Hinsey, ... ;)

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Somebody on Jossip essentially wrote an open letter to the soap stars who are undoubtedly reading the thread, especially with regards to rumors about sexuality. Something along the lines of "The vast majority of the soap audience is a lot more sophisticated than the drooling yokels you might take us for." ITA with that assertion.

That was me. I really think that the public is far more accepting than given credit and its about time. For God's sake this is ACTING. You don't expect the "doctor" on the screen to BE a doctor so why does the person in the love story HAVE to be Het? I am part of the fandoms of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (that gave a lovely love story with Willow and Tara), Dr. Who (that introduced the "omnisexual" character of Cpt. Jack played by the very out and proud John Barrowman now of Torchwood). If you saw the reactions of the fans to Mr. Barrowman and/or these characters you would not think viewers unable to process and accept.

On that thread at Jossip I am most interested in the behind the scenes manipulations that have seemingly contributed to trouble on OUR favorite shows. The "outing" sidetrack only takes from that but I can see how some actors might be nervous at the happenings on that thread there. It is up to 1111 posts already with no signs of an end and the carnage is amazing....mostly regarding the three "queen's of mean" at SOW and SOD as it should be.

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QUOTE (Donna B @ Aug 11 2008, 05:59 PM)
But, good things came out of that beginning. I watched Y&R for 2 years, I think it was. The last time I had watched it was about 6 months of Jack Smith's tenure with the entirely misogynistic 'was it or wasn't it' rape storyline, where it clearly was rape. And, before that, I had watched another 6 months when Kay Alden had the real greenlight to do it herself. And, before that, off & on throughout the years. But, when all is said & done, Y&R came closest to grabbing me as a continuing regular viewer at the beginning of the Latham tenure. Of course, then, I became bored with what she was doing, or having done, and took it off TiVo. A boring soap is the worst sin to me.

Sorry to wander off away from Hinsey, ... ;)

I thought Latham was the second coming! And I still defend the early part of her regime. But DonnaB tells it like it was for me too....the show became unfollowable (I wouldn't personally say boring)...the good she contributed was soon squandered.

But back to the Hinsey thread at Jossip. My goodness...now Frank Tobin!!! What is shocking to me is the now radio-silence from the SOD/SOW staff. They must have received some kind of cease and desist with a thread to follow their cyber-trails, huh?

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Well, about Y&R, I didn't have as much overall invested in it as I had never been a long-term regular fan, so our differences in terms for the end of the Latham good time might be accounted for there.

And, about SOD/SPW silence, ... I don't find it at all unusual. I find it to be regular, normal, SOP. I hope they were able to get some work done today. These are driving jobs with weekly deadlines where people are constantly working on things far down the line as well as working on the 'more last-minute' things. SOD goes to press Wednesday afternoon or evening. SPW, Thursday. Besides, what kind of response do you imagine? A reply to the hullabaloo up on their website? Or what?

I don't follow who you're thinking of with your 'cease & desist' comment, though. Do you mean you are surprised that Jossip hasn't been served such by Source Interlink's Legal Department? Or something else?

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