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GHNS: Discussion Thread

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I am about 20 minutes in and its just as cheezy at Season 1. Makes me glad I don't get SoapNet at my apartment.

The one doctor looks like a blonde Ian Devlin.

I don't care much for the lightening.

And its generally boring just like the daytime version.

While Ethan Rains looks very similar to his brother he is noticeably shorter.

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Robin, Patrick and Epiphany were way better on NS2 than on GH. Much more warmth, humor, likeability. I'm not a major fan of either three on GH, to be honest with you. Robin is such a snotty bitch on GH that this Robin is like the Robin of old.

I LOVED the "Tania Jones Memorial Daycare" reference.

I want Sri Rao as GH's headwriter ASAP. I'd still take Phelps over deCazotte (yeah, I know, but it's choosing between two EPs I really don't like), although I appreciate how light the sets were and it wasn't overly dark and brooding like GH.

Loved Adam Grimes as Kyle. I disagree he couldn't act. He needs to be a little more polished but he seemed very natural in the role. I personally didn't see the gay thing coming whatsoever. LOL. I like the actress playing Claire. Also very natural. Not the *best* but not that bad either.

I hated the car crash. It was okay but it was just written badly. I laughed when Dr. Ford died. It was ludicrous. I'm glad he's gone but still, it sucked.

I also agree that they should use Kelly and Lainey.

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I thought I saw the Tania Jones sign. I thought it was awesome that they actually reference someone with deep history in the past.

Is Adam Grimes related to Scott Grimes? They look alike to me.

For the most part, I didn't care for NS. However, I loved seeing Jagger. He is so swoon worthy. I really wish Vanessa would come back first to GH where she tells Carly and Claudia to kiss her ass and then go to NS and have hot sex with Jagger and make beautiful babies

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I only saw the first 10 minutes and was bored out of my mind. Maybe I should try to watch the whole thing later. Couldnt stand the 2 new doctors who were in the locker room and hate the Leo recast. Have any of the new cast appeared on GH?

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It was alright. Didn't have the magic last year had, but still something to watch this summer. I think Robin and Patrick REALLY shine in this show and I like how its focused on them. I think Jagger coming back was a really nice surprise and he should have a pretty good storyline. As for the newbies, pretty annoying..though Claire reminds me so much of Izzie from Grey's Anatomy.

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love Kyle & Claire. They are my fave coupling on a soap right now, by far. I believe that they are friends. I loved her thinking his roomie was hot, and his story about how how his roomie pissed all over the floor, and then her 'why did you ahve lotion by your bed?' questiona nd his facial expression. It all just flows well.

I also really want to know more about Kyle & leo. They obviously do not get along for soemr eason, but still act like brothers...

Stone is too cute. I love jagger & Robin. Robint elling Patrick she is in love with another man was also cute Also, shouldnt all DR's have gloves on? i dont know because i am never at the dr's office or in the er (thank god). I love Rbin is all kid-crazy! lol

Siaria (is that how you spell it?) & Kyle forming a bond would be awesome and piss leo off. I really like her. She is very diff from anyone i ahve seen on a medical show.

ohhh, a slam on GH! ha...

Well hello hot naked drunk man! That bit was funny.

HA! I loved Ep's reaction to Jagger. THEY SHOULD SO SEX IT UP!!!

Stone & Robin discussing Stones & Robins was super cute.

The storyuline with the little girl is also really good and intersting. I love the way Robin & Stone play off eachother. They did a great job of giving him a real reason to be on the show unlike a certin someone last year.

'Its not that kind of talk' -Robin

'It Never is' -Patrick


umm okay ep. lets get all angry and crazy out of nowhere. wtf?

Aww. Kyle + sad old lady = cute! I loved how he just paid attention and realzed things. I loved how he put it all together. Leo is onna be pissed! ha. hes an asshate anyways. Wow, Leo being all cute with a little girl? wtf. That was unexpected. Oh... i wonder if this amuggled baby hits too close to home for Leo? Intersting...

EP + T were so cute.

Well Saria dont tell other people things a friend told you and asked you not to tell. Your fault hun.

That scene at the end with Kyle & Leo was really good. It was what i was waiting for.

There goes Robin again - butting into other peoples lives. But thats kidna why i love her. And at leats this isnt some random stranger. jagger freaking out and leaving was sad. But normal i would think...

Next week looks good.

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That final scene between them -- it turned out that Leo was the adopted one, "the screw up." I was surprised, I thought Kyle would be the adoptee, given that leo seemed somewhat in touch with his Persian background. And that's why he got all het up about that little girl being taken away from her real parents in China.

BTW, those were really great scenes in fleshing out Leo's character. He really grew on me in leaps and bounds in this episode.

They picked a really adorable and naturalistic child actor. He was excellent. And everytime ASJ and KMc share a scene, it's like the spirit of Great GH shimmers into view!

Saira (I think) still needs work as a character and the actress needs some work in her line delivery. But she is beautiful and I like that she's a holistic medicine-type. Going beyond the usual Grey's Anatomy/ER formula where operations + drugs = problem solved!

LOL, I actually jumped up and EEEEEed at that part! "You don't want to go there, it's mob-infested" or something. Dialogue Writer, I love you!

And this is why Epiphany is so awesome on this show. She's got humour and flirtatiousness and sexiness and fun. Sonya Eddy was all over that hotness, and ASJ was eating up the stroking. Epiphany should always be written like this.


Yeah, but later we got a hint as to why... And as a soapy show, that kind of thing should leave us hanging for a bit before returning to it

I hope he comes back. RAOWL! And Stone is the cuteness. Jagger needs to mix it up.


All-in-all -- a better episode than last week. Kyle and Leo could be the break-out characters on this spin-off, IMO.

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Cat, me and you were discussing Adam Gromes last week, and i found his youtube page. Its awesome. He is in this short where he is in love with Kermit the frog and finds Kirmet in bed with another man. ha.

it also has a comedy reel and a drama reel, FYI.

and there is a kyle/claire minisode online. where they move into the apartment.

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LOL. It's like Tom Casiello, Imaginary Bitches and thewriters' strike woke the soap world up and now all these soap actors and crew are involved in DIY web-projects!

And Frons is all about the online minisodes you can download onto your cell. :lol: I'm surprised they haven't incorporated into a NS episode, though.

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