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Carolyn Hinsey Fired!

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I feel like the geeky girl who just got laughed out of cheerleading practice. *sob* I'm going to have to go back to eating lunch with Ms. Lipschitz the gym teacher aren't I?

Thanks. I get a lot of compliments on it. It's hard to look away, isn't it?

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You know, I actually had heard almost all the "juicy" stuff in that thread...which is shocking, because I am as far from an "insider" as it come. It just means I read too much. It also means I believe almost all of the juicy stuff in that thread.

What is compelling about that thread is the VITRIOL. I have never seen the lid let off like that. Just amazing. With promises of more.

So, I'm different from Sylph. I may or may not care, but the social phenomenon of watching a group of people emerge from these years of perceived repression and perceived abuse is ... unbelievable to watch.

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The NY Daily News no longer putting "Hinsey is the editor of Soap Opera Weekly" in Hinsey's Friday soap section sold me on this not just being "Jossip." Okay, bad joke. I thought readers were the ones who hated this woman most, who knew? lol

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That's it for me too. (Although as demonstrated upthread I clearly know nothing about soaps' seamy underbelly. I even thought JY was straight.) It's quite a study in mob rule, payback, karma, Stockholm Syndrome and all kinds of stuff, isn't it? It's like a crazy, evil revival meeting. People are testifyin' and truth tellin'! They're a-layin' down their burdens and a-raisin' up their voices! *waves hand in the air* Preach brothers and sisters. You are free!

Ahem...sorry. I got caught up in the spirit.

I liked this one

"... when I saw The Devil Wears Prada I remarked, "Oh, look, a nice Carolyn Hinsey."

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See, and that is the thing that worries me about that thread. Like I said, I have heard ALL those rumors. Which makes me also wonder if the thread is just posers, recycling old rumors...without any claim on the facts.

I hope, in the passage of time, CH's good contributions (which I would call "outspoken criticism" and "candid interviews borne of intimacy") are remembered IN BALANCE with her apparent flaws (well detailed in that email). We're all some balance of good and bad.

Meanwhile, I will sadly follow that thread like the train wreck it is. Good thing about flare-ups like that...they quickly burn out.

There is hope AND risk here. The hope is that the magazines might actually get better as a consequence of this. The risk...quite likely, I fear...is that we will lose 1-2 more magazines soon, as a further sign of the industry decline. While part of me thinks that is okay (the internet has taken over), failing to get that weekly promotion on the newstands at the grocery checkout could FURTHER harm overall industry ratings and promotion.

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I have an even harder time remembering Carolyn Hinsey's "good contributions" to daytime than I do remembering Ellen Wheeler's or Chris Goutman's. Let's look at them, as an example I'm sure some in this thread will uniquely appreciate: Maybe those two started with good intentions on a cancelled soap opera but that doesn't give them license to destroy the last two P&G soaps with a complete lack of respect or interest in their audience. It's like, I don't care if you played Marley; you're a terrible EP, your show is unrecognizable, and the actors look like they want to kill themselves before the wildlife in Bumfuck NJ eats them or they die of starvation. Or, I don't care if you produced AW in its twilight years and did a good run at ATWT, you are now destroying that show because you're a burnout case whose contempt for his audience, his employees and his show dripped from every word in your last interview.

All I've ever heard about Hinsey is that she is a sloppy drunk who hangs off the male actors, who must pretend to enjoy her company in order to keep up good PR, and that it is up to soap personnel to simply endure her when she appears at an event. Her "candor" ended when she got within a mile of Thorsten Kaye or Maurice Benard. Maybe she too, like the above, had good intentions once, but she ended up becoming a complete joke, the worst kind of example of a fan masquerading as a professional, spouting any company line (i.e., "you should be glad ABC fired Phil Carey and Anna Lee") as long as it benefitted people who didn't really like her but she called her 'friends.' Maybe because soaps are such a weird little shrunken industry, and their press even more so, she thought she could get away with being an absolute troll. But I guess the worm has turned.

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